
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 18, 2003, 04:36:45 AM

Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: videoholic on March 18, 2003, 04:36:45 AM
It\'s interesting to see the differences.  Americans now think Blair kicks ass.  To think a guy believes in a cause so much that he would throw his entire political career into the fire.  To go against the majority of the country for his own beliefs.  That guy kicks ass.

Bush has it easy.  He has the backing of over 70% of americans and finally his approval rating has gone back up after he has now nutted up and flipped the finger to the UN.

I think if Blair was a US citizen he could beat Bush in the next election..  heh..
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: Ace on March 18, 2003, 06:38:32 AM
I have never been a big fan of Blair until 9/11. Some of his speeches after that day were very well done. With this current situation he has proved that he is a friend of the US.

Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: ooseven on March 18, 2003, 07:53:58 AM
it would be nice if he could tackle home problems with the same level of energy that he comits to international ones. :(

Health service = Crisis
Transpost = Crisis
Economy = Crisis
Public Spending = Crisis
Crime levels = = Crisis
Education = Crisis
Further Education = Crisis.

Lets face it if it wasn\'t for the War... the whole new labour would be as useful as a condom vending machine in the Vatican. ;)
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: Ace on March 18, 2003, 08:01:28 AM
Originally posted by ooseven
Lets face it if it wasn\'t for the War... the whole new labour would be as useful as a condom vending machine in the Vatican. ;)

There are so many jokes that could be tied into that comment. I will not give in since I am a good practicing catholic. :)

Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: Green Meanie on March 19, 2003, 01:15:40 AM
Originally posted by ooseven
it would be nice if he could tackle home problems with the same level of energy that he comits to international ones. :(

Health service = Crisis
Transpost = Crisis
Economy = Crisis
Public Spending = Crisis
Crime levels = = Crisis
Education = Crisis
Further Education = Crisis.

Lets face it if it wasn\'t for the War... the whole new labour would be as useful as a condom vending machine in the Vatican. ;)

Don\'t forget the emergency services, the state of the roads, the high taxes and asylum seekers in that list of crisis!

You can tell Blair wants to be president of Europe when we finally join together fully (ugh), he only works for other countries.
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: videoholic on March 19, 2003, 03:21:15 AM
Hell you can say all that stuff about the US too.  ALthough I wouldn\'t say that the stuff is at crisis levels.  I don\'t see anyone running down the street screaming about city bussing or anything.
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: fastson on March 19, 2003, 03:45:56 AM
Impressed by him not backing down even though a majority of the people does not support a war..

Well trained dog too, waff waff!
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: Ace on March 19, 2003, 03:56:29 AM
Originally posted by fastson
Impressed by him not backing down even though a majority of the people does not support a war..

Well trained dog too, waff waff!

In certain cases a leader should do what\'s right and not follow public opinion. Half the morons on the street do not even know what this is all about. Listen or read some of the interviews with some of these people and you will see that they know very little other than the herd mentality.

Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: ooseven on March 19, 2003, 04:04:52 AM
Originally posted by Ace

In certain cases a leader should do what\'s right and not follow public opinion. Half the morons on the street do not even know what this is all about. Listen or read some of the interviews with some of these people and you will see that they know very little other than the herd mentality.


Well Trainned dog = No

Prime Minister = MIA YES !

like i said if it wasn\'t for the fact that he has to be their for the debates on Westminster over the war.. we (the UK population) would prob\' never see our Prime Minister:(
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: videoholic on March 19, 2003, 04:05:53 AM
I have to agree that listening to talk radio, it\'s always funny when people against the war come on and defend their point of view.  They always always always sound so friggen ignorant.  Granted most talk show hosts are conservative and agree that we should go to war, but if you believe honestly that we shouldn\'t go to war enough to call into a talk show, don\'t sound so F\'n stupid.
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: fastson on March 19, 2003, 04:14:48 AM
Originally posted by Ace

In certain cases a leader should do what\'s right and not follow public opinion. Half the morons on the street do not even know what this is all about. Listen or read some of the interviews with some of these people and you will see that they know very little other than the herd mentality.


Yep, well I still dont know if it was the right thing to do.

Most countries think the inspectors should have gotten the extra month they asked for. The inspectors did destroy 70 missiles, that\'s a sign of progress IMO.

I agree that alot of people dont know what this war is about, people on both sides of the fence.


Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: videoholic on March 19, 2003, 04:22:29 AM
THey destroyed 70 missles, but there have been numerous reports that older engines were placed in the missles before they were destoryed and the better long range engines were kept.

I heard that on the radio on a couple different shows, but that certainly doesn\'t make it true.
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: fastson on March 19, 2003, 04:33:08 AM
Originally posted by videoholic
THey destroyed 70 missles, but there have been numerous reports that older engines were placed in the missles before they were destoryed and the better long range engines were kept.

I heard that on the radio on a couple different shows, but that certainly doesn\'t make it true.

I don’t remember if the inspectors found the missiles, or if they were given up by Iraq to the inspectors.

If they found them, I doubt they would have time to change the rocket engine. The inspectors would have watched them closely, I hope.

If they we\'re given to the inspectors its possible they could have done that.
Title: What do Euros think of Blair right now?
Post by: videoholic on March 19, 2003, 05:06:44 AM
It\'s this type of mentality that I am worried about.  Ugh...