Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: luckee on March 18, 2003, 10:21:18 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Hahaha... Oh crap that sucks... Good lesson in how you should never post anything personal. Doesn\'t seem too realistic though...
Well, if it\'s true, then it\'s a perfect example of why you should never give personally identifiable info out to the general internet public.
I bet there are people who would try and destroy your life anonymously just for pissing them off. :confused:
Can\'t be true. It\'s just too hoakie
Damn, I was so busted. :(
If it is true, I can only say one thing................
WTF? That is just too disgusting for words.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
At least he didn\'t jizz on \'em.
i saw the same post on another forum
it\'s gonna be another "urban legend"
i think it\'s fake
It\'s gotta be fake, who would have an avatar like that after being owned big style.
Maybe he had the avatar before he got owned.
It\'s Titan. Think about it... it makes sense.
rofl.. that is to funny, doesnt make sense, how could he get his number etc....... well vapour, didnt know you had a sister ;) j/k
He loves the smell of vagina... HA thats classic! I find this hard to belive to be true
Maybe he gave out some info about himself, then someone found out his number, like, his name? Im sure theres a way to do it if yer numbers listed.
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
It\'s gotta be fake, who would have an avatar like that after being owned big style.
The admins could have given it to him + the special user title. :)
If this is a true thing i feel sorry for the guy, i dont condone sister-panty-smelling, but even a sister-panty-smeller doesnt deserve something like that, oh well, looks like he will have to live with that for ever now.
Edit: and what kind of loser who claims is life has been ruined, is even thinking about hoping the other guy gets banned? I mean, come on, whoop-dee-doo!
The admins could have given it to him + the special user title.
Maybe, also it was less than 24 hours between his original post and the owned post. That\'s quite a short time for someone to find out his personal details and phone his parents etc
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! :laughing:
lol, that\'s why I always put fake information down on all internet forms, don\'t want anyone to find out I smell my dads boxers.
Originally posted by Heat
lol, that\'s why I always put fake information down on all internet forms, don\'t want anyone to find out I smell my dads boxers.
Originally posted by Unicron!
Don\'t bother, Heat sniffs his dads boxers while they are still on his father.:D
You can\'t get a phone number from "Redfox" and an email address. It\'s fake.
Story is sick as sh*t anyways, if it\'s true I\'m glad he got caught.
:laughing: :laughing:
Originally posted by THX
You can\'t get a phone number from "Redfox" and an email address. It\'s fake.
Story is sick as sh*t anyways, if it\'s true I\'m glad he got caught.
However, if you look at a persons profile..often ppl use their real names. Some forum registrations require a first and last name. If this guy used his real name, his location is also probably accurate. A simple call to information or a look in the phone book if they are listed will get you everything you need.
Plus if the person that did that was an admin; they have access to the IP for which finding out info is wayyyy to easy.
That is of course, if the story is real.
I dont doubt it b/c of the individuals I have seen on message boards, but yet as mm said, it just seems so hoakie.
WAY HOKIE close this thread is just a big FAKE STORY!!! How do i know this!!!! Well I have smelled panties and they do not smell like vagina.
your moms dont count
I dont want to scroll all of this shit.
Funny as hell though.
Originally posted by Cyrus
WAY HOKIE close this thread is just a big FAKE STORY!!! How do i know this!!!! Well I have smelled panties and they do not smell like vagina.
1st..I call bullshit b/c panties will and can often smell like pussy. How many panties have you sniffed? :)
Fake or not, you cannot say it is not a funny read.
luckee just want to make sure but don\'t phone directories keep records of the heads of household only?
^^^They keep a record of whoever has the phone in their name. Which 9 times out of 10 is the head of household. Still, If you know a little bit about someone(which is not out of the question if they have posted on the same board as you for a while) you can still get the right number.
*Kicks above poster in the nuts*
do not post lol damn you! just posting lol is spam! >(
ROFL, Im gonna check out those forums... wink wink...
Originally posted by CHIZZY
It\'s Titan. Think about it... it makes sense.
I have a problem :(
That did make me sick to my stomach. That guy is really f*cked up and got what was coming to him. Real or not, that is friggin hilarious.
Originally posted by Spudz
your moms dont count
I dont want to scroll all of this shit.
Funny as hell though.
Originally posted by Cyrus
WAY HOKIE close this thread is just a big FAKE STORY!!! How do i know this!!!! Well I have smelled panties and they do not smell like vagina.
1st..I call bullshit b/c panties will and can often smell like pussy. How many panties have you sniffed?
Fake or not, you cannot say it is not a funny read.
I have obviuosly smelled way less panties than the two resident experts......
I never said they smell like vagina, did I?
Gotcha ;)
Fake or not, the SA goons have been known to off the craziest sh*t
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
*Kicks above poster in the nuts*
do not post lol damn you! just posting lol is spam! >(
so is posting after spam just to point it out braniac.
wait... did i just do it too?
carry on.
I want to try and atleast locate what site this is on.
Ok, I found the site and forums but I can\'t get in them because I have to pay them. - No sh!t Sherlock! Guess what, it\'s also on mm\'s "not approved" list of sites. I\'ll have to remove your link even though it isn\'t linking directly to the site. -Samwise
heres the page I was able to link up through. I\'ll keep trying to get in. Maybe someone can get in or something.
BS post. the guy writes like a 40 year old man. His ****ing english is far above a kids in highschool, unless the guy is a brainiac/nerd.
Originally posted by Toxical
BS post. the guy writes like a 40 year old man. His ****ing english is far above a kids in highschool, unless the guy is a brainiac/nerd.
Being articulate doesn\'t have anything to do with age... I\'m sure that it\'s a factor in terms of trends or \'average levels\' of language, but there are plenty of well spoken teens, and trash-talkin\' old men.
I would say that this is just one of those things where you can\'t really say if it\'s real one way or another... it would take too much time/research for anyone to really care.
Panties smell good.
This thread has inspired me to go and sniff my mom\'s panties.
Puts jumpman on possible suspects for child molesting...
Hey, I just need project, and Cyrus, and my list is complete ;)
Originally posted by Titan
- No sh!t Sherlock! Guess what, it\'s also on mm\'s "not approved" list of sites. I\'ll have to remove your link even though it isn\'t linking directly to the site. -Samwise
Sorry. I didn\'t know it was on his list. Thanks for not banning me :)
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
WTF? That is just too disgusting for words. (lucky SOB!!)
I hear ya brotha!
Originally posted by CHIZZY
Panties smell good.
No, they don\'t! Only if she sprays some good perfume after she showers.. But then, that doesn\'t last too long either. :hold:
So admit to smelling panties.
and stinky ones at that.