Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: (e) on February 11, 2003, 04:57:09 PM
you know how it goes...
Clothes please :D
This has to be one of my worst pictures, not only is it low quality, but I just dont like it. Taken roughly a month or 2 ago, for a school project :rolleyes:
Bleh, I hate it, but what the hell.
Isnt that eminem?
*waits for Spudz to get the joke*
spudz...i think hes implying that you\'re acting like eminem or something.
Hah... I\'ll get a pic of me now...
*recharges camera*
Originally posted by -____-
spudz...i think hes implying that you\'re acting like eminem or something.
Bah! No. I hate eminem. I was just standing their, I didnt even know the camera went off. Trust me on this one.
Bahaha.... Fear my sexiness... I just took this pic a second ago, and I\'m currently sick at the moment, hence the reason I look pissed.
Just look at my avy! ;)
You look freaky MPTheory...:)
I need a new picture.
Yeah dude, you don\'t even look like that anymore. You look much more do-able.
w0rd my nizzle\'s, me, my homedawg *who passed away :(* and my G-ride ;)
ok, none of you are m&m so get over it/ and/or celebrate it..
but I am a rockstar]
OMG Chizzy, that shot is a classic! The bottle of Jack just completes the composition perfectly. That shirt is awesome man. I think I only have one of those shirts left, ... a Rush shirt I think. Too bad it\'s way too small. I need to find another one of those! LOL! :D
Very recent picture of me and my girlfriend taken just a few days ago.... :D
me, with fiends, drunk as hell 5 in the morning.
I am the one that has just jumpped on everyone else
ehh.. well ;
How do you upload a picture?
Knotter8, is that a mug shot? ;)
oh, and project86, what kind of bike is that?
Mugshot ? :confused: Well, it was just one of those pics you
take in a sort of booth. Flip a coin in and SNAP! it does. I\'m never good at that, timing of the machine\'s flashlight always catches me
unexpectedly so hence the freaky pic of me :nerd:
Originally posted by CHIZZY
Knotter8, is that a mug shot? ;)
oh, and project86, what kind of bike is that?
Sorry bro, I have no idea what kind of bike that is. In fact, I got the pic from ugly people dot com or something like that. I just think the guy looks cool. Here, this is me on a good day...
Come on Project86, no more pics.
:laughing:, Sammy.
Originally posted by Samwise
Come on Project86, no more pics.
Your not refering to my real pic are you?:(
Yes I was. But don\'t worry, it was only in jest. :D
Here\'s a pic of me at work! I can\'t look happy in pictures. :D
Me and friends.I am the second counting from left.
Well, I think the time you know me has arrived. This was taken during the summer. Im now much thinner (i\'ve lost lots of kg). Here you have.
Ah WTF might as well...
ok i got a few, so ill post a few
yes my nephew does have things stuck on his face, and yes that is a cheesy smile
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Ah WTF might as well...
From now on buddy your my "mother Goose" from Top Gun
i\'ll post one tommorow i hope... i\'ll just borrow the departments Digital camera so that you can all see the current me.
Originally posted by ooseven
From now on buddy your my "mother Goose" from Top Gun
i\'ll post one tommorow i hope... i\'ll just borrow the departments Digital camera so that you can all see the current me.
:laughing: thats what happens after you have been wearing a goalie helmet for an hour. ;)
Yes my head is huge. I\'m working on changing that, though. :)
I wish I could grow a real beard. Maybe when I grow up.
Its a shame I can\'t post my pic because of the little hellions around here.
Im too lazy to get my digital camera so ill get my good catholic boy confirmation picture,lol. Was a year er so ago.
You remind me so much of Pee-wee herman..
for some odd reason i see the next up and coming boy band/group in your picture.
sammy, I thought u said no more pics. Get rid of that ugly person who u say is u and post your real pic. ;)
A pic of me and my girlfriend before we went out new years eve.
Erm... wtf, where did you come from. lol
who me? I mainly post in the madden forum. It\'s not like i\'m not allowed to post in off-topic, I come in here and post occasionally if something interests me.
Dun look at mee!!!11!1!1
Originally posted by Spudz
You remind me so much of Pee-wee herman..
k eminem, dawg :D
why the hell would you think i look like eminem?
because I am wearing a beanie? Because I am not smiling. So this guy must look like eminem
This guy too huh?
How can we forget, eminems long lost brother
I find it insulting to be compared to Eminem.
dude, why did you just post 3 pics of eminem?? J/k
I can\'t stand him either, and all these people who dye their hair and try to act like yourself!
Yes, I am very ugly as you can see.
Does that girl give good head?
Originally posted by Jumpman
Yes, I am very ugly as you can see.
I thought someone else posted that picture in an earlier thread :eek:
They did. It was Bozco.
I thought it was Bozco but I couldn\'t be sure... wtf! So Jumpman, I think you have been caught... :rolleyes:
yeah thats bozzy
Originally posted by Heat
Does that girl give good head?
You are my f*cking hero.
nOOne is as sexy as me yet....
BTW... adan... nice village, guy. Is that my shirt????
LMAO Jumpy :laughing:
Jumpman wasn\'t caught, he was simply calling Boz out for being unwilling to post his pick.
In good style too, claiming it to be himself.
Well I\'ve come to the conclusion that I am in fact the most attractive member here.
^^^^^ NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing:
Originally posted by CHIZZY
BTW... adan... nice village, guy. Is that my shirt????
That\'s my village, the town you sent the coins, but not, that\'s not yer shirt, yours is much cooler :P (Apart from official)
Originally posted by Heat
Does that girl give good head?
Nice man, real nice. Try respecting his chick next time.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
for some odd reason i see the next up and coming boy band/group in your picture.
Actually we had been planning to make a band but my friends rejected the idea weeks later.
Originally posted by Unicron!
Actually we had been planning to make a band but my friends rejected the idea weeks later.
Actually, you guys look like the Greek Mafia that is so present here in Buffalo, NY.
Perhaps thats an idea they wouldnt have rejected.The Cypriot Mafia.
Never knew there was a Greek Mafia in NY.Oh well.I learned one more thing today.
How do you shoe the pic without having to link to another page?
I dont think I look freaky Stapler
The women seem to love me ;)
So do black men, apparently....
HA, thats my friend...we DONT get down like that.
Originally posted by MPTheory
I dont think I look freaky Stapler
I was just referring to the photoshop filters that made you look like that :)
Originally posted by MPTheory
HA, thats my friend...we DONT get down like that.
wow... you\'re friends with alfonso ribero????!?!?
:laughing: Didn\'t that guy sell a break dance board back in the early 80\'s when he was on that show Silver Spoons with Ricky Schroeder?
Yes. Yes he did.
It would be great if someone had a picture of that thing - I think it was called "Breakin\' with Alfonso" or something equally as stupid.
Didn\'t he hang out with Michael Jackson as a child too?
Originally posted by CHIZZY
wow... you\'re friends with alfonso ribero????!?!?
hahaha dude, those two look nothing alike. Other then the fact that theyre both black.
Originally posted by MPTheory
hahaha dude, those two look nothing alike. Other then the fact that theyre both black.
Blacks are all the same.(Give me a KKK smily)
Originally posted by Unicron!
Blacks are all the same.(Give me a KKK smily)
I shake my head at you Unicron... you shoule be ashamed of yourself......Tisk Tisk
Originally posted by GigaShadow
I thought it was Bozco but I couldn\'t be sure... wtf! So Jumpman, I think you have been caught... :rolleyes:
Well done Sherlock!
Originally posted by Jumpman
Well done Sherlock!
Well I lump you in with SirMystiq when it comes to legitimate posts so... :rolleyes:
- you\'re an idiot for thinking I was actually being serious with that. It was a joke(gasp?). The whole "I\'m ugly" was a dead give away. Regardless, Bob got it right.
As for you kidding around, I know... I was being sarcastic in my last post ;)
EDIT: happy?
/me points at something
I was referring to the last part of your post... sheesh...
I was being sarcastic there. :p
This is one of my photos taken lastmonth, probably my worst picture on my computer, but the most recent....
oops...sorry, well, tell me whatcha think :)
Are you a photographer? Very nice photo.
Even if she is a photographer, she wouldn\'t be taking that pic cuz she\'s the one in it..... :p
Vacation this past Aug.
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
LMAO Jumpy :laughing:
Jumpman wasn\'t caught, he was simply calling Boz out for being unwilling to post his pick.
In good style too, claiming it to be himself.
I knew one of them would from GT. I didn\'t actually see the post, have been out of it lately. *gasp*.......Jumpman was joking, I found it funny too.
Originally posted by Bozco
Its a shame I can\'t post my pic because of the little hellions around here.
It was almost as if I was testing their assholeness with this comment, don\'t worry, they passed. :p
Originally posted by guar
Vacation this past Aug.
YOUR A BEAST!!!!!!111111
Pleastly plump is the correct term I believe...
me at a friends house a few months ago...
Bullshit, that aint you luckee.
Is it?
Originally posted by Spudz
Bullshit, that aint you luckee.
Is it?
Yup, not me. I have a bad habit of constantly finding pix of other ppl to post on every message forum possible. :rolleyes:
:D :D :D
For some reason I pictured you of Middle Eastern descendents..
Hopefully you dont find that offensive. For some reason you just did. :laughing:
To simply state without much detail..
+ dad
Come on luckee post your picture. I even harassed Ace to post his. ;)
whats so unbelievable about that pic being me? lol
Is it you... hmmm I must have missed something... ahhh sarcasm... I am tired and hungry. Must go eat... been a long day. Also didn\'t see the little :rolleyes: as I read it faster than it loaded. :)
Wow, I really did think you were Asian.
Now WTF made me think that.
LOL, these threads make me realise things. Especially how many geeks we have :D
Originally posted by SER
Even if she is a photographer, she wouldn\'t be taking that pic cuz she\'s the one in it..... :p
She could have been the one who set it up.
It has a nice artistic look to it.
I always had a feeling you were giving me the finger. :)
just for you baybeeee.. ;) You actually look very similar to a good friend of mine back in Chicago. Got any brothers thata way?
Originally posted by luckee
just for you baybeeee.. ;) You actually look very similar to a good friend of mine back in Chicago. Got any brothers thata way?
Not unless my parents have been fooling around without telling me.
lol, well everyone has a twin walking around.
You kinda look like Bubb in your avatar luckee. :D WOO WOO
Ha. Its funny how you get different visual impressions of people in you head until you actually see them. luckee=not what I picutred at all
Vid? Where did he post his pic? :confused:
Originally posted by SER
You kinda look like Bubb in your avatar luckee. :D WOO WOO
bubb rubb and myself could not be more opposite looking if we tried. Are you drunk? :D
Hey,just got my comp. fixed. Well, I got some glamour pix taken when we went on vaction, that one turned out hair is actually longer now tho.
Oh yeah and I meant to ask, is it all boys here?
Originally posted by Thats_so_me
Oh yeah and I meant to ask, is it all boys here?
Not boys, men! Well, some of us. :)
Oh yeah, i knew we are forgetting someone :
I need a new dart target. :laughing:
Well im 2 hot for a picutre sorry,,,im trying to find a recent picture of me so i can put it up
Originally posted by Thats_so_me
Oh yeah and I meant to ask, is it all boys here?
Although the female population in here is scarce, it does exist.
Originally posted by Samwise
Vid? Where did he post his pic? :confused:
Maybe not in this thread, but he has posted a picture of him and his family.
allright I wasnt but I guess I will....
by the way my hawk is down but normal i can get that biatch standing up pretty good!
He seems to be practicing karate.
That or its how they get down (dance) in \'Neckville.
he looks like he could kick both of your asses at the same time, so don\'t get any Mike Valelly-esque ideas... :laughing:
j/k ;)
Mike Vallelly is a kickass skater badass. Lol he really is tougher than you think chizzy.
And btw; I still think mohawks are for pussies, they are just trying to make up for a small dick.
yeah, I was talking about how tough he was.. guess you missed that. Ever see the vid of him kicking those frat dudes asses?
yea, hes on cky2k, kicks like 3 guys asses.... hes on cky4, shouting at some security blokes tryingt o stop him and bam skatin...rofl.....its hilarious
3 month old pic
1 month ago
Hey Putz..... I meant Spudz number 1. I am far from a redneck I freagin hate country music you abviously have never seen any of my music post secondly. If i was to stick my dick in your ass you wouldnt think it was so small (I know that works on my wife anyways) :laughing: by the way I am a pussy yes or I wouldnt be standing there doing Tai Chi, but what can you say my wife thought I looked cool so she took the pic.
Lol, I meant redneck as in the background. Their is a shack, and literally a \'\'redneck setting\'\'.
i didnt mean it literally, I know your not a \'neck. lol.
by the way I am a pussy yes
you said hawks were for pussies I have a hawk and I was agreeing with you yes I am a pussy but as someone that is very ensightfull once said you are what you eat
I love that comeback. :)
Alright... after a long time of pressure, here\'s my picture.
I knew it...
sammy is a blonde!
That explains so much :p
i know no one will care but i think
Unicron! is the sexiest guy here
and kopking would be second
:sits back and waits for the tigress bashing to start:
abusive comits in 5....4...3...2....1......
Tigress, dont always assume the worst from people its not good for ya.
^just a little advice
Originally posted by Gohan
1 month ago
Is your name Forest Whitaker, because you sure as hell look like him?
I did not mean that literally I ment seeing how this is a mostly guy forum they probably are not checking out the other guys lololol ( at least I don\'t think they are) and i know some of them are going to have some comits I just added that so everyone knows that i don\'t care what they say
(its almost an invite lol)
ya well looks arent everything and at least one of thier politics are ugly
Hmm tigress, surely you missed my picture. :D
Originally posted by Samwise
Hmm tigress, surely you missed my picture. :D
I missed it.......... The darts kept hitting the wall..... I\'m going to have to learn how to throw straight!!
;) :D :D ;)
Tigress post your picture...
if you think your all that great.
i think i saw it, wasnt it black and it agian though
no, that was someone else.
Originally posted by project86 (
HAHA, its like a reflection of him, ony a few years older... Good one stapler
Me & my wife...
Just got a new haircut...
(sorry bout the quality, but I had to edit with paint)
Man Brian, you\'re hot.
i think juslight looks more like vanilla ice than project....
sometimes I get the sneaking suspiscion that this board is slowly becoming a las vegas high school chat board.
If that is the case, hot horny 18-year-old chix line up and present resumes.....
PSX2CENTRAL: Bringing Las Vegas highschool students together since 2002.
Nah, its only Brian and I. But there are like six other guys in my computer class that come here as guests and look through threads and stuff.
Ha, nice pic juslight. Good thing the boss didnt walk in on that one eh?
Allright. This one was taken from our school\'s musical - so I might look a bit funny.
I\'m the one in the middle - with the flashing, white eyes:
Here\'s another:
And the last one:
*Looks at that last picture*
DJ, yer in the freakin play, try to keep it in yer pants!
heh heh... look out mr. burglar!
that your ak?
I have a picture of me holding a grenade launcher at the minnesota police department somehwere on my comp.
im like 8 years old, with little curly hair, and holding this bigass grenade launcher, and ammunition lining the walls.
Very cute :D
Holly Crap man.. whats up with the gun? haha
I\'m a lunatic.... and a villian.
I love rock-n-roll, put another dime in the jukebox, baby.
just chillin\' in the bathroom eh?
he looks good in there. I\'d be chillin\' too.
I need a digital camera or a scanner that works.
I\'m mixedblood... Filipino/Peruvian and about to turn 22.
bathrooms the best place to chill..... seriously though, I have no idea why I am posing in door to the bathroom...
hmmm bigrob does\'nt look that bad either
anyways its not that i think I am the greatest because i don\'t think I look good at all i probably have the lowest self esteem in here. I am working on posting up a pic but it might take a while because i have no scanner or web cam so i have to go talk to my friend nad well he is never around hardly
anyways personality is a big thing because just because you look sexy does not mean you have the greatest personality.
Here\'s one I\'m sure you\'ve all seen before but whatever... Gaze upon my chops of power once again!
yea.... i think i was drunk
anywhere were i can host these?
that\'s the link if you still care.
For..the first time ... EVER!
There ya\' go.
Aww.. Licky. How disappointing. You said you were going to post your first picture of you when you had all your facial piercings in :(
*LICs the screen*
L-I-C = Pritty Boy :D
/me rubs crotch :)
LIC looks exactly like my friend Jon.... creepy...
Originally posted by Darth Joyda
Allright. This one was taken from our school\'s musical - so I might look a bit funny.
I\'m the one in the middle - with the flashing, white eyes:
You went to school with Val Kilmer?
He must be into his 40s by now!!!
I\'m still tryin\' to find pictures of my piercings. I lost most of them almost a year ago - also I use to have long hair. I know I got pictures of \'em somewhere...if I could just find \'em.