Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Samwise on March 05, 2003, 03:45:42 AM
Seeing as how I\'ll be done with school this summer, I\'ll have a couple of different career options... and I\'m not entirely sure which to choose.
Option 1)
Nice pay compared to other jobs. Fixed amount of worktime every week (37 hours). Weekends off.
Option 2)
Potentially (much) better pay than option 1. But also way more work - including weekends.
So basically it\'s a matter of money vs. time. I\'ll have to admit that I do like my sparetime and thus is favoring option 1). Now that question is...
What would you do if you had to choose?
is it just me or dose Option 2 sound like Sammy could get a Job as a Topless GoGo Dancer ?
if that\'s the case... go for that one ;)
/me gets a nice warm £10 note ready :D
does this job involve sex? in that case option two is your better choice.
Work your ass off early in life and build up a nest egg.
Originally posted by videoholic
Work your ass off early in life and build up a nest egg.
Again another person other than the Hurrican & myself who think this job of Sammys could be in the SEX Biz ;)
Hey Sammy or Video use your Sexy Admin powers to Add a Poll to this thread so we can vote and give you a Serious Answer :D....
how much more money, no offence, but if you post the hours per week, and the amount of money, then it would make easier to pic, personally id go with number 1, ive made my self from over working b4, and its not good, 5 days a week is enought for me
Originally posted by ooseven
Hey Sammy or Video use your Sexy Admin powers to Add a Poll to this thread so we can vote and give you a Serious Answer :D....
Is that now possible?;)
Anyway, go for number two. Work hard when your young, save allot of money and enjoy yourself when your older.
No, unfortunatly neither option involves sex. :D
Option 2 is like (potentially) double the money (or more) and potentially double the work (well, not quite double the work I suppose)...
Geez, why was I born lazy! j/k :D
Option 2
Can\'t add a poll after the fact. At least I don\'t see how to do it.
Option 1. Just work what you need to, save that money and live at home for awhile. You\'ll be able to save money and not work all the time.
Sorry LIC, I moved out a long time ago. :p
Besides, my parents don\'t live where I\'d like to work. :)
Option 1 is the way to go and IMO this is why... you spend 80 percent of your adult life at work (for most people) and a trend is beginning where work is not the most important thing in life. Sure you need to work to survive and get what you want, but there is more to life than working away at a tedious job - which most jobs are.
I say your time is more valuable than money in this case. If you can live comfortably with the money from option 1 go for it. The Protestant work ethic here in the US is what created the 5 day work week. I would love to see it drop to 4 days ;)
make hay while the sun shines....
If you don\'t have money then who gives a shit how much time you have off. You\'ll run out of free things to do rather quickly.
Well Vid, choosing option 1 doesn\'t exactly mean I\'ll be broke. ;)
Ah... Good, because your wife will take all your money.
Pfft, who needs a wife. I\'m my own master. :D
Originally posted by Samwise
Pfft, who needs a wife. I\'m my own master. :D
Mistress Sammy Mistress..... ;)
Option 1 sounds good, why bother working yourself to the bone. I only work 20 hours per week, it\'s enough for me.
Option 1. Plain and simple.
This sounds like the situation that I\'ve just been in, i was gettin a lot more money, but working far too much (6 days a week, was out of the house 13 hrs a day). I just found it too tiring, and too much stress, with girlfriend and mates etc.
I\'m a lot happier now working less and earning less, money isnt everything