Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: CHIZZY on March 07, 2003, 06:12:25 PM
why is it that I never intentionally subscribe to threads, but every other month or so, I get a wave of subcriptions to threads that I reply to... then it stops?
I go a month or so with no email notifications, then BAM! Tons in one day!
Am I missing something? Am I just stoned?
puff puff pass, man! puff puff pass!
hey, if I want any lip from you, I\'d.....
awwww. I can\'t stay mad mad at you! ;)
The email address that I registered on this forum with I don\'t check so I wouldn\'t know.
No clue, PM the admins, or block the address
Originally posted by Titan
The email address that I registered on this forum with I don\'t check so I wouldn\'t know.
So why then did you reply?
it\'s actually
"puff, puff..give. puff, puff..give"
/me shrugs
i cant stay mad mad either.
I\'m drunk now. Just got back from the bars.
Goodnight everybody! and please notice:
Even shit-faced drunk- CHIZZY can still achieve proper grammar.
/me whips out wang and flaunts his girth.
Originally posted by CHIZZY
I\'m drunk now. Just got back from the bars.
Goodnight everybody! and please notice:
Even shit-faced drunk- CHIZZY can still achieve proper grammar.
CHIZZY whips out wang and flaunts his girth.
:eek: OMG!!!
That\'s amazing!!!
No, the grammar part, realy!
Originally posted by videoholic
So why then did you reply?
Spamming opportunity :)
Originally posted by videoholic
So why then did you reply?
His post count is an extension of his penis.
*looks down* So does that mean bobbo and Vid have big extensions on their penises? :confused:
I didn\'t mean literally, you twit. Not all people care about their post counts as much as you do.
Post counts and status and avatar shape your personallity. Taking that away is like locking you up in a maximum security prison.
I don\'t care about my post count, aslong as it doesn\'t go down :)
so then you do
I don\'t understand why people care about it, and you do Titan if you don\'t want it to go down. No one can see it afterall unless they click your profile which takes a long time to load to begin with. I just don\'t understand the point. Having a larger post count, obviously, does not increase any attributes of your personallity or your IQ. Titan is a DIRECT example of that.
Bah screw you. I\'m literally speechless.
Originally posted by Titan
Bah screw you. I\'m literally speechless.
Yet you still replied.
Yeah. I just wanted to let you know I was speechless :) I\'m also very bored and have nothing better to do.
And stupid.
Originally posted by Ryu
I don\'t understand why people care about it, and you do Titan if you don\'t want it to go down. No one can see it afterall unless they click your profile which takes a long time to load to begin with. I just don\'t understand the point. Having a larger post count, obviously, does not increase any attributes of your personallity or your IQ. Titan is a DIRECT example of that.
I said that I don\'t care. I never check it. I wanted the 5000 to get the glow text but I didn\'t know the glow text didn\'t work so I don\'t give a crap right now.
Originally posted by Titan
I said that I don\'t care. I never check it. I wanted the 5000 to get the glow text but I didn\'t know the glow text didn\'t work so I don\'t give a crap right now.
Despite the fact that The Hurricane told you repeatedly?
He told me once then I said alright, forget about it. Then someone was saying something and I was just trying to defend myself.
LOL! This must be "Roast the TITan" day. Loving every minute of it.
Seems people have nothing better to do with their time.
heheheh, you are stupid!
Originally posted by Titan
Seems people have nothing better to do with their time.
Originally posted by Titan
Spamming opportunity :)
Originally posted by Titan
Yeah. I just wanted to let you know I was speechless :) I\'m also very bored and have nothing better to do.
Originally posted by Titan (pre-edit)
I\'m very bored.
Damn Titan... someone\'s been naughty.
I never said that I had anything to do with my time. I got back from lax practice and have nothing to do. And yes bob, I\'ve admitted numerous times I\'m stupid :)
Originally posted by Titan
I never said that I had anything to do with my time.
I was pointing out the irony in your post, in case you didn\'t notice.
Oh....I\'m an idiot :(
Looks like Titan lost...
This deservers a good old [size=10]HaHa![/size]
CHIZZY thats amazing proper grammar
Holy crap, this thread rules!
;) j/k
Hey Titan you spammer ;)
In fact..........;)
Off to delete posts........
Well perhaps I should go and wash my clothes or something…
*slowly backs out of thread*
/me kicks project86 in his big, fat arse to expedite his departure....
I wish I could delete some posts....
[strong bad mode]DELETED![/strong bad mode]
What did i miss ....
is Titan still wanting to be an Admin ?
Originally posted by CHIZZY
/me kicks project86 in his big, fat arse to expedite his departure....
I wish I could delete some posts....
[strong bad mode]DELETED![/strong bad mode]
Normally I would go through and delete posts like I did to Racer and LIC this morning, but this is too funny to delete.
Titan got.........
Oh, pick me, pick me! I want to be an admin too! ;-)
hey Titan.. looks like your in with a dead cert with next years members awards with.
The people\'s Beych award
Gotta love those dumbass pictures... :laughing:
Normally I would go through and delete posts like I did to Racer and LIC this morning, but this is too funny to delete.
AH HA! You deleted my post!?! DAMN YOU, Vid!
Originally posted by ooseven
What did i miss ....
is Titan still wanting to be an Admin ?
To be honest, I seriously don\'t care if I become an admin or not. I\'d rather just be a poster and not have to worry about setting the example. BTW, everyone that posted owned pics are spammers :p
Like this one?
oooooh, the 0wn3d thread :D
I have more, but some of them, erm... not appropriate :D
ohhhhh forgot this one :d
Originally posted by mm
it\'s actually
"puff, puff..give. puff, puff..give"
/me shrugs
Sorry to break up the "owned" fest there... but is it really puff, puff, give over there???
It\'s definitely.... DEFINITELY "puff, puff, PASS!" over here.....
^^^^^ look, a problem with the / me command... heh heh ^^^^^
You all will run out of those pics eventually :)
I am amazed to see that nothing is mentioned about me getting owned in the banner that says welcome to PSX2Central Forums (when it changes and stuff :) )
Don\'t try and use your psychology on me buddy....
Damn, Titan is so owned. What is your response to all this ownage, oh legendary owned guy?
oldie but goodie.....
Doh, I almost forgot......
-\'s "Dude you\'re getting a cell!!!!!"
how about.......
Almost forgot.............
Just one more thing...............
God this stuff is good...
Titan- im suprised u show ur face here ever again...
:laughing: This should be a sticky/ forever remembered thread. God this is good stuff. We must rub it in more.
uh oh...
whats w/ the . right before the attachment? anyone else see this?
Originally posted by Spudz
Titan- im suprised u show ur face here ever again...
I\'m a good sport and don\'t give a crap what guys say anyway :p
Hehe, just read this thread. Those pictures are great :)
Originally posted by Titan
I\'m a good sport and don\'t give a crap what guys say anyway :p
Then why are you hear- oh yeah forgot you like to get
this is getting quite impressive.
You know-
its a miracle this thread isnt closed..