Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: sabrina on March 13, 2003, 01:31:18 AM
hey guys have seen the news about Elizabeth smart well
they found her alive and now she back where she belong
with her family .boy she been gone for nine months she is one
of the lucky kid to be missing and got home with family even
know some missing kids don\'t get come home alive.
thank god for her family beliveing she would come home
Yes I did see that. I am happy for the gal. It\'s sad to see somebody taken away like she was but it brings joy to my heart to see her home in one piece.
There is a lot more to this story.. Simply has to be.
If the girl was black....would she get as much publicity?
Someone asked me. I don\'t know why she asked me that question. I guess she\'s just thinking out loud. But she brings up a good question.
SUre she would. The chick was gone for 9 months and was found wearing a wig and making up stuff. Who cares what color she is.
beside the parents were vigilant to keep her in the publics eye for this 9 months hurah for the parents
im with vid, there is ALOT more to this story than we know
her father gives me the creeps. Mr. "not-so" Smart.
I saw on the news the guy brought her to parties making her wear a veil. And one of the parties was just a mile from her house.
I Read a lot of stuff that says she had plenty of chances to escape and that she wasn\'t being hidden very well, Wonder why she didn\'t make an attempt? I\'ll keep an eye out for news bout this.
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
I Read a lot of stuff that says she had plenty of chances to escape and that she wasn\'t being hidden very well, Wonder why she didn\'t make an attempt? I\'ll keep an eye out for news bout this.
In the newspaper they quoted a child psychologist who said she had developed Stockholm syndrome.
From what I understand that means she started to sympathize with the kidnappers..
Well, at least shes home now...
Yeah, I saw it on 20/20, or was it Dateline? 60 minutes? **** i dont remember.
Glad shes back...
Their must be more...
Yeah, I saw it on 20/20, or was it Dateline? 60 minutes? **** i dont remember.
Glad shes back...
But, their must be more. hell, i havent even heard what has happened so far- besides she back.
Well basicaly, someone her father had hired to work on there house months before, broken into her bedroom, and took her at knifepoint. The man calls himself Emanuel, he thinks hes a prophet or something, and he was trying to take 7 new wifes because he saw it in a revolation. Some pretty scarey stuff.
good new for a family
A good new what? A good new pair of shoes? A good new car? A good new rocket ship? What good, new thing is this family recieving?
she meant news
I know. Obviously you don\'t know an altered strong bad quote when you see it.