Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: luckee on February 24, 2003, 10:44:43 PM
"WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is proposing to exempt the Pentagon\'s controversial missile defense system from the real-world operational testing legally required of every new weapons system so that it can be deployed by 2004. "
Why does it say 125 views and only one reply? :confused:
because noone cares anymore
its the same thing day in and day out...
and sorry for not using the back button lukkah
All I can say is please give me back the 45 seconds I wasted reading this stupid thread... PLEASE!!!11:(
Originally posted by SER
Why does it say 125 views and only one reply? :confused:
Because I clicked the topic, and then the back button, about 100 times just to show how significant this thread is. And how much of a life I lack.
Originally posted by project86
All I can say is please give me back the 45 seconds I wasted reading this stupid thread... PLEASE!!!11:(
What\'s stupid about it? Can I assume that you\'re all for wasting billions of dollars in defense department pork barrel for a weapon that doesn\'t work? Who could be in favor of that?
Originally posted by Coredweller
What\'s stupid about it? Can I assume that you\'re all for wasting billions of dollars in defense department pork barrel for a weapon that doesn\'t work? Who could be in favor of that?
I’ll tell you why I think it is stupid…
Reason #1: because I don’t care
Reason #2: because it’s a free country and I can say it is
Reason #3: because stuff like this has been pulled before by other political parties thus making this no biggie to me…’kay?
and everyone thought Regan was cokie for dreaming up Star Wars... Im betting right about now they are wishing he would have some more support for that back then...
I\'m not wishing for that.
Intercontinental Missile defense programs like these are unnecessary and dangerous because they destabilize international relations with the other nuclear powers. They also make it much more difficult for those superpowers to reduce their nuclear stockpiles. Sometimes I think that might be the real purpose of Star Wars... not to defend us against missile attacks, but to reduce the chances that we\'ll be forced to give up our weapons. When you look at it that way, it doesn\'t matter as much whether the program works or not. That\'s a very frightening thought.
Originally posted by project86
I?ll tell you why I think it is stupid?
Reason #1: because I don?t care
Reason #2: because it?s a free country and I can say it is
Reason #3: because stuff like this has been pulled before by other political parties thus making this no biggie to me??kay?
Ohh, just stop with the freedom shit. Let\'s see you try to walk into the womans restroom.
I hope they do get what they want. That way when the shit doesn\'t work. We can all safely say what everybody already knows. GWB isn\'t very bright.
define "isnt very bright"
me think you people would cut down ANYONE who held his position
it\'s someone to point a finger at
Originally posted by mm
define "isnt very bright"
me think you people would cut down ANYONE who held his position
it\'s someone to point a finger at
Well, me think that anyone that relies on that kind of stupid reply ISN\'T VERY BRIGHT themselves.
Now go, GWB needs a blow job.
In this particular situation "isn\'t very bright" doesn\'t apply to Gov. Bush. He probably had nothing to do with the testing exemption proposal in the 2004 budget. His cronies stuck that in there, I\'m sure, and it was in fact VERY SMART (for them). They can\'t make the damn thing work, so they have to exempt it from testing... there\'s no other rational way to justify continuing the pork. They\'re not stupid, they\'re screwing us.
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Ohh, just stop with the freedom shit. Let\'s see you try to walk into the womans restroom.
I\'ve done it :D Pushed counts :)
As for this missile, they might find a breakthrough which will make it work (i didn\'t read the link btw)
The reason we keep investing money in defense is because if we get into another World War, if we didn\'t invest money, we might be behind the gun. I like the older way of war, instead of all this nuclear and technology shit. Whatever happend to the loonies in planes fighting with just machine guns and people with rifles?
This isnt necessarily just about investing money into defense titan. They want to pass a missile defense system through without it going through the proper testing..IE it still doesnt work.
We could put a man on mars for less money.
"The Bush administration is proposing to exempt the Pentagon\'s controversial missile defense system from the real-world operational testing legally required of every new weapons system so that it can be deployed by 2004. "
well duh, we\'d only need a multi-billion dollar rocket to do such a thing. :)
You know, Cored you\'re right. I shouln\'t just say Bush. It\'s his goons that make him do it. He\'s the innocent one, his people are the devil trying to make him do bad deeds.
Originally posted by luckee
This isnt necessarily just about investing money into defense titan. They want to pass a missile defense system through without it going through the proper testing..IE it still doesnt work.
We could put a man on mars for less money.
"The Bush administration is proposing to exempt the Pentagon\'s controversial missile defense system from the real-world operational testing legally required of every new weapons system so that it can be deployed by 2004. "
Ok, I see what you are saying now, and I do agree with you. They definitely should test it. We don\'t need new missiles anyway. The Tomahawk missile and the other missiles we have right now are good enough. We shouldn\'t rush into this and wind up having one blow on the launch pad, or launcher and killing hundreds of US soldiers.
O no my firend, this is much, MUCH more complicated than our tomahawk missiles which are only used for offense if I remember correctly.
This is potentially a multi-trillion dollar defense system that is planned to be set-up. Hell, it is gonna cost 70billion just to install one in alaska and one in cali.
Originally posted by SirMystiq
I hope they do get what they want. That way when the shit doesn\'t work. We can all safely say what everybody already knows. GWB isn\'t very bright.
If the "shit doesn\'t work" we won\'t be saying much of anything, let alone discussing the brightness of the president.
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Ohh, just stop with the freedom shit. Let\'s see you try to walk into the womans restroom.
I hope they do get what they want. That way when the shit doesn\'t work. We can all safely say what everybody already knows. GWB isn\'t very bright.
Freedom as seen through my eyes…
I have the freedom to get together with a group of friends and pray to my God.
I have the freedom to say what I please yet I know what limits I must take as to not offend someone.
I have the freedom to go to school and seek a higher education as I see fit and when I see fit.
I have the freedom to work at any job that will hire me for the qualifications I might have.
I have the freedom to go to any store and purchase any item I desire.
I have the freedom to own firearms.
I have the freedom to sell what I wish to sell.
I have the freedom to marry.
I have the freedom to have as many children as my wife and I can handle.
I have the freedom to travel in and out of this countries border.
I have the freedom to do and say as I please as long as I can stay within a moral limit (my own decision) and maintain the understanding that I do not have the freedom to injure another person without just cause.
My freedom does not make me free to do anything. But it allows me to do as I please considering that I have no wish to hurt those around me or unjustly offend another person.
To those that cannot stand as firmly as I do on my freedom I ask this; have you ever lived within a country where freedom was not yet bought? Bought and paid for by the lives of men/woman willing to fight for the freedom you might have today. I do not look upon the United States flag in honor of the choices my government has made, I honor the flag because it stands for a free nation, it stands for those who died to make it so. I pity those that cannot honor the flag this way. I pity you because you have no respect for the freedom that allows you to bash the country you live in. I pity you.
wasnt Freedom one of FDR\'s concerns?
That was an interesting composition, thanks for posting it.
Originally posted by project86
To those that cannot stand as firmly as I do on my freedom I ask this; have you ever lived within a country where freedom was not yet bought? Bought and paid for by the lives of men/woman willing to fight for the freedom you might have today. I do not look upon the United States flag in honor of the choices my government has made, I honor the flag because it stands for a free nation, it stands for those who died to make it so. I pity those that cannot honor the flag this way. I pity you because you have no respect for the freedom that allows you to bash the country you live in. I pity you.
This part seems like an appeal against flag burning or something... but be that as it may, the logic is sort of confusing in a circular way. What exactly is it that people are doing to "not stand as fimly ... on [my] freedom..." and how exactly are people "not honoring the flag..." It sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo until you get specific.
What it sounds like is... one has the freedom to criticize (you say "bash") the United States, but as soon as that person exercises the freedom, then suddenly they "have no respect for freedom..." and are worthy of your "pity." To put it the way many others are stating it now, that person becomes somehow "unamerican."
You can keep your pity. I\'ll state for myself that I don\'t need to produce my credentials as a patriotic american everytime I take issue with the actions of the government currently in power. Keep in mind that the OFFICE[/i] and the OFFICEHOLDER[/i] are two different things. :D
I have the highest respect for the OFFICE, and the ideals of this country. I am however constantly disappointed by how we fall short of those ideals.
IMO, this weapon is stupid. It costs too much and we have better things (weapon wise) to spend our money on. Did anyone hear about that rail gun in a tank? That is cool.
Originally posted by Coredweller
I have the highest respect for the OFFICE, and the ideals of this country. I am however constantly disappointed by how we fall short of those ideals.
I think that you are somewhat on track friend but I only mean by saying what I said as to show people that they need to respect the flag for what it stands for and if they wish to protest then do so under some other means. The flag represents those that died for our freedom and the virtues we have to stand on as that freedom abounds. Without those men and woman of years ago that faught for our freedom we would not be able to "bash" the country you live in without possibly being thrown in prison of possibly beaten to death.
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Well, me think that anyone that relies on that kind of stupid reply ISN\'T VERY BRIGHT themselves.
Now go, GWB needs a blow job.
Nice personal attack there bud. mm is right, you would hate anyone (especially a conservative) who holds that position. You don\'t know a thing about world affairs Sir Mystiq and it has been proven time and again in your posts. "Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn\'t Iraq have a lot of oil?" :rolleyes: Yes you posted that sentence not too long ago.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Nice personal attack there bud.
I agree, SirMystiq that is a personal attack and as my first post in mod mode, lets play nice!
OK...who dug this one up?
Who dug what up?
I think he replied in the wrong post.
Nope, I was talking about this one. It was quiet for a while, then I see posts ace warning ppl about insults. I was wondering if the insults took place b4 or after we had a political forum or not. I couldnt tell which messages were new.
Doh, my bad.... I just figured you were talking about the thread I brought back. I\'m going to go crawl back into my bunker.