Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: PS2Chris on January 04, 2002, 07:56:18 PM
Hey man, would you please change your e-mail address to instead of using MINE which is now (and has been since this past April). I\'m sick and tired of getting your damned "subcribing to threads" e-mails, they\'re annoying as hell, especially with the volume of mail that I get on a daily basis.
Also, why haven\'t you done anything for the site in the past year? And if you\'ve quit, why do you still have your "position" in your signature? Just curious. I\'m sorry if it sounds like I have a grudge against you or something, but it\'s just that you\'ve been subcribing to a LOT of topics as of late, and you need to get your e-mail straight. Thanks.
hey dude try sending him a PM because he might miss this topic you created
biy it must be fustrating getting those lame ass emails because someone responded to a post
even more so when its someone else
lol, I did, but I got the e-mail that said that I sent him one, so that doesn\'t really help does it now? ;)
Try the admins, ask\'em to change it for you.
Originally posted by PS2Chris
lol, I did, but I got the e-mail that said that I sent him one, so that doesn\'t really help does it now? ;)
yeah but when he logs into this forum he should get a pop up message telling him he\'s got a PM
No, you have to go to the users control panel and enable that setting....well atleast I did.
I never really got into all this PM stuff, so I never noticed I had one. As you can see its taken me a few months to notice as I hardly ever post, I just usually read the boards.
Chris, I don\'t know what the hell your problem is, but I never wanted that e-mail addy that bad, I was not purposefully keeping it from you. If you were that serious about it you could have gotten my other addys from your co-workers at
And as far as your hostile attitude about my signature I kept it because I was/am proud to say I worked there. And I did a pretty damn good job to go from a visitor, to a mod, to an admin, to a editor, to full-blown writer for the site. I put my time and effort in, why do U think Wayne was pissed when I left? I wish I could have stayed, but I had to face reality and get a real job that pays bills.
Sorry to everyone else for bringing up old topics, I just saw this myself.
And you felt the need to reply?