Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Seed_Of_Evil on March 01, 2003, 10:51:38 AM
Be careful kop! ( - Sports - Skateboard Accidents.mpeg) (Right click, save as)
I used to have a similar one on my computer, exept a guy did it to his leg going down a flight of stairs :eek:
Oh man, that\'s gotta hurt.
now that just ain\'t right....
incidentally, when I was 14, I dropped in on a shoddy 1/4 pipe and obliterated my left wrist... the only thing that kept my bone from punching thru was my watch.... I feel that dude\'s pain...
Ouch, coming from a fellow skater I know what it is to totally just whipe out. Ive broken my wrist and need surgery to prove it. It happened right during my growth spurt, and my arm wont grow anymore unless they go in and fix it... but hell the scar will look kickass :laughing:
If you thinks that bad, I was watching RealTV and this kid went down to boardslide ("grind") and landed on his feet with enough force to bend his right leg back and his foot hit him in his teeth, ripping three out. Here is a ghetto mspaint picture of what I could best do to describe it since its quite hard to understand..
BTW: Ill look around for the video of it. This picture is very crude, but it can serve its purpose to give you an idea. This video almost made me scream with how much it would hurt. Imaging taking your leg and kicking youself in the head with it, smacking out your teeth, then falling down smashing your ****ing balls on a rail, bailing off rolling down onto cement and while your limbs flar in the air.... ive gotten carried away... :D
It is really just disgusting, Ill check to see if its even appropriate.
OMFG thats just horrible (the video, not the pic ;)). His entire arm got bend backwards at the elbow. :(
Thanks. Now my day has been filled with a sort of icky feeling. Nasty! I feel bad for the guy.
He\'ll never be able to masturbate the same again... shame shame..
I\'ve never done anything serious when skating. Just the scratches and bumps..
U skate souly?
methinks souly is an inline sorta guy...
Mesa thinksa rollerbladersa are pansys!
/me runs and hides in nearest trash can...
hey, somebody\'s gotta ride fruitboots....
am a inline sorta guy...
But most skateboarders have no clue when it comes to inline. It shows in thier "Mesa thinksa rollerbladersa are pansys!" and "somebody\'s gotta ride fruitboots...." replies ;)
I\'ve done em both started of on skateboarding moved slowly across to inline. but these days i don\'t do either.. just my martial arts. :)
I guess I\'m just too old school... when I started skateboarding it was 1986. WTF! I was 13, and I thought marty Mcfly was cool, and bones brigade was the pinnacle of skating technology. I went to venice beach CA, and I saw dudes on rollerskates doing tricks on the boardwalk. Then I saw skaters with a launch ramp ollie over trash cans and said..."F*CK ROLLERSKATES!"
2 sponsorships, one amateur contest victory and 13 years later, I still see it as rollerskating, just different rollerskates. Hell, I felt my first set o\' boobies rollerskating on a friday night, so I ain\'t knockin\' it...
BTW, due to knee injuries sustained in my years of skating, I haven\'t set foot on a board in two years and it\'s killing me. Spudz, Koppy- enjoy it while you can, bruthas... and pull off a 180 stalefish down a set of stairs for me, will ya?
Inline skating has changed alot sense hte old days, It\'s advanced a lot and is really no longer under a skateboarding shadow. Here\'s a small example of street skating. Not the greatest vid, but it\'ll do. :)
Inline skating is so restricted - all you can do is grabs... I bet you take a kid off the street, strap him in fruitboots and he could bust out some trick... Now take that kid toss him on a skateboard and see what he can do- nothing. Skateboarding takes real skill. Some rollerbladers have talent, notice the some in bold?
..and pull off a 180 stalefish down a set of stairs for me
Ill work on it :laughing: :D
BTW: r4nd0m (the favorite newb, third place) also skates, we are
"home dawgs" we go skating alot in the summer.
Originally posted by Spudz
Inline skating is so restricted - all you can do is grabs... I bet you take a kid off the street, strap him in fruitboots and he could bust out some trick... Now take that kid toss him on a skateboard and see what he can do- nothing. Skateboarding takes real skill. Some rollerbladers have talent, notice the some in bold?
Ill work on it :laughing: :D
BTW: r4nd0m (the favorite newb, third place) also skates, we are
"home dawgs" we go skating alot in the summer.
buhahahah, take a skateboarder, put him in inline and ask him to do a trick. It does go both ways. Inline has its limits, so does skateboarding. 1080 is a Inline vert NORM Skateboarders are lucky to pull of a 900. Then add the 360 backflips and all that too it. Inline has a lot more freedom in movements that skateboarding will NEVER have. Try a flatspin 180 on a skate board. Good luck..
"skateboarding takes real skill"
Like i said, no clue.
anyway, i\'m passed all that old school crap. That\'s teenie shit.. Gotta love followers of mags, they call em sheep. bARRRHH
Face it, skateboarding takes more talent.
-Go out and buy a decent skateboard (or borrow) and just try an ollie.
-I could go buy rollerblades right now and probably do something technical on it within an hour. It would take you over a week to get a decent ollie down.
-In rollerblades your strapped in to it, skateboarding you have nothing to lift the board up. Just practice, it takes more skill to ollie, than to jump.
1080 is a Inline vert NORM Skateboarders are lucky to pull of a 900
Go on a trampoline, with your shoes on, and do the biggest spin. Now take a skateboard and take off the trucks, and see what you can do. Because your not strapped in to spin, so you dont have to worry about the board/blades
Inline has a lot more freedom in movements that skateboarding will NEVER have
:laughing: this really makes me laugh, take 2 shoes, how many different flips and turns can you do with it? Not a whole lot, take a piece of wood and see how many you can do with it. Almost infinite. If you look at a trick glossary a skateboarding will take up 3 times as much space. On rollerblades its all just variates of one trick (an indy / simple grind)
boys, rollerskates and skateboarding are 2 diff thangs...
can\'t we all jus get along?
Originally posted by Spudz
Face it, skateboarding takes more talent.
-Go out and buy a decent skateboard (or borrow) and just try an Ollie.
-I could go buy roller blades right now and probably do something technical on it within an hour. It would take you over a week to get a decent ollie down.
-In rollerblades your strapped in to it, skateboarding you have nothing to lift the board up. Just practice, it takes more skill to ollie, than to jump.
The only thing i\'m gonna face is that this just proves u have no idea. I used to skateboard man. If u bothered to read my past posts i went from skateboarding into inline..
Ollie’s IMO are easier to learn then a decent inline jump. Mainly because you can easily bail on a skateboard, far more easier then bailing on skates. The balance is totally different on skateboards then inline, most people have trouble just moving in inline skates. [dumbarse mode on] I could just get on a board and be moving within the hour. ;) [/dumbarse mod off] Try bailing in inline skates in vert or street. You ever tried running of wheels strapped to your feet ;) Inline and skateboarding are TOTALLY different, take it from someone who used to do both. Inline has many more different types of flips, spins and grinds. Even the grinds can be more difficult because of the simple fact your FEET have to change their positions. Every part of your foot is a grind, then change the position of your back foot and there\'s a totally new one. in rather then the board. Skateboarding has the board tricks side that inline doesn\'t have. They have around the equal amount of grabs. It\'s harder to bail on inline; it\'s harder to spin on skateboards. Each have there own good and bad side.
Go on a trampoline, with your shoes on, and do the biggest spin. Now take a skateboard and take off the trucks, and see what you can do. Because your not strapped in to spin, so you dont have to worry about the board/blades
If i was to go on a trampoline with shoes on, I’d be closer to skateboarding then inline.. Go on the trampoline with inlines on, then you\'re getting closer to inline ;)
Like i said, 1080 is a norm in inline. That\'s like a 540 in skateboarding, nearly every pro can do it.
:laughing: this really makes me laugh, take 2 shoes, how many different flips and turns can you do with it? Not a whole lot, take a piece of wood and see how many you can do with it. Almost infinite. If you look at a trick glossary a skateboarding will take up 3 times as much space. On roller blades its all just variants of one trick (an indy / simple grind)
You make no sense what so ever, A example of a street trick..
Try fakie to 360, to soul grind hehe then jumping to another handrail to a front side, jumping off with a 180 to fakie with a grab in there etc. Doesn\'t happen in skateboarding, just like board tricks don\'t happen in inline. The sports are totally different.
A example of vert trick would be dropping in fakie (backwards) then doing a brainless (backflip 540) etc. This stuff doesn\'t get done in skateboarding.
I\'m not saying skateboarding or inline are better or worse then each other, i\'ve just got the experience in both to know better, and not be a friggin sheep following what gay ass mags or other morons say.. That\'s just kiddy s@#t. :)
Might want to edit that a bit.
I edited it like 3 times, stupid forum wouldn\'t save it... Ok now. :)
LoL, I realised I jump to conclusions, I hate saying it but thats one of my biggest flaws in my semi-perfect human like body. :laughing:
ill maybe strap on my inlines and see what i can do. :laughing:
If im hurt- im suing the forum jk
Like anything, start of small. When i first started inline i expected it to be easier then skateboarding. Was i wrong, i got punished hardcore for it. Damn, all this skate talk is making me wanna pull out my old skates.. well they\'re new really. But they\'re more vert skates, and they took away my vert ramp in my area... bastards. Only thing i didn\'t like about inline skates if they f@#k your feet up bad. That\'s why i ended up getting softboots.