Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Cyrus on March 05, 2003, 12:27:10 PM
And no not each of your members you silly people.. Ok Ive started the Map Just a couple people on there right now cause I spent most of the morning creating the member DB
Heres the MAP (http://null)
Its on a really slow server. Next week it will be blazing when i transfer it to the good server.
Ok heres the list I have if its changed or you want to be added in a more direct member instead of just "Spain" if you give me more info I will isolate you a little better.
Name Location
Living in Clip Kentucky
grimreaper Okeechobee,Florida
merkin Maine
Ratlad New Mexico
live alberta, canada
babycakes canberra, australia
ChocoboSquared Cupertine, California
neosnk Kent, Ohio
TonyDoggs Portland, Oregon
Zavijava Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hawke Finland
SmallLady Finland
Samwise Denmark
Gohan Boston, Massachusetts
finnishguy Finland
Mac1 Orange, Virgina
Rushs2k Orlando, Florida
Solid Snake Los Angeles, California
FackinKubuss Long Island, New York
Regent Weber Austin, Texas
Deadly Hamster Westchester County, New York
Bobs_Hardware Brisbane, Australia
Silverskies Savannah, Georgia
Vapor Snake Las Vegas, Nevada
theomen Chico, Califonia
Adan Spain
Cerberus Manchester, England
videoholic Tampa, Florida
The Stapler Las Vegas, Nevada
FullTilt Grafton County, New Hampshire
The Hurricane Union County, New Jersey
Kilmahri Saskatchewan, Canada
r4nd0m Juneau, Alaska
SirMystiq Dallas, Texas
lionken07 Queens, New York
§ôµÏG®ïñD melbourne, victoria, Austalia
Spudz Juneau, Alaska
shockwaves Albany, New York
mm Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
luckee Miami Lakes, Florida
Bozco Columbus, Ohio
Soul Reaver Queens, New York
nO-One Reyjavik, Iceland
Kurt Angle Wakefield, England
Luke ann arbor, michigan
Titan New Jersey
mjps21983 Central Texas
guar Cincinnati, Ohio
caveman Ljubljana, Slovenia
Killax Munroe Falls, Ohio
project86 Michigan
MPTheory Orlando, Florida
Cyrus Phoenix, Arizona
square marker detroit, michigan
ooseven Glasgow, Scottland
Originally posted by Cyrus
ooseven Glasgow, England
IT\'S SCOTLAND !..... NOT ENGLAND :mad: :rpissed: :crap: :boom: :burn:
/me unleases the FURY so much .. it makes All the ACTION from ALL Manga Films Look timid !
Originally posted by ooseven
IT\'S SCOTLAND !..... NOT ENGLAND :mad: :rpissed: :crap: :boom: :burn:
No, there\'s no need to thank him, you are entitled to be called an (honourary) English man. Wear the title with pride.
/me sends a cross of St George up there to Scotland, England for his fellow patriot to wave with prige.
:D :D :D :D
Nice job with the map btw, looking good.
Thank God this isn\'t a UK based forum.. or there would be a REAL open war between Scotland & England for that comment ;)
Dude, it\'s not like he said you were canadian.
kopking, kent, ENGLAND
That map will be great when it is fully operational. Good job.
Rick, Manchester, ENGLAND
DOH.. why did I bump the old thread?
Anyway, ill post in here aswell (POST COUNT +1!)
Sweden, Kalmar
Cool, Cant wait until its operational. :D
Ooh, very cool.
Im Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, same as Bobby.
Looks great... but you made a type on my name. It says Kilmahri...
^^^Who cares :p
I care and fixed it kimar..... whatever :-P
Im Bloomington, Indiana
someone finally did one!!!
but I don\'t see my under in the US/NY section!!
still working on it I really havent gotten to the USA yet
Arizona is taking over California! if youlook on the map the southern part of california is on purple like arizona is!
add me :)
Sweden (southern sweden), Helsingborg
Add me
K-PAX. It\'s about 10 million of your light years from here.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Im Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, same as Bobby.
Yeah some people even think you post from the SAME BED ;)
caveman Ljubljana, Slovenia
WTF is this .Dont tell me Czehoslovakia because it isnt it is SLOVENIA(near Italy,Austria,Croatia)
Cyrus, instead of SPAIN:
Adan, Baños de la Encina, Jaén (SPAIN) [in the south]
Originally posted by KillaX
Arizona is taking over California! if youlook on the map the southern part of california is on purple like arizona is!
I think that might have been a time zone map possible i ripped off for that one of the US im gonna put a diffrent one for the us so I dont have to type all the name plus im in az man I have no idea where rhode island is ;)
Originally posted by caveman
caveman Ljubljana, Slovenia
WTF is this .Dont tell me Czehoslovakia because it isnt it is SLOVENIA(near Italy,Austria,Croatia)
caveman did you check the map I allready had added you
I like the map man. Very cool!
Wow I did alot to it today check it out!!!!
:bounce: of course it pretty much sucked the life out of my day Ill be back on it monday
Dont forget me!!!
Cloud345 westchester, NY
Pretty cool. Keep up the good work man.
PS2...(i cant be bothered finding my name as i cannot type it! look left =])Scotland, Glasgow
nice :D
Yeah, just put me with cloud, since we live in the same house....
You do?
God have mercy on your rodent soul!
Congrats Cyrus, it rocks.
These maps look great! I hope to see me on them soon...
Sweden. Malmö at the moment. Moving to Bromölla
The map is excellent. Thanks for all the work you are putting into it.
San Francisco, California -- home of John Choi. (none of you probably even know who he is, heh) ;)
im clicking south of uk, and going to
just saw other thread, so this is a un-needed post