Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 12, 2003, 05:42:39 PM
9/11 memorial trashed in protest to the impending war. Friggen ignorant people.
These peaceniks are awfully violent. They scare me.
honestly, i say to people that dont want war and go to this extreme, "GET THE FU** OUTTA THE DAMN COUNTRY IF YOU HATE IT THAT MUCH." These people take so much crap for granted. They have no idea what the government knows, which could be some of the most horrible stuff. Does it take another million people to die before they realize we have to do something about these people?
Damnit, ya see, its people like this that give liberals a bad name -_-
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
Damnit, ya see, its people like this that give liberals a bad name -_-
Liberals give liberals a bad name.
Some liberals are idiots, the only reason people think all liberals are dumb is because the incredibly stupid protests are the ones most publicized.
the people that did it are very, VERY lucky they werent mobbed in NYC for doing that
Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
honestly, i say to people that dont want war and go to this extreme, "GET THE FU** OUTTA THE DAMN COUNTRY IF YOU HATE IT THAT MUCH." These people take so much crap for granted. They have no idea what the government knows, which could be some of the most horrible stuff. Does it take another million people to die before they realize we have to do something about these people?
Well they went to an extreme so I agree with you in part.
BUT, the right to protest is what makes this country and other free countries great. I bet if the Iraqi people could protest we would bomb them as quickly as possible because the world would really realize how much that dictator needs to get the F out.
those people are lucky to be alive.
Some liberals are alright. Its the radical liberals that piss me off. I\'m partially liberal but mostly conservative myself.
Yeah, way to go protesters! There\'s no better way to show your concern for Americans than by burning the country\'s flags!
****ing idiots. I wonder if they even know what they\'re protesting anymore.
I\'m fine with liberals that can sit down and have a intelligent discussion. Dissent is healthy for free nation. But these morons are NOT dissenting. These morons are so disgusting, so hatefilled, so anti-American, that they do NOT deserve the freedoms that so many people died for. These people would make Stalin and Hitler proud.
I hate flag burners. If they don\'t like their country, get the f*** out.
It was probably just some stupid kids. I very much doubt that serious war protesters were involved in this. Consider the source of this story... The Whittier Daily News? as in the newspaper from Richard Nixon\'s home town? It would not surprise me if the reporter simply assumed it was war protesters.
I agree that we shouldn\'t lop these peeps with the average protesters. HOWEVER, many of the the serious protesters are kids, and a few (like the Black Anarchist) are trouble makers (they are not the average peaceful protesters, but they do show up at these events JUST to cause problems). Not all anti-war people are violent, at the same time, not all anti-war people are peaceful either.
Originally posted by Simchoy
I\'m fine with liberals that can sit down and have a intelligent discussion. Dissent is healthy for free nation. But these morons are NOT dissenting. These morons are so disgusting, so hatefilled, so anti-American, that they do NOT deserve the freedoms that so many people died for. These people would make Stalin and Hitler proud.
I agree with you you 100%. What liberals today should do is create salons, just like in the old days. There they could discuss, not protest, how to make their country better and take it up at congress. I mean, who cares about people on the picket line saying "Bush sucks" and stuff like that. Antiwar protesters could make like a presentation and go to Congress and make their case. They\'d win a lot more people over than going up to the white house screaming. Who would listen to that? No one.
I think we should strap those hippies to our missles and use them to kill iraqi soilders.
You know...these protester wouldn\'t be singing the same song when Saddam drops a missile at their door....f***k idiots.
They so pathetically naive and ignorant of the world situation...taking out Saddam does not guarantee terrorist problem will be resolved. But if US don\'t do it, I can guarantee Saddam and co will terrorize the US and other countries .
War is evil. But in this case, i\'s NECESSARY evil.
Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
honestly, i say to people that dont want war and go to this extreme, "GET THE FU** OUTTA THE DAMN COUNTRY IF YOU HATE IT THAT MUCH." These people take so much crap for granted. They have no idea what the government knows, which could be some of the most horrible stuff. Does it take another million people to die before they realize we have to do something about these people?
So just because there are people that want peace, and are against their country going into war, they automatically hate their country and should get the **** out. If there is anything those people take for granted is what the government hides from them. In this case, if the US gov. knows some of the "horrible stuff" that Iraq has.Then they should of come out and said it. Maybe that way the UN would of got our backs. But now Bush is acting alone with some allies, the UN not behind them.
These people that we have to do something about don\'t have a choice. It\'s Hussein they\'re after. If they don\'t fight for their contry, They die. If they do, they die. Poor them.
The US has come out and said what Iraq has...
In fact, its common knowledge...
Only Iraq denies having it...
So you know in fact that Iraq had nukes?
You\'ve seen them?
You know they were going to use them?
Iraq probably does have them, war would only give him a reason to use them.
After all this is over, Bush better take pictures or someshit of all the nukes that they found. If he doesn\'t then he can go to hell. Him and Hussain. Blood-thirsty SOB\'s.
I\'m talking about Bio and Chem weapons and yes, he has used them...
You think in the 4 years there were no inspectors, Iraq disarmed itself?
The inspectors themselves reported they had not found everything yet before being expelled...
The inspectors also said that Iraq was cooperating alot more, and that things were going good. Too late now since they have to run for their lives before they get murdered.
Iraq coroperating? Oh, you mean when Iraq was destroying those Al Samood Missles? Well, while they were "destroying" those Al Samood Missles, we also had reports that they were taking out the engine of the missles. Now, if they were serious in taking out those missles, why would they do that?
If anything, their "coroperating" was to buy more time. If they were serious about "coroperating", if Iraq would\'ve had the inspectors there to confirm that they destroyed everything. Espeically with the Chemical and Biological weapons they had.
So im going to make this simple.
Alright **** it. Iraq is full of shit. Bush is full of shit. Let\'s go kill some people.
"Alright **** it. Iraq is full of shit. Bush is full of shit. Let\'s go kill some people."
Thats pretty ignorant and disrespectful Sirmystiq. This war isn\'t a joking matter. This is getting very serious.
Who am I disrespecting?
some guy jumped to his death off the golden gate bridge this afternoon after writiing an anti-war THAT is takin it too far!
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Who am I disrespecting?
I was talking about the part where you said kill some people. Do you think the US wants war? We tried to avoid it but Hussein has been playing hard ball so he\'s getting attacked. Its also disrespectful to the soldiers there. How do you think they feel. They will be killing sometimes innocent people that may mess these soldiers up for life or even get killed there.
The US gov. did nothing to try to avoid this war. C\'mon!! Through out all this mess, all they kept saying was "Disarm or well **** you up". No matter what was said. Iraq destroying some of their missiles didn\'t matter. No Bush and his clan are pretty damn sure he has tons of WOMD on his underground bat cave.
The soldiers shouln\'t be put in that situation to begin with. Do you really think all of the soldiers that were interviewed agree with what Bush is doing? Do you really think they would openly express their true feelings about all this?
Oh yeah. I guess giving him time to leave is not trying to evade war. By giving him deadlines which he repeatedly breaks to destroy any and all missles and chemical weapons that he promised to get rid of. Give me a break. We extended his deadlines, sent in weapons inspectors to see if he has these before we attacked. Don\'t say we did nothing to evade this war because we did all possible. He had 12 years to disarm and he failed, now he\'s facing the consequences.
The dumbasses at the White House knew he wasn\'t going to give up!! They just said that to him so the war wouln\'t see so bad. To make it look like they actually wanted to give peace a chance.
If he doesn\'t have them, how can he destroy something he doesn\'t have?
The UN inspectors said they were cooperationg, doing a good job. But did they finish their job? NO. Did the US care? NO.
The whole point is, there is a war for something we don\'t even know exist.
You\'ve been watching the news too much, I\'ve heard that "they had 12 years to disarm.." phrase at least 50 times.
We will only know for sure if he has one when he actually uses one. Besides, the inspectors only go to one site at a time. The Iraqis have time to move the weapons so we don\'t even know if they have them or not.
We know they exist...
They just fired a SCUD at us...
How\'s that for proof?
Originally posted by Ashford
We know they exist...
They just fired a SCUD at us...
How\'s that for proof?
They\'ve fired from one side of the border with Kuwait to the other, it doesn\'t take one of their illegal missiles (112 miles range I think) to cross a border, one of their many LEGAL 93 mile range missiles would have done.
Edit: Anyway, did you ever see coverage of Gulf War 1, a SCUD isn\'t a WMD, a lot of the time a fridge dropped from a plane would do more damage as they\'re so unreliable.
I wouldnt put it past saddam when he was destroying those al-salud missles for each one destroyed another one was built in secret! Saddam said he had no Scuds........that was obviously a lie!
Eitherway, he is not allowed to have them. He broke that treaty as well as many others and he\'s getting what he deserves.