Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: luckee on March 06, 2003, 07:51:48 AM
"NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The federal government will unveil a new $20 bill that will introduce a predominant but subtle color into the background, marking the first time in modern history that a U.S. bill will feature a color other than green."
Originally posted by luckee
"NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The federal government will unveil a new $20 bill that will introduce a predominant but subtle color into the background, marking the first time in modern history that a U.S. bill will feature a color other than green."
*wonders what the color will be?*
I hope they stay clear of the pink… That’s the last color we need. Next thing you know, woman will call it an excuse to coordinate their clothing with it.:surprised
That\'s pretty cool. What\'s the deal with the different colors? Are they still deciding on one?
Originally posted by videoholic
That\'s pretty cool. What\'s the deal with the different colors? Are they still deciding on one?
They haven’t decided on the color yet. These are just somebody’s interpretation of what might be possible.
I dunno...Didnt say anything about that in the link. I doubt that all 5 colors will be circulating, so maybe... *shrugs*
well actually NO but hey I thought it was pretty cool this thread and then my Dollar I got it from change at Jack in the Crack.. I should have looked through the change damn it nobody can spend a blue dollar unless maybe the new color that comes out is blue I think maybe mine just got die with some clothes or something but as you can see its not just barely blue its so blue its almost purple..
Originally posted by project86
They haven’t decided on the color yet. These are just somebody’s interpretation of what might be possible.
Yeah, that makes sense. Sometimes you are smart. sometimes...........
Fppptt we have had with our British pound for years...
For Example
£1 note = Green
£5 note = Blue
£10 note = Brown
£20 note = Purple
Originally posted by videoholic
Yeah, that makes sense. Sometimes you are smart. sometimes...........
:eek: Don\'t let my secret get into the wrong hands though. Mums the word....shhhhhhh...
Maybe they\'re planning to change all bills to be a different color.. Like Canadian money. (And everywhere else with multi-colored bills)
That really does look like monopoly money.
Other countries do this already, maybe the US wants to belong.
(I just noticed the topic review is blue. Looks sorta cool.)
Hmmm. I don\'t know why the colors, but looks pretty cool.
so now they call them greenback\'s.. .what\'ll they call them when the changes arrive? rainbowbacks? har har har har har.