
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: fastson on March 10, 2003, 01:26:48 PM

Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: fastson on March 10, 2003, 01:26:48 PM
France joins Russia in declaring itself ready to veto a UN resolution which paves the way for war on Iraq.

Is anyone suprised? Im not. Well maybe a little suprised that Russia votes no.
The French position has been clear for a long time.

Also this..

Iraqi forces are reported to have placed explosives around the oil fields in the Kirkuk region in northern Iraq, according to US officials
Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: Kurt Angle on March 10, 2003, 01:27:56 PM
That\'s not like the french! ;)
Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: videoholic on March 10, 2003, 01:28:42 PM
I don\'t think we really care much about the Veto.  It\'s symbolic at best.  Russia and France both have direct oil ventures in Iraq so it is a joke that they even have a vote to begin with.
Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: GigaShadow on March 10, 2003, 02:02:13 PM
The UN is going down the drain after this is all over with.  I still am surprised we are even trying to get 9 votes - it shows just how ridiculous the UN really is as an effective world body.  Why pay these countries for a lousy vote when France is going to veto it anyway.  I hope they get this overwith soon so the US can just attack and get it over with.
Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: Deadly Hamster on March 10, 2003, 03:15:32 PM
And in your views, do we make a new group after the UN? or act as a seperate country? *Cough*Rouge Nation*Cough*
Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: videoholic on March 10, 2003, 05:05:05 PM
The UN is ineffective.  It\'s a freaking joke.
Title: France & Russia puts a banana in the exhaust pipe.
Post by: Deadly Hamster on March 10, 2003, 06:35:50 PM
Okay, all im saying is we better have another UN-like organization, the world doesnt work when every nation acts by itself.