Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ##RaCeR## on March 02, 2003, 04:40:45 AM
I just finished reading this book and it is seriously twisted. Its from the same guy who wrote American Psycho and they have just recently made a film based on the novel.
its snipets of three characters lives, and how they are connected. based in a Boston (i think) college in 80\'s America.
Its a pretty gritty book, but i recommend everyone to give it a read. Also, could someone shed some light, as I am pretty confused (once you read it you will know what I mean).
gr8 book BTW.
American Psycho owns you. Funniest movie I\'ve ever seen.
I\'m trying to get a hold of the book, but its banned here. :( I hear it\'s far more twisted and graphic than the movie (which actually showed very little direct violence)
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
American Psycho owns you. Funniest movie I\'ve ever seen.
I\'m trying to get a hold of the book, but its banned here. :( I hear it\'s far more twisted and graphic than the movie (which actually showed very little direct violence)
Very little direct violence?
We\'re you even awake during the chainsaw and the axe scenes?
You never once saw the axe come into contact with the skin.
You also only saw a long distance shot of the chainsaw in the hooker AFTER it had taken place. You didn\'t see the actual act.
It\'s a technique which actually makes the violence more powerful, in the context of being in a film.
Bobbo, the book is 100 times worse than the movie. I mean, it\'s REALLY sick. Even I felt uneasy reading some of it, and that\'s saying something.
Yah. My friend has a copy (imported), I\'m trying to get it off him. Can\'t wait :bounce:
Yeah but it was still pretty brutal.
Besides it\'s not about violence,it\'s about the desentisizing of society.That\'s probably why I laughed at the kill scenes instead of being horrified by them(or maybe that\'s just me).
*Metal Gear scratches the back of his head*
You laughed at the kill-scenes because they were genuine black comedy. Particularly when he kills the people in the hotel toward the end :laughing: Although, I doubt it would have been anywhere near as funny if anyone other than Christian Bale played the role. Utterly amazing performance.
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
Although, I doubt it would have been anywhere near as funny if anyone other than Christian Bale played the role. Utterly amazing performance.
Too bad his next role was the bad guy in Shaft.
I thought he was gonna keep playing these cool alternative roles instead of going for big Hollywood productions like Shaft and Reign Of Fire.
Oh well.
HOLY CRAP!? WE HAVE BANNED BOOKS?!?@#$~!@# I never would\'ve imagined. :( I thought we were smarter than that :(
hookD oN fOnicz werkz 4 mee!
I dont really like to read, unless its on the internet, a magazine, or the back of cereal boxes.
American Psycho (the book) is down right disgusting. the sex scenes alone are described in such a manner that i consider worse then adult erotica.
My friend has a copy of the book before it got banned here (its been banned in QLD and WA for 12 years now) though you can still buy it in other states.
but please folks, back on topic.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
American Psycho (the book) is down right disgusting. the sex scenes alone are described in such a manner that i consider worse then adult erotica.
My friend has a copy of the book before it got banned here (its been banned in QLD and WA for 12 years now) though you can still buy it in other states.
but please folks, back on topic.
What subject might that be. This thread started as dull and only got better and now you want it to go back to being dull. I for one don\'t read books like these but I can say that it does spike my interest to here Sammy say that a book disturbed him. That is saying much...
I saw Black Comedy written somewhere, and just wanted to bring up a movie, anyone ever see Very Bad Things?
yea, very bad things is very good, esp the ending....
imo the film of american psycho was very poor