
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: jiggs on March 08, 2003, 11:31:12 AM

Title: After four years Freelancer is finally here.
Post by: jiggs on March 08, 2003, 11:31:12 AM
Just picked Freelancer and its about to hit the HD. It appears the game has gotten great reviews. I am about to test that. "Its full of stars." Loving E&B and looking foward to EVE the space cowboy in me has come to life. More later.:D
Title: After four years Freelancer is finally here.
Post by: FatalXception on March 09, 2003, 07:51:33 PM
I\'ve been playin\' it 10 hours a day since I got it... very, very cool!

I haven\'t had this much fun in a space flight game since privateer/riteous fire.  They were smart... they kept the controls and fighting simple.  looting is just a matter of pressing \'b\' for tractor beam (all auto)... nav and travelling is easy enough, and there is a straightforward (diablo II esq) leveling and building up system.

I\'m surprised it\'s microsoft.  :)
Title: After four years Freelancer is finally here.
Post by: Peltopukki on March 10, 2003, 12:07:08 AM
It\'s made by Digital Anvil, which was bought by Microsoft some time ago.
It is quite good game with some shotcomings, mostly becouse of linking universe too closely to sinlge player missions.
level limits on ships&guns, there is little to none reason to get much money by trading early on in the game, if U can\'t use it before long after playing game trough...
salaries and dificulty of universe bound to locales of single player game. In liberty space it is impossible to get challenging missions, and tokio or any other area found later in game, it is impossible to find any \'easy\' missions.

but, overall quite good game.
now just waiting for Eve and Elite4.. (which should be on the way...for consoles and Pc)