
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Viper_Fujax on March 06, 2003, 09:29:13 PM

Title: Need advice
Post by: Viper_Fujax on March 06, 2003, 09:29:13 PM
I have no clue what to do so im posting and just seeing what others think:

baseball season is here and i am a pitcher. December i had a problem with my shoulder where the tendon popped from one side of the bone to the other, hurting bad enough to make me stop my arm from going forward and i couldnt get the ball 3/4ths to home. Then december flew by and im a procrastinator, january i was off an on with shoulder excercises, then february i was on top of them. Now, a week ago we had tryouts and, despite my shoulder problem, i made the team. Now its the season and i went to throw today and it popped on every throw, and i could barely get it to the guy i was warming up with.

now, youd think just quit right? I dont do many things, but when i do, the last thing i want to do is quit. Plus, im a sophomore in high school and i only have a 3.0 or 3.2 GPA which is nothing to colleges, and baseball might help a little on my reseme(er whatever they call what colleges see what u have). I am kind of leaning towards quitting, but i am very hesitant to do so.

edit: i went to the doctor back in december, and he was the one who instructed me to do certain shoulder stuff
Title: Need advice
Post by: Soul Reaver on March 06, 2003, 10:07:58 PM
I wouldn\'t go, you might mess your arm up badly.

... but what do I know? I had never participated in any after school programs and all I do is play street ball.
Title: Need advice
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 06, 2003, 10:29:39 PM
Do u wear any shoulder straps at all? to help keep pressure on your shoulder and help stop the pulling effect from pitching.
Try one it may help.
Title: Need advice
Post by: Viper_Fujax on March 06, 2003, 10:54:25 PM
dont wear any shoulder straps. What is the word for them, because i checked on a couple sports equipment sites and all i got was the straps that go on bags.
Title: Need advice
Post by: Rya on March 07, 2003, 11:12:34 PM
I think you should take a longer break from baseball.  If you were to push yourself into pitching so soon without letting it heal a little longer, you might do some permanent damage to it.

You doctor might have suggested you to do some exercises for the shoulder so you can ease your way back into using it like normal.  I don\'t think he meant for you to strain it.

And just in case the popping is really serious, you should consider finding some alternative of getting yourself in college, like studying harder, work on some art portfolios, club involvements (talk to your counselor).
Title: Need advice
Post by: Deadly Hamster on March 07, 2003, 11:40:40 PM
Just quit, its not worth having arm pain.
Title: Need advice
Post by: project86 on March 08, 2003, 03:53:03 AM
You have to ask yourself one question; “is your physical well being more important to you that playing baseball?” I would certainly hope so. The sport may come and go but you have to live with your body for the rest of your life. Having these problems now can be remedied but to have them when your older is not so easy. The older you get the harder it is for you body to heal itself.

Ask the coach if you can take on a lighter position while you get your arm back into shape. Get the shoulder strap and try not to pitch to hard. If you stay on top of your excersizes and find that you have no more problems then play a little harder your senior year.

Also, you should try studying harder to get your GPA up in the 3.5 to 3.75 range. It’s not a stretch from where you are now but it sure would look better when applying at a college. It’s great to participate in sports but you have got to remember that they will not always get you through life. Education has a far greater chance of helping you with your future.
Title: Need advice
Post by: KillaX on March 08, 2003, 03:58:06 AM
you have 2 years to get your GPA Higher.......if you go to college and REALLY blow out your are SOL.

Title: Need advice
Post by: (e) on March 08, 2003, 11:36:14 AM
Take a break, it can really mess you up in the future.

Or try the other arm :laughing:
Title: Need advice
Post by: videoholic on March 08, 2003, 11:46:00 AM
OK, you say that you need baseball to get into college because of your GPA, but with a shoulder injury you are about as worthless as a 2.0 GPA.  

Take a year off.  Do your exercises like you are suppose to.  Quit being a puss.

Then Kick ass your last two years.  Two years is definitely enough time to show your skillz.
Title: Need advice
Post by: Viper_Fujax on March 08, 2003, 02:18:23 PM
Originally posted by videoholic

Take a year off.  Do your exercises like you are suppose to.  Quit being a puss.


puss?? Iv been playing with this shoulder for 3 months trying to fix it and play through it. I dont think puss is the right word. more like procrastinator on my excercises.