Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: CHIZZY on February 27, 2003, 09:27:53 PM
\'cos my other one about my new cable modem was closed before I could answer ooseven\'s question....
BTW.. I just tried downloading a tony hawk demo, 27.5 megs, and it was clocking at 123 KB per second.... MUCH better than the 15- 27 KBPS I was getting with dsl.
OK, so go ahead and close this thread, \'cos I\'m going to bed and leaving you all to your extraordinarily stimulating conversation.
oh and about the thread it was either Me or L-I-C that closed it (Can\'t remember we have closed so many this week)
the thread got out of hand with all the Rape posts and what not.
You see some people just don\'t know when they have taken it too far.
Oh and Vapor and anyone elese for that matter.
DON\'T USE OT or any other forum to BITCH about Admin Decisions !
*ooseven pulls Kurts underware up sharply giving him a wedgey for being cheeky ;)
but no!
this forum is dying!
Originally posted by ooseven
the thread got out of hand with all the Rape posts and what not.
You see some people just don\'t know when they have taken it too far.
Oh and Vapor and anyone elese for that matter.
DON\'T USE OT or any other forum to BITCH about Admin Decisions !
Not to bitch or anything nut if I recal correctly, CHIZZY started the thread and later began to rape all those with high speed internet. No biggie here but didn\'t you respond to that thread as though it was no big deal? Just a thought...
now we can stop bitching!!!
I edited my first post to include a smiley. I meant to do that, but it was late, and I had just taken a serious ass-whoopin\' at table tennis so I was out of it....
WTF, smileys all around!
:D :) ;)
:D :shy: :) :cool: :yawn: :smokin: :nut:
My post got deleted. How mysterious!!!!!!!!1111111111111
^^^ Spammers! :eek:
Originally posted by Vapor Snake
My post got deleted. How mysterious!!!!!!!!1111111111111
Yeah by one of the 10 foot tall Lizard people from Planet X
:sconf: :sconf: They Drink Human Blood don\'t you know :sconf: :sconf:
* ALL evidence about the Real existence of Planet X removed by our soon to be 10 Foot Lizard Human Blood Drinking over Lords… All Hail PLANET X !
I would like to take this opportunity to pledge my allegience to our new overlords, the 10 foot lizards. All Hail Scaly!
Hail to the 10 foot lizards!!!111:bounce:
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
*ooseven pulls Kurts underware up sharply giving him a wedgey for being cheeky ;)
Ouch! :nut:
/me limps off sheepishly
Wedgies are funny...
They rhyme with cool word , like Jedgie (jedi wedgie :D )
i think their are way to many forums
useless ones;
trading post
gtavc (no one posts in their alot
socom/tmb/online forum, just make it one big one... much easier
Spam good :D
Guys stop spamming..........
yeah please stop spamming
its sickening :laughing:
Originally posted by Vapor Snake
My post got deleted. How mysterious!!!!!!!!1111111111111
maybe cause nobody likes you anymore. :D
They liked him in the first place?
Originally posted by ooseven
the thread got out of hand with all the Rape posts and what not.
Or you could not be lazy and delete the bullshit instead of locking. :)
Hmmmmmm, I wonder what that link could be. ;)