Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: SER on March 16, 2003, 03:12:55 PM
Well, I made a thread about my birthday the other day... I got some cool stuff, my sis got me some new clothes, a 3 shirts, pair of jeans, and some shoes. I really needed \'em too. :D My parents just gave me some money and my girlfriend gave me a puppy, half chiuaua, dunno the other half...! I like playing with her dog at her house and I always joked around and asked if I could take him home. It was so cool, I never ever expected that she would get me one. This is the best gift ever!!! :D :D :D
So far though, it\'s crapped 3 times on my rug :( and pissed far too many times. For you pet owners, I need some advice, (what should I do, etc.) on how to train it not to take a shit everywhere. I\'ve never had a pet in my life..... So, let\'s hear it!
it just takes time, you just have to train him, tell him where to go to the toilet (outside) and reward him when he does it properly.
I know it seems strange but they actually understand.
i have a labrador so i know what its like. It was pretty disgusting, but its the only way to do it: We usually picked him up while he was pissing/crapping and put him where he should go. Repremanding them isnt the best(always) because if you repremend them 2 minutes later, they wont know why ur yelling at them.
congrats on the new puppy BTW
It\'s worth the 8-20 bucks a good "overall" dog care book will cost you at a pet store... for first time owners get a book that has a few chapters about everthing... believe me at some point you\'ll run into everything. :D
Dogs respond to both positive reinforcement, and negative reactions. There\'s no need to spank or punish, just you using an "unhappy" tone of voice is usually enough, since dogs want to please you.... make sure you show just how pleased when he/she does something right! (and always right at the time of good/bad infractions)
congrats too! Dogs rule!
Maybe you should show him where and how to do it? :confused:
I have a "chiuaua" (I can\'t spell it either). He is maybe one of the cooler pets I have had.
I\'m not in a not so happy mood right now, because it crapped on my carpet again... That plus he stepped all over it too and took a few steps around my room after that.... :evil: :evil: :evil:
Right now, it\'s on my second floor of my house, so doing the take outside and crap thing is gonna be hard kinda. By the time I get down, it\'ll be done crapping on my stairs. Man this sucks.
Just make damned sure you watch him as much as you can, when you can see him walking in circles and sniffing the floor you know he\'ll be leaving a little present for you. Just take him outside and let him do his things and reward him for that, just a small treat and act all jolly and nice. As Racer said, he\'ll understand.
That\'s why I don\'t have animals, they\'re smelly and a pain in the ass.
It doesn\'t help that I\'m outta the house from 11am-10pm does it? :( :confused:
Hopefully, I can quit soon..... lol even though I just started last week.
I\'ve had dogs all my life and had to take care of them. Right now I have a 7.5 month old German Shepherd (who r0x0rz) he\'s completly obedience trained right now. The way I house trained him was to use positive reasurment. I\'d take him outside every 1-2 hours and when he did his business, I\'d praise him. And if he went inside, I\'d just rush him outside asap, and then praise him for dumping outside. It worked for him, he was house trained in about 1-2 weeks (I got him when he was 6 weeks old)
Originally posted by Heat
That\'s why I don\'t have animals, they\'re smelly and a pain in the ass.
Well your missing out bigtime. Dogs give you so much joy.
I have a cat. He\'s a pain in the ass. Dogs are cool though. The only thing that I dont really like about them is walking them everyday. I had a dog when I was young and she was a lot of fun.
Here\'s one way to house train.
Buy a cage (always leave the door open when not training, since it\'s not a punishment, but "personal" puppy space, my dogs love their cages... we line them with blankets and pillows and stuff now, and we removed the doors). Line it with newspaper, and make sure he goes in there... he\'ll use a corner. Eventually, you can put paper outside, and take it out of the cage (or even put the cage outside), and he\'ll keep going on the paper (newsprint).
Without a cage, you can still use the newsprint method. Put some wherever he\'s going now (in your room)... and if he starts going somewhere else, put him right on the newsprint (if you put it over shoe-rubber mats, easy cleaning). After he\'s trained to go on the newsprint (1-2 weeks), put some outside... and when you think he\'s prolly ready, take him out to the newsprint outside.... Dogs eventually get smell triggers for body-functions... so he will \'need\' to go as soon as you put him on paper (and now your going to make the trigger verbal). When you put him on the paper, give a command, like bathroom, or pee-pee.... then wean him off the paper outside (use the command he learned, but on the grass)... My dogs now go as soon as their paws hit grass..... even if they don\'t even pee... they go through the motions, it\'s so engrained in them. :)
Originally posted by Heat
That\'s why I don\'t have animals, they\'re smelly and a pain in the ass.
You know, dogs are not toys for your own sexual pleasures.......pervert
Originally posted by Heat
That\'s why I don\'t have animals, they\'re smelly and a pain in the ass.
Word. As much as I love animals, they\'re simply too much of a pain to keep for me. So I\'ll just leech on other people\'s pets. :)
Pets are great, I have always had a dog................... I am thinking of dumping her though!;)
I\'m still debating whether I should keep it as an outside dog or inside dog. My mom is out of town right now, so I have to see what she says. I really want it to be inside though. :(
Thanks guys for the input, the newspaper one sounds cool... Think I\'ll do that. Let you know how it goes.
In my experience, outside dogs tend to get so much less attenion that it is sad.
Can you imagine being banished outside by yourself?
(the puppy that is)
Dogs rule....
Cats are alright...
But yeah congrats, they are great companions.
I hate cats.
I can\'t have a dog because I am the only one in my family who isn\'t allergic to them. :(
inside is the way to do. My dog sleeps on my bed, and pretty much kicks it in the house 24/7 unless we\'re out patrolling, as he is a MAJOR chick magnet. He\'s a sexy dog.
Try this link. Hope it helps
Thanks guar. I\'m anticipating that it\'s going to be very hard to do, because I am hardly ever home. I need to quit my job. :(
and spend time with your dog?
Sorry but thats one ofthe more pathetic things ive heard.
Oh yeah? Try bouncing around a 30 hour work week with 5 classes in college, inferior high schooler! :p :crap:
You will learn. When you own pets, they absolutely take time.
Especially when young. :)
I want a Husky :(
But they\'re 300 bucks :( :(
Hey sirmystiq...
I could snag you one from the Iditarod up here.
for only 50 bucks... pm the details :laughing:
inferior high schooler
:( :\'(
cool, i got a puppy minidachshund about 3 months ago. my friend down the street got a chuwawwa and they are fun. here is a pic of my dog when he was a pup. his name is baxter.
that dog sucks
so do you
Ha, we got our dog already trained. He came from the pound, and the previous owner did a darn good job of teaching him. Of the 8 months we\'ve had him, he\'s only gone once inside.
Nothing like a good weiner. Cool dog Spencer
I betcha\' like dem weiny\'s , eh?
If you\'re never home then you can\'t have a pet, simple as that. Poor dog is all I can say.
Doesn\'t matter how housetrained it is, if you\'re away for 10-11 hours a day then it surely will crap and/or pee on your rug. Imagine you being locked up somewhere and having to hold it for 10 hours straight and remember, most dogs have smaller bladders etc (you get the point) than humans so it\'s even worse for them.
My family has always had dogs, we walk them 2-3 times each day and also let them out in the yard a couple of times a day.
And like many of the others say, do not yell at him if he peed or crapped on yer rug a minute after he actually did it coz he\'ll not understand why you\'re yelling. The only time you can use a negative tone of voice at a dog is when you catch him redhanded doing something that is wrong (stealing food from the kitchen, peeing indoors etc.)
Also like many others said; always smile, and talk in higher pitched voice (sounds dumb but it works) and always praise and use positive reencouragement when he relieves himself outside. That\'s pretty much the only way.
Having a puppy takes commitment, much like a baby. You wouldn\'t leave your kid alone all day now would you?
Is anyone lucky enough to own one of these???
My dog is part husky.
i posted a pic of my dog before but ill do it again for the heck of it. Dogs can be pains in the arse when their puppies, but when theire mature, theyre great companions.
Originally posted by JP
If you\'re never home then you can\'t have a pet, simple as that. Poor dog is all I can say.
Yeah, it\'s pretty hard. I feel sorry for it when I leave for school, then when I get home, I only have 30 minutes to get ready and then I\'m off and he\'s alone again... :( I\'m thinking of just giving it away...... :crying:
:( :( :(
That\'s so sad!!
I think I can handle a dog. When I go to school my dad stays home with my little brother. So the dog would have company until I come back.
That\'s a beautiful dog by the way Viper.......:( :(
:( It\'s really messed up too, if I decide not to have it. My girlfriend gave it to me for my birthday, and I even wanted it too. :( Well, I wanted it to be an inside dog, but I guess it will have to be an outside. I\'ll let it sleep inside the house for now, I think it\'s too young for outside. Maybe in a few weeks, I\'ll put it outside.
all i can say is have fun with it
mine had to be put down yesterday
Sorry for your loss tigress. :crying:
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Is anyone lucky enough to own one of these???
I\'ve had 2 in my lifetime. They\'re sorta like mariah carey. Beautiful as hell, but dumb as shit. Don\'t expect to train him to do anything except pull on you whenever you walk him. They\'re sled dogs. They pull. That\'s what they do.
thanks guar it got to the point that she could not even walk me and my mom had to pick her up she could barely move but as they were taking her to the back she looked up one last time at us with this sad expression she was a rock her name was desie she was seven in human 35 in dog. I really miss her sooooo much 8......(
/me gives tigress a hug.....
Originally posted by tigress
thanks guar it got to the point that she could not even walk me and my mom had to pick her up she could barely move but as they were taking her to the back she looked up one last time at us with this sad expression she was a rock her name was desie she was seven in human 35 in dog. I really miss her sooooo much 8......(
That\'s a very sad story, seven is quite a young age for a dog. My first dog reached 14 before we had him put down. My current dog will soon be 9 and he still runs around like a puppy.