Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 17, 2003, 07:58:54 AM
I wake up this morning and my computer is beeping as out of the PC speaker. The kind of beep you get when you hold down the space bar and the buffer is filled.
I couldn\'t do anything with the computer so I shut it down with the power button.
Now when I turn it on, nothing happens. I can\'t get into bios, can\'t do anything.
We had a nice little storm last night and I think even though I have two surge protectors, the motherboard or chips is blown or something.
Is there anything I can check? I don\'t want to take it in somewhere and have them tell me "Your computer is fried, pay me 200 bucks."
1) Check if your motherboard has a reset-jumper, or safe-boot bio jumper.
If not, try a new mb.
usually, when a mobo beeps nonstop the ram or powersupply is bad
i would remove the powersupply from the PC, plug it in and hook a volt meter up to it and check for proper current
Bad ram, or fried cards will at least let the mb get to something.. even if it\'s just an error report.
So it\'s gotta be the MB or PS.... See if your PS has it\'s own surge protector/fuse or something too.... My powersupply has a little reset switch.
The manual for your MB should have a troubleshooting section. You should be able to find out what the beeps mean in there.
Make sure the MB is getting PR from the PS. If not try swithching the BP to the 7-11 and listen for some ODB or OPP. You could also throw in a little NWA or DTP. Once your finished with this you might be a little stressed out, so throw a stake on the BBQ and smother it with some A1. Thats how its done.
It actually shows me the Sony logo right when you hit the power button. This is the screen that it shows before the bios takes control and gives you the bios screen. Computer never gets to the bios screen where it tells you all the stuff hooked up to the motherboard.
So when you hit the power button the light for the HD lights up, Sony logo pops up on screen. 10 seconds later HD light goes out and it just sits there.
I\'m not home or I\'d check the PS. I have an extra PS from and old computer, but wouldn\'t it be completely dead if the PS is the problem or would just low output cause it?
low output could cause it
i\'m gonna be forced to say its the ram if windows never loads AND it beeps nonstop
Occasionally while I\'d be working the computer would beep at me a few times and the lights on the keyboard would flash. It would last a couple seconds and then I\'d continue on with my pron...
This obviously is the worst I\'ve ever had. I\'ve never had a computer totally lock up to where I couldn\'t even get into the bios.
Friggen Vaio...
I get home and turn it on and what do you know, it works now.
You guys think the chip may have a lot of dust on it causing it to get too hot? No clue why it would all of the sudden work unless it is heat related. This is the first it\'s been off in quite a while.
maybe you just needed to have the machine off for awhile. It may have had some current running through it from the storm u had...
Well I have a new battery back up on it and 2 surge protectors before the back up. I know it doesn\'t mean shit if it gets zapped by lightning, but we get so many fluctuations in voltage here it is ridiculous.
I\'m just glad I don\'t have to go get a computer right now. I need another year or two out of this sucker.