Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: MPTheory on March 18, 2003, 08:04:42 AM
So I\'m sitting at my desk, and suddenly, this questions comes crashing into my head; If you were to not use one of your senses for a long period of time, do you think it would heighten it. For example: Lets say you wear a blindfold for 6 months. Do you think that after the six months, your sight would be better than it was previous to the 6 months? How about this, you wear earplugs for a month. Would your hearing be more sensative then before?
One more thing that popped into my head about this whole thing. They say that when you lose one of your senses, the others compensate for that. So if you were to go blind, your others would be heightend. What if someone were to get their sight back? do the other senses go back to normal? or do they stay in their heightend state?
I wonder if you could heighten all of your senses by depriving yourself of one at a time.
I wonder if you could heighten all of your sences by depriving yourself of one at a time.
Or you can save yourself the trouble and just get bit by a radioactive spider.
I thought it was centces.
It is.
Actually if your eyes aren\'t exposed to light for a long period of time you could go blind.
And my centce of hearing is impeccable anyway.
Btw, how would you be able to cut off your centce of touch? Or taste? Hell, this actually only applies to 3 of the centces.
I would think , at least in theory, that if you somehow managed to deprive one sense and was forced to rely on another one, it would in sense (nice pun!) improve your senses.
If you went blind or somehow managed to live without a blindfold on your eyes, for a long period of time. You would need to rely on hearing and feel. I would think, you would eventually adjust to this. I\'m not sure if it is "heightening" your sense or you are just forced to rely on it more..thus making you more aware.
I believe it\'s making you more aware. Not hightening.
I was talking to my friend (Who is a psycology major) about a subject loosley related to this. According to him, The other centces are hightend.
Now when you go back to normal (Take blind fold off) would your hearing centce go back down? If so, how long would it take?
Thats what I wanna know. I wonder if your centces would stay heightend or not.
good question, i wanna know the answer. how about this, what if you don\'t have 20/20 vision. say you have like 19/20 vision, what should you do to get back 20/20?
Actually if your eyes aren\'t exposed to light for a long period of time you could go blind.
Exactly, depriving senses kills them off. Have you heard of dehabilitation (sp?) rehab?
I have a friend who didnt walk for weeks after surgery, theirfor having to learn to walk again. He will need the surgery again, and learn to walk for the 4th time. Depriving your senses of what they are used for isnt recommened. Its like if you watch TV and dont use your legs for months, you wont run any faster. As a matter of a fact you probably will be worse off.
my cousin had a slight eye surgery and it fixed him up but he had to wear eye protecetion for about a month. Literally blind. He says nothing happened, because his eyes were their, but he saw nothing.
Ergh.. Im babbling.
Actually that is kind of a different topic, you\'re talking about muscles. They become weak if they aren\'t in use because they degrade, if you don\'t use them your body thinks you don\'t need them.
And depriving yourself of a centce won\'t make that centce heightened, it just makes you concentrate on your other centces more to compensate. So, if you have all of your centces, they probably aren\'t going to get any better.
dont you mean "senses"?
[size=20]WTF pEople GET IT RigHT iT is SEnSES! not centce![/size]
Your brain works in a way the same way your muscles work. They need to be "exercised" in order to grow. Its alot like watching too much television- eventually not thinking and just watching could "rot" your brain :laughing:
I really underestimate the intelligence of people sometimes.
Spudz, your talking about atrophy. Thats a completely different thing. And yes, SOME processes of the brain work the same as your muscles. But Im talking about involuntary reactions. Basically what your telling me is that if you dont use your (senses - Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium) -
you lose it. So do you mean to tell me that if you werent to have sex for 6 months, you wouldnt be able to get a hard on anymore? We all know that this is NOT true ;) (I used that as my example because it shows that your sense of touch is not dulled after long periods of time.) Infact, the most sensative parts of your body are USUALLY the parts that you dont use on a regular basis.
Your eyes are muscles so yes they could atrophy I would imagine if you didn\'t use that sentce.
Your penis probably works out quite a bit in your sleep so after 6 months you probably would be just fine. You may need to clean your sheets though.
You don\'t hear more, you merely hear more effectively. Instead of subconsciously ignoring the small things you don\'t care about, you will take note of them, because you NEED to hear every small nuance in your environment to get by.
Once you regain your sight, you hearing would return back to \'normal\' after a certain amount of time, given that you don\'t need to rely on it.
It\'s basically the same philosophy of you listening to your music loudly, and quietly. You become more sensitive if everything is quiet, and desensitive if everything is loud. It\'s just your brain subconciously compensating for your environment.
Originally posted by videoholic
Your eyes are muscles
Not quite
So what is an iris? What are the muscles in the back of the eyes that move them around?
Obviously eyes aren\'t muscles like a heart is, but everything active in the eye is a muscle.
Im sure the iris is controlled by a muscle. But I dont think you have the right idea about the actual sense. Yes, if you body were to stop using the muscle that controlled the eye, it would probably atrophy. Not that it does much contraction in the first place. Even if your ability to see was taken from you, you would most likely still use the muscle. Just because the sense isnt there, it doesnt mean that the physical muscle isnt still reactive. For example. When my father was a child, he had an accident which left him blind in one eye. His eye wasnt physically damaged, but the optic nerve that sends the information from the eye to the brain was. So the eye still works properly. Thats what Im trying to say. the physical use of a body part and the sense that comes along with it are not the same.
Originally posted by MPTheory
Spudz, your talking about atrophy. Thats a completely different thing. And yes, SOME processes of the brain work the same as your muscles. But Im talking about involuntary reactions. Basically what your telling me is that if you dont use your (senses - Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium) -
you lose it. So do you mean to tell me that if you werent to have sex for 6 months, you wouldnt be able to get a hard on anymore? We all know that this is NOT true ;) (I used that as my example because it shows that your sense of touch is not dulled after long periods of time.) Infact, the most sensative parts of your body are USUALLY the parts that you dont use on a regular basis.
You just took my post wrong. I meant is as your senses will decrease over ages. Thats why as you get older your senses \'\'rot\'\'.
As your older you are more brittle, your smell drops, hearing drops, and eye sight drops. Over time no matter what it will always decrease.
the only way of increasing a sense is by removing it completely, your eyesight will still be used blindfold or not, but their is nothing their to see. Even if your eyes were closed, you see the insdie of your eyelids.
You cant just turn on and off your senses.
I really underestimate the intelligence of people sometimes.
Could you clarify video? or should I take it as an insult, or compliment?
Your penis probably works out quite a bit in your sleep so after 6 months you probably would be just fine. You may need to clean your sheets though.
The penis isn\'t a muscle.
But it has muscles.
Originally posted by Spudz
Could you clarify video? or should I take it as an insult, or compliment?
No, I must be retarded. I mean, of course I actually thought you spelled sense centce. That\'s just down right stupid of me.
Originally posted by Spudz
But it has muscles.
Not unless it\'s changed recently.
There are smooth muscles in the foreskin that keep the skin tight to the shaft.
I probably got bobbo all horned up with my smooth muscle in the shaft talk...
That post was so great... I had to make it my sig