Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 11, 2003, 04:32:53 AM
A live action PACMAN MOVIE? WTF????
What in god\'s name could it be about?
eating dots. That would be my best guest.
If you don\'t remember, they\'re used to be pacman picture books, and they would tell the tale of pacman fighting against the ghost. It was so cool, the book had mazes that you could fill out and everything.
Yeah, but this is a LIVE ACTION movie. Not a cartoon.
hmmm i would like to see the casting for this film...
i mean for the Role of Pacman we need to find a Large Round actor who can only say linited lines.;)
I saw this article earlier this morning, it has crapness written all over it.
girl #1: Pacman, I feel as though we are drifting apart. Our relationship is suffering with you always out popping pills and chasing ghosts.
Pacman: wokka wokka wokka wokka wokka... bee-eww-wee-eww-wee-ew-wee-eww...boink boink.
Hasn\'t this movie already been done?.... Oh, wait, I was thinking of Thirteen Ghosts, nevermind.
Popping pills in the dark, listening to synthesized music - I get it! It\'s a RAVE movie! ;)
wow, I see yet another cheesy Van Dam movie.
John Goodman vehicle. He\'s already played Fred Flintstone, so WTF?
Seriously, how bout Jack Black in the title role? That might actually be good. :D
can you say romantic comedy staring Rob Snider?
"He\'s been an Animal, he\'s be a Jigalo, and he\'s been a woman. Now in his most challenging role yet, Rob Snider is....Pacman!
Rob Snider sucks man.
*Cloud345\'s jaw drops in disbeleif.......
What has this world come to?
The whole hour long movie=pac-man eating dots and than the second hour= ms pac man eating dots. :sconf:
Terrible, whats next Mario...
Oh, nevermind.. :(
Mario Bros movie kicked arse. But pac-man\'s just gunna be plain stupid unless they go away from the maze and go into something like TheTick.
I\'ve heard of dumber idea\'s..Namely "Dumber and Dumberer.." ...:D
They need to sign Johnny Depp or some big named actor..if that happened, sign me up!
damn, I wish it was a sequel, not a prequel.
I\'d watch anything where balls are being eaten.
Originally posted by Vapor Snake
I\'d watch anything where balls are being eaten.
Oh, so you\'ve seen Jack O\'Toole in "Monster Goblin Eaters"? That was the best.
A pacman movie? How can they even write a plot with that. It will be an hour long chase.
I imagen that the plot would be something like the cartoons.
/me shrugs
This movie is going to suck, and I\'m going to watch it!
I read about this in a magazine this morning. It\'s an action movie, so I guess the ghosts and Pac-Man are about to have at it.