
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 01, 2003, 12:31:59 PM

Title: Ali G
Post by: videoholic on March 01, 2003, 12:31:59 PM
OK, I gave it a shot.  I\'m still on the fence.  I mean asking Butrose Butrose Ghali how to say Shit in French is pretty funny.

I realize now that the guy is playing characters.  

I\'ve seen two of them.  I\'ll give it another.....
Title: Ali G
Post by: Kurt Angle on March 01, 2003, 01:02:27 PM
He is somewhat of an aquired taste, you either love him or hate him.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Coredweller on March 01, 2003, 02:17:34 PM
I watched it too.  Some of the ideas were good, but you can tell he\'s faking ignorance too many times.  He\'d be funnier if his accent was pure american hip-hop, but instead he often falls back into pretty ordinary British slang speech.  I guess what I\'m saying is I would find it funnier if it were a white (American) guy talking like a black guy, hip-hop style.  Sort of like if Herbert Kornfield from The Onion had a show.  Now that would be totally funny.

Probably this gangsta hip hop language is less common in Britain, so it\'s probably much funnier to you folks over there.  I could understand that.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 01, 2003, 02:54:22 PM
He\'s the man, been a fan for ages. The Movie is great.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on March 02, 2003, 06:37:12 AM
Originally posted by Coredweller
I watched it too.  Some of the ideas were good, but you can tell he\'s faking ignorance too many times.  He\'d be funnier if his accent was pure american hip-hop, but instead he often falls back into pretty ordinary British slang speech.  I guess what I\'m saying is I would find it funnier if it were a white (American) guy talking like a black guy, hip-hop style.  Sort of like if Herbert Kornfield from The Onion had a show.  Now that would be totally funny.

Probably this gangsta hip hop language is less common in Britain, so it\'s probably much funnier to you folks over there.  I could understand that.

What\'s funny about it is BECAUSE it\'s obviously faked, and such a poor representation.  Not just because he\'s another white guy who thinks he\'s black.

I don\'t think I\'d find your suggestion to be funny at all :p
Title: Ali G
Post by: ooseven on March 02, 2003, 12:36:54 PM
yeah i have heard that Ali has upset a few people state\'s side for "that" interview with the Head guy from the FBI...
Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 02, 2003, 08:26:09 PM
FB AIIIGGGHHHHHHH! What\'s there to get iffy about, Americans let pedo\'s go free and have a monkey for a president.
Title: Ali G
Post by: theomen on March 03, 2003, 12:00:24 AM
umm....go England :rolleyes:
Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 03, 2003, 12:53:30 AM
Yep, I\'d rather live here then America. Atleast I can walk down the street without being mugged, rapped and shot, all at the same damn time.
Title: Ali G
Post by: nO-One on March 03, 2003, 04:14:26 AM
Originally posted by Heat
Yep, I\'d rather live here then America. Atleast I can walk down the street without being mugged, rapped and shot, all at the same damn time.

yeah, getting rapped all the time tends to suck after the first few times.
Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 03, 2003, 04:26:01 AM
Originally posted by Heat
Yep, I\'d rather live here then America. Atleast I can walk down the street without being mugged, rapped and shot, all at the same damn time.
Heat, you’re an idiot.

Where did you ever get the idea that these things would happen to you if you lived here? Did these things happen to you perhaps? Or to a close friend? Oh, let me guess, you heard about it and thus believe it?

England SUCKS!

You guys are just upset at the fact that this great nation was built by those that thought your “great” nation sucked!

You, having once been a great world power have been diminished to a mere sideshow. You’re the dummy that sits on the lap of the American forces in any war that ever was. Oh, did I mention you SUCK!

I am sick of hearing you guys in England throwing jabs States side. Give it a rest and learn from experience. Come over here and see that there are many great cities and towns that would be more than happy to welcome you and your money. We may not be what you would consider tasteful but our culture is far more diversified than yours and we have many beautiful places to go where you won’t get raped, mugged, etc, etc all at the same time.

Ok, I am done venting. Don’t hate me, I’m just sick of the bashing around here when it comes to America.
Title: Ali G
Post by: videoholic on March 03, 2003, 04:44:35 AM
Originally posted by Heat
Yep, I\'d rather live here then America. Atleast I can walk down the street without being mugged, rapped and shot, all at the same damn time.

I think that\'s the stupidest thing you\'ve ever said.

I have lived 32 years and not only have none of those things happened to me, but I don\'t know anyone that any of those things have happened to.

Stupid overgeneralization.
Title: Ali G
Post by: kopking on March 03, 2003, 06:47:53 AM
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware

What\'s funny about it is BECAUSE it\'s obviously faked, and such a poor representation.  Not just because he\'s another white guy who thinks he\'s black.

I don\'t think I\'d find your suggestion to be funny at all :p

was going to make the same comment, there are so many peep in uk, who are white, but think they are black.. i find it more funnier, becouse i can see he is taking  the piss, and some peep, are like " yeah, alig is sooooo cool, and want to be like him etc"
Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 03, 2003, 11:25:39 AM
Originally posted by videoholic

I think that\'s the stupidest thing you\'ve ever said.

I have lived 32 years and not only have none of those things happened to me, but I don\'t know anyone that any of those things have happened to.

Stupid overgeneralization.

You have to leave the house for it to happen :D j/k

And project86, kiss my ass, plain and simple, no witty reply, just pucker up and slurp my hairy arse.

I would go to America but I like my whites Persil white.
Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 03, 2003, 11:32:51 AM
Originally posted by Heat

You have to leave the house for it to happen :D j/k

And project86, kiss my ass, plain and simple, no witty reply, just pucker up and slurp my hairy arse.

I would go to America but I like my whites Persil white.
Pearly whites what?

You’re just another bloody wanker that needs a dentist. So do the world and us a favor and shut up.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 03, 2003, 03:31:16 PM
God, yanks can\'t say bloody wanker, they always **** it up. And I don\'t need a dentist, I have perfect teeth, but thanks anyway.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Jumpman on March 03, 2003, 04:14:27 PM
And project86, kiss my ass, plain and simple, no witty reply, just pucker up and slurp my hairy arse.

What? No rebuttal? No you\'re wrong this is how it actually is? Just a childesh response? A lot of the respect you once has has probably diminished within everyone\'s eyes.

You’re just another bloody wanker that needs a dentist.

LoL...I like that.

Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 03, 2003, 10:44:24 PM
Originally posted by Jumpman

What? No rebuttal? No you\'re wrong this is how it actually is? Just a childesh response? A lot of the respect you once has has probably diminished within everyone\'s eyes.

LoL...I like that.


1 UP? For saying I have bad teeth when I have perfect teeth? WOW, you give points out easily, been chewing on your helm again has he? Well as long as you\'re both happy.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Jumpman on March 03, 2003, 11:29:35 PM
A good insult deserves one point.
Title: Ali G
Post by: Cerberus on March 04, 2003, 12:01:49 AM
I never found him funny, from the very first moment I saw him.

You yanks can keep him, along with George Michael and that chick out of Frazier (sp?), the one with the unrealistic Manchester accent that sounds more like what you would expect from a yorkshire lass.
Title: Ali G
Post by: ooseven on March 04, 2003, 02:16:56 AM
Originally posted by project86
Pearly whites what?

You’re just another bloody wanker that needs a dentist. So do the world and us a favor and shut up.

yeah :rolleyes:

like all Americans have perfect teeth too :rolleyes:


the real Scores....

ooseven 5
Heat 2
Project 1

Title: Ali G
Post by: Cerberus on March 04, 2003, 02:37:31 AM

What a babe!!!!
Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 04, 2003, 03:28:53 AM
Originally posted by ooseven

So what is the reason for bringing my mominto this ooseven?: :(

the real Scores....

ooseven -7
Heat -1
Project 100

As for you Heat, you have been a wanker in my eyes for as long as I can remember. Don\'t wory things haven\'t changed. You will always be the friggin\' pot smokin\' wanker we have all come to know and...well I guess that\'s all. :D
Title: Ali G
Post by: Heat on March 04, 2003, 10:46:03 PM
Good, if I\'m good at one thing, and one thing only, it\'s turning other guys on *rubs man nipples* I\'M DEAD SEXY!.

I\'m a bit pig headed sometimes, but that\'s me.

Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 05, 2003, 03:31:15 AM
Nice ooseven. Easy way to abuse the mod responsibilities. Another reason for the spread in popularity of these forums...:rolleyes:
Title: Ali G
Post by: ooseven on March 05, 2003, 03:38:38 AM
Originally posted by project86
Nice ooseven. Easy way to abuse the mod responsibilities. Another reason for the spread in popularity of these forums...:rolleyes:

Abuseing Mod Powers ?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i am sorry but thats funny.. if you think THAT was ABUSE... then you need a old REALITY CHECK.

Member "moan moan moan.. Freedom of Speach moan moan moan might is right"

Title: Ali G
Post by: Jumpman on March 05, 2003, 03:44:54 AM
Abuseing Mod Powers ?

Fuckeing stupid?
Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 05, 2003, 03:59:25 AM

Maturity at it\'s finest folks.

It\'s not about freedom of speach ooseven, it\'s about respecting other peoples posts. And coming from you I would have thought you would have had more respect than that. A mistake I won\'t make again.:(
Title: Ali G
Post by: ooseven on March 05, 2003, 04:16:35 AM
Originally posted by project86

Maturity at it\'s finest folks.

It\'s not about freedom of speach ooseven, it\'s about respecting other peoples posts. And coming from you I would have thought you would have had more respect than that. A mistake I won\'t make again.:(

well considering your post was a direct attack on Heat\'s personality.

i would think you would be happy that i USED Humour to Edit your post rather than delete it which i could of done.

Ah you Just Can\'t win...

i have people (name removedetc...  ;) ) B!tching about the Foums and rules by myself and co...

and when we ask you to excersise some Self Control or contribute to the forum your all very quick to B!tch about.

in fact here are some examples......


Memeber "oh the forum is quiet.....its dying"

our Responce "well post threads to create intrest then"


Member "ok i have done that but whaaaaa :crying: you deleted my Goat F$%ker thread"

our Responce "when we said post something that will create intrest we wanted you to do it within the rules"


Memebr "oh you did this .. Did that..... .. if i was Admin or mod i would do it better......if i can\'t Be Mod then i am going and not comming back" The Titan Example j/k ;)

our Responce :rolleyes: "if you don\'t like it here.. then Go....we are not stopping you.. in fact we could do with the peace and quiet"
Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 05, 2003, 04:32:24 AM
Ok ooseven, you win.

I keep forgetting that God and yourself have so much responsibility that you don’t have time to stay the heck out of other people disputes.

The funny thing about it is, I don’t see any of the other mods treating the forum poster here like you do. Makes me wonder if you are capable of being a mod. Oh well, it’s not for me to decide.

As for the personal jab at Heat, he’s a big boy, and I’m sure that without your intervention we would have been just fine. There was no “Goat f*cking” comments made.

Try a little discresion some time. You might be surprised. Ooops, sorry! I forgot, you don’t need any advice. Your sitting at the right hand of God…
Title: Ali G
Post by: ooseven on March 05, 2003, 04:43:07 AM
Originally posted by project86

I keep forgetting that God and yourself have so much responsibility that you don’t have time to stay the heck out of other people disputes.

Well the use of Edit\'n and humour have been used in this Forum to control situations since Day one !

in fact my mentor in this Feild is our Beloved Samwise :D

Originally posted by project86

The funny thing about it is, I don’t see any of the other mods treating the forum poster here like you do. Makes me wonder if you are capable of being a mod. Oh well, it’s not for me to decide.

Again other mods have edited and Deleted posts in a similar manner...

in fact i consider myself light when you consider that another member of Staff used to Delete Vast amounts of Kopkings threads and Posts.

So don\'t play the old .. oh he\'s picking on me or oh he\'s only doing this for popularity.

Originally posted by project86
As for the personal jab at Heat, he’s a big boy, and I’m sure that without your intervention we would have been just fine. There was no “Goat f*cking” comments made.

The 3 example i gave wwhere and still are common to all PSX2C Fourm\'s and Threads.

The Goat F*cking comment was about Gmanjoe\'s thread which was deleted by a fellow staff member.

Originally posted by project86
Try a little discresion some time. You might be surprised. Ooops, sorry! I forgot, you don’t need any advice. Your sitting at the right hand of God…

PLEASE ! ...Get over it ..... Desisions are made.. Threads are Deleted... posts are edited... Dose it realy matter if one post is deleted over another if its for the Bigger Picture or becuase it could have the possibility to go nasty  ?

or are YOU thinking of Popularity.
Title: Ali G
Post by: project86 on March 05, 2003, 04:48:34 AM
Popularity is of no concern of mine. Just the fact that you got involved in a few posts between Heat and I is what really bothered me. Besides, you getting involved was due to my "personal jab" at Heat and yet the edit you posted to mine was also a direct jab at me. Hmmm, double standard…?
Title: Ali G
Post by: videoholic on March 05, 2003, 04:53:33 AM
Since no one is talking about Ali G I\'m closing this thread.

Go ruin another one....