
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Samwise on March 08, 2003, 04:18:15 AM

Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Samwise on March 08, 2003, 04:18:15 AM
Yup, I got some new hardware today.

A Microsoft MultiMedia keyboard (loving it). I don\'t think I can be blamed for buying a new keyboard - the old one was nearly 10 years old. :D

I also got a CD-RW drive (long needed). I bought the LiteOn 48/24/48 because LiteOn is cheap and reliable - and fast, of course.

Hopefully I should be able to buy a new PC next month. I was thinking something in the lines of:

P4 2.4 GHz (and then I\'ll OC it to ~3 GHz naturally :))
512 mb PC3500
120 gb Seagate SATA 7200 RPM harddrive
Asus mobo
My new CD-RW

Can\'t wait. :D
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Tyrant on March 08, 2003, 04:28:28 AM
congrats dude :).
i would\'ve expected you to go with and AMD proc. but i guess u realised that AMD teh suck ;).
also great choice withthe cd-rw .
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Samwise on March 08, 2003, 04:32:03 AM
Nah, unlike some people (*cough* ;)) I can buy one brand and still think another brand is good as well. :)
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Heat on March 08, 2003, 07:21:03 AM
I installed one of those CDR-W drives at work, they burn great. Plus the got that feature that stops it from burning out.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: mm on March 08, 2003, 07:28:56 AM
amd is teh suck
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: NVIDIA256 on March 08, 2003, 10:06:09 AM
120 gb Seagate SATA 7200 RPM harddrive

I would hold back on that, seagate is shit and it\'s there first SATA, go look at the reviews on it, not impressive. Soon MAxtor and WD will be comming out with SATA hard drives, other wise get the standard  ATA and raid them.

Also are you using the vapochil to overclock the CPU, personally I have one and it\'s great.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Samwise on March 08, 2003, 10:17:15 AM
Ehem... thanks for your concern, but I have read plenty reviews on the Seagate. And I wouldn\'t exactly say Seagate is shit... I\'m not buying it for the performance (not that it\'s exactly slow), but because of the ease of SATA.

As for overclocking - the standard in a box fan will do just fine in most cases if you get a C1 stepping. Which I am of course.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: fastson on March 08, 2003, 11:23:57 AM
Sounds schweet.. Theres nothing like a new PC :)

"120 gb Seagate SATA 7200 RPM harddrive "

Supah.. Im thinking of getting a 120GB too.
How much will that Seagate cost ya?
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Samwise on March 08, 2003, 11:35:46 AM
Fast, around 1400-1500 DKR. At least that\'s the current price.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 08, 2003, 02:34:12 PM
Nice stuff, although u got the burner that i\'m getting. You already knew that ;)

Hope u get your pc soon sammy, However a pc like that needs atleast a gf4 :)
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: NVIDIA256 on March 09, 2003, 12:19:14 AM
Ehem... thanks for your concern, but I have read plenty reviews on the Seagate

i UNDERSTAND, but remeber earily adopters pay the price, also I hear WD has a 10,000rpm SATA HD comming out.

Also regarding the issue of overclocking, you intend to overclock a 2.4 ghz P4 to 3.1 with a copper heatsink and fan(not advisible)

My overclocked CPU has 800mhz FSB with ddr 400(in a dual channel ram motherboard-granitbay) at 3.1-3.2 stable as F*CK.

At least water cool the thing????????????
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Samwise on March 09, 2003, 02:28:35 AM
Heh, I\'m not planning on water cooling (too much of a hassle IMO). I\'m just gonna OC whatever I can with the stock fan. 3 GHz shouldn\'t be out of reach, but 2.8 GHz or whatever will also be just fine. I can always get another fan if need be (and I don\'t think it will).

As far as the harddrive goes - I need it soon. If the WD is out by then and around the same price then I\'ll of course consider it. But so far the Seagate is my choice and it\'ll do just fine. It\'s fast, stable, easy and reliable. Oh, and very quiet.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: NVIDIA256 on March 09, 2003, 02:50:09 PM
As far as the harddrive goes - I need it soon. If the WD is out by then and around the same price then I\'ll of course consider it. But so far the Seagate is my choice and it\'ll do just fine. It\'s fast, stable, easy and reliable. Oh, and very quiet.


I hear ya, my friend is buying the SEAGATE as well, cause he just purchased the Gigabyte Granitbay mother board with SATA raid. Since Maxtor and WD have not come out with the SATA hard drives yet(Maxtor will be in the next month) he has no choice but to get the seagate. Anyhow I hope you enjoy your new upgrades, regarding the OC, I only made a big stink about it cause, I thought you wanted to get the FSB speed to 800mhz(which can only be done with liquid freon cooling aka..Vapochill) so that it could run syncronisivly with the ddr 400.

Anyhow make sure that use use Artic Silver 3 theremal paste.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 09, 2003, 11:43:09 PM
Originally posted by NVIDIA256

i UNDERSTAND, but remeber earily adopters pay the price, also I hear WD has a 10,000rpm SATA HD comming out.

Also regarding the issue of overclocking, you intend to overclock a 2.4 ghz P4 to 3.1 with a copper heatsink and fan(not advisible)

My overclocked CPU has 800mhz FSB with ddr 400(in a dual channel ram motherboard-granitbay) at 3.1-3.2 stable as F*CK.

At least water cool the thing????????????

Get a SLK800 sink, now that sink is probably one of the best sinks for overclocking, the price of it is high though, and you have to supply your own fan. If i was to overclock. I\'d be using that sink.. Watercooling imo isn\'t worth the money. Not yet anyway.

Soon enough it\'ll probably end up a standard. Cpus will end up needing better cooling then sinks/fans can supply. Unless they design better cores.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: NVIDIA256 on March 10, 2003, 05:50:46 AM
Watercooling imo isn\'t worth the money. Not yet anyway

A good water cooling system, setup properly; is 5 times more effective than the best copper heat sink. Plus water cooling systems look awesome, put the ink dye in and a neon light and you have a pimping system. Also liquid freon is the best cooling option avalible out there right now, my colleuge got his 2.4 ghz p4 up to 3.2ghz, My processor FSB has been overclocked to 800Mhz, you simply can\'t do that with a Copper heatsink or water cooling.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 10, 2003, 01:47:38 PM
Originally posted by NVIDIA256

A good water cooling system, setup properly; is 5 times more effective than the best copper heat sink. Plus water cooling systems look awesome, put the ink dye in and a neon light and you have a pimping system. Also liquid freon is the best cooling option avalible out there right now, my colleuge got his 2.4 ghz p4 up to 3.2ghz, My processor FSB has been overclocked to 800Mhz, you simply can\'t do that with a Copper heatsink or water cooling.

I agree totally that they are a way better cooling solution. But imo they just arn\'t worth it just yet. I\'d rather use a UV die and UV cathode ;)  But for the everyday computer person it\'s just not needed. Personally, I don\'t overclock cpus, I\'ve seen the outcome to many times to put me off. I wouldn\'t overclock a cpu with a stock sink anyway. :)

One day i\'ll get a good water cooling system. Right now i just don\'t need it.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: NVIDIA256 on March 10, 2003, 05:25:35 PM
When you OC with Liqiud freon there is really no danger unless your moron and increase the core voltage to 1.90 and try and overkill the cpu. Other than that it \'s all good, though you must know what your doing, or else you asking for a real mess. Also in order to run my Vapochill unit and water cooler for my graphics card I have 550Watt enermax power supply unit. I have temp cpntrol on everything, it\'s great and the investment is well worth it. Think about it, you buy a 2.5 ghz cpu whic can be pumped up  into the 3.4-3.6 ghz range. Already you have a cpu faster than any consumer cpu on the market also the unit is versatile, in where the clamp piece can be changed for future cpu upgrades.
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 10, 2003, 06:08:58 PM
I don"t overclock anything besides my gfx card. Oneday i\'ll get liquid cooling, probably when i get my 2.8xp. Only problem is my mobo doesn\'t have any holes for the waterblock. So i\'ll have to hunt around for one that doesn\'t need it. Which i doubt there is a decent one if one at all. :(

I just don\'t overclock because i don\'t really need too. When it comes to gaming the diffference between 2gig and 3 gig isn\'t much. Loading times improve and application work improves. You\'ll probably get about 5 fps difference. The real power is in the gfx card. So hopefully people that do buy watercooling products/systems also watercool thier gfx card and overclock it.

Imo, water cooling is pretty cheap. I\'ve seen kits for as low as 30usd dollers.  not bad. :)
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: NVIDIA256 on March 10, 2003, 09:21:24 PM
Definitley, Water cooloing units have started to peice there way into the semi mainstream market. I agree hole heartivly with you that the best bang for buck in performance is the GFX card not the CPU there is no doubt about that. What really sucked me into the Liquid freon was the fact that I could maximize my ram(since I am a ram whore) to 800mhz utilizing the ddr 400\'s potential incased into dual channel dim setup(got to love the granit bay\'s)

any I am drunk right now, so I apoligize for my sloppy sentince structure and spelling.  I hope you enjoy your new CPU and ATI+AMD all the way baby!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, Why does AMD not protect the core like intel does, I only ask this cause those looking into a vapochill have to be extemely careful not to crush the core when installing the unit.  Also I like AMD\'s aprouch towards the 64bit era, as oppossed to intel\'s 64bit or nothing method.

Good night all It\'s time for me to pass out!!1
:thepimp: :thepimp:
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 11, 2003, 03:05:14 AM
Originally posted by NVIDIA256

PS, Why does AMD not protect the core like intel does, I only ask this cause those looking into a vapochill have to be extemely careful not to crush the core when installing the unit.  Also I like AMD\'s aprouch towards the 64bit era, as oppossed to intel\'s 64bit or nothing method.

Good night all It\'s time for me to pass out!!1
:thepimp: :thepimp:

The new cores are meant to be protected.. The hammer cores have a heat spreader etc.

I  haven\'t seen anyone crack/crush thier cores myself. Even though heavy sinks like the slk800 risk that problem. Personaly i find that if someone was to crush thier core. It would be out of stupidty or lazyness in installing the sink. (not being careful etc)
Like most non standard user things. Things can go wrong. Don\'t wanna get a leak with a water cooling system... ;)
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Mr. Kennedy on March 11, 2003, 04:39:57 AM
Nice stuff.

Question though.  Is overclocking any harm to your computer?
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: Samwise on March 11, 2003, 05:25:24 AM
Originally posted by The Hurricane
Question though.  Is overclocking any harm to your computer?
Well, depending on how much or how little... I\'d have to say no, not really. I guess it does shorten the life of the OC\'ed chips a bit, but nothing you\'d really know anyway (within reason at least).
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on March 11, 2003, 11:13:17 PM
Over clocking anything shortens it\'s life..   Depending on how much it\'s over clocked. As far as I know, when they test the Cpus / GPUs  they test its o/c abilities in a way. When they reach a unstable speed they down clock the processor and set it’s clock rate leaving leeway for over clocking.  That\'s how they give each cpu it\'s determined speed. As far as I know anyway... I\'m probably wrong though :)
Title: Got some new toys!
Post by: THX on March 12, 2003, 09:58:19 PM
I have a p2.4b (533mhz bus) and choose not to overclock.  Silence is golden to me and I have all my case fans off, I won\'t do anything to make my components run hotter than they already are.

If I had the money I\'d snatch the Prometeia ( water cooling thingamabob.