Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: THX on March 13, 2003, 08:28:43 PM
I hope this finally convinces those damn Frechies, we need to strike, andd we need to do it NOW.
*crosses fingers hoping this hasn\'t been posted before even after doing a minute and a half long search*
the REAL picture ;)
Ha, ha, ha!
lol @ ooseven\'s burglar..... :laughing:
Ahhhh, CHIZZY! The kitten slayer himself.
The cat got own3d!
You best believe that I am in the process of creating a new avatar
from that pic....
What a pussy!!!
Ph33r my l33t sk1llz!!11
Originally posted by project86
Wow someone actually laughed at mine, I think you were laughing at mine project
The cat strikes back on IRAQ
good stuff.
nice Rope, howd u make that>
Ill give it a shot :laughing: god i have no sense of humor :(
lol @ both o yous..
teh koppy one is smooth..
the chizz rope one is classsy. (nice rope, BTW..)
/me loves you all....
Originally posted by Spencer
nice Rope, howd u make that>
It\'s amazing what you can do with PSP7 and 2 minutes of free time!!!
The original is cruel but the photo shop one are funny, good job :laughing:
Originally posted by CHIZZY
teh koppy one is smooth..
Your just saying that so i dont hurt anyone ;)