
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ooseven on March 10, 2003, 01:28:53 PM

Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: ooseven on March 10, 2003, 01:28:53 PM
yup thats right and this time its NOT Microsoft :(.....

its the US Sci-Fi Channel For Axe\'n Farscape :rpissed:

yup.. i just watched the "Final" Eps  and i have to say.... HOW COULD THEY :( after all we have been through :(


*Miss Money Penny Beych slaps double oo to make him get to the Frigging point

oh thats better....

anyway with out having to use the spoiler tags ok i will ...lets just say the end of the "Final" Eps wasn\'t a happy one.

God Damn it was soo good until the last 2 min\'s



Anyhooo this thread is devoted to fellow Farscape Fans.. there are plans a foot to save this by the JH company (they do own it after all) to find a network to start series 5.
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: Living-In-Clip on March 10, 2003, 03:06:03 PM
Isn\'t FarScape out on DVD? If so, than it looks like you\'ll be forced to shell out the money for the DVD volumes.... Or worse come to worse, the VCD one\'s. That is what I had to do for Batman: The Animated series.

(P.S - I don\'t promote piracy. If there is a legit DVD out there, get that. As for VCD\'s, if there is no other option to get the show, than go for it. I did it with Batman: The Animated series, only because I had no other choice. If WB ever came out with season sets of them, I\'d buy it in a heart-beat. I look at VCD\'s as a cheap way to get a show a fan may love, but never have the chance of actually owning and can\'t find on the TV networks any longer.)
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: SER on March 10, 2003, 03:09:17 PM
Your VCD message was longer than your actual reply. :p

I would check this show out, but I haven\'t had cable since the typhoon in December. :(
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: (e) on March 10, 2003, 04:31:50 PM
LIC, erm...

You can buy batman the series movies, well soon actually. :laughing:
The legend begins:

Tales of the Dark Knight;

The Legend Begins/Justice League
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: Living-In-Clip on March 10, 2003, 04:54:38 PM
I don\'t wanna piss on your parade, but here\'s alittle something.

(1) Those discs are select episodes , usually three. I have those, for the record. Those are just a piss-off for true fans of the series.

What fans of the series want are season sets. We don\'t want three episodes here and there. We don\'t want WB select episodes.

Still, I have bought \'The Adventure Begins\' and I will buy \'Tales of the Dark Knight\', in hopes WB gets the message that there is a market for  Batman: TAS season sets!

Oh and screw The Justice League cartoon.


With that said, the point remains. If WB would get off their ass and release season sets, fans like me, would buy them in a heart-beat. As it is, they continue to screw us with these three-episode discs, that I hate to buy, but yet ..still buy.
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: (e) on March 10, 2003, 05:58:21 PM
Oh, a simple misunderstanding..

Not being a true batman fan. Im not exactly sure what you were talking about..

Oh yeah, BTW: Captain America, would, could, and should kick batmans ass ;)

Thee greatest superhero ever
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: Living-In-Clip on March 10, 2003, 06:06:27 PM
Your on crack. I recently purchased the complete 60\'s Captain America cartoon and while he was  a good hero - he could not kick Batman\'s ass. Batman is ten times more clever and cunning.

Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: CHIZZY on March 10, 2003, 07:08:32 PM
Go Captain America!

Batman may be more clever, but CA has got him beat by brute force... ( the true American way!.... ;)  )
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: Living-In-Clip on March 10, 2003, 07:36:40 PM
From Amazon. com , for Ooseven.

Buy new: $127.48

Buy new: $29.99 --

Buy new: $29.99


If you are truly hard up for a FarScape fix, than here is your chance.

And finally, to adress the Batman DVD > VCD situation.

The DVD Batman: The Legend Begin\'s DVD has these episodes.

Note these are in no order. If it was the first five episodes the list would be.

Now see, my biggest problem is this. At this rate, five episodes a disc, it would take forever to release the whole series. The complete series (Batman: The Animated series, The New Adventures of Batman and Robin and The New Batman Adventures) consisted of 112 episodes.

Now, even if they did bother to release 112 episodes - do we really want all 112 scattered about on random discs? I don\'t think so.
Title: Fear not everyone..forget the War Becasue 007 has a new bee in his Bonnet
Post by: ooseven on March 11, 2003, 01:34:25 AM
holy Hi-Jacked Thread Batman ;)

hey nice new avay that animated series of Batman. :D....