Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 22, 2003, 05:25:31 PM
You see the guy who threw some grenades in to the 101st airborne division was one of our own men. What a whack job. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
I guess they already cought the guy. Very strange indeed.
He is a Muslim.
He should be shot!
What a fruitcake.
They should ban all Muslim from joining the military. Muslim regconize no government in the world but Allah. They simply can\'t be assimilated.
At first they said he was ticked off for not being allowed to move up to the front, now it turns out he thought the war was unjust. It is being reported that he is also a "recent" convert to Islam.
One thing\'s for sure...Mike Tyson is certainly aint gonna get into the military...our we\'ll see reports of US soldiers being bite off their ears by Muslim fanatic!!!! LOL.
Originally posted by Paul
They should ban all Muslim from joining the military. Muslim regconize no government in the world but Allah. They simply can\'t be assimilated.
Easy half ass warning paul.
Take that close minded bullshit wont be tolerated in here.
luckee while I may also disagree with Paul regarding his statement, he does echo the thoughts of many. I hardly call his statement closed minded as I certainly wouldn\'t want to be sharing a fox hole with a Muslim in this war.
^man that hurts (but i kinda see yer point of view).
not all muslims are what is portrayed by most media, not all of us are brainwashed fanatics and hypocritical zealots.
honestly guys, turn off CNN
if disguting to segregate ALL muslims
they certainly havent been as dispicable as the christians have been over the centuries
Originally posted by mm
honestly guys, turn off CNN
if disguting to segregate ALL muslims
they certainly havent been as dispicable as the christians have been over the centuries
Don’t blame CNN
Remember GWB said on the 16th of September 2002 that we where and I’ll use HIS words
“We are facing a Crusade”
out of all the words in the English language he chose to use that :rolleyes:
Crusade ? ! ? ! WTF
Crusade was the name given to the bloody "holy war" that Christianity wagged on all of Islam.
Hey George where were YOU in history Classes?
Originally posted by Tyrant
^man that hurts (but i kinda see yer point of view).
not all muslims are what is portrayed by most media, not all of us are brainwashed fanatics and hypocritical zealots.
No offense Tyrant... you seem like a very level headed guy and I suppose irl if we were on the same battlefield I would trust you - its just Islam (of late) has been bringing out every nutter in the religion. Not to say other religions don\'t have there share of fruitloops.
I always think of where Christianity was when it was 1200 or so years old - in the Dark Age. Islam is roughly 1200 years old and I suppose everything has a cycle and maybe Islam is going through its Dark Age as well. Who knows... this the exact reason I am very wary of organized religion in general.
I know that may shock some of you considering my conservative stance on most issues, but I do think religion is the cause of most of the problems in the world today. :(
Originally posted by ooseven
Hey George where were YOU in history Classes?
AWOL? ;)
Originally posted by GigaShadow
No offense Tyrant... you seem like a very level headed guy and I suppose irl if we were on the same battlefield I would trust you - its just Islam (of late) has been bringing out every nutter in the religion. Not to say other religions don\'t have there share of fruitloops.
non-taken :).
Originally posted by luckee
Easy half ass warning paul.
Take that close minded bullshit wont be tolerated in here.
Well, I won\'t tolerate your close minded ignorance either.
Perhaps you would trust ur life to a Muslim partner in a foxhole in Iraq there but certainly not me and I believe most people as well.
ain\'t taking no chances with potential fruitynut.
Where have I displayed close-minded ignorance unlike yourself?
Paul, I\'m sorry but throwing all muslims in a category is just plain ignorant. You can not blame a whole religion for what some people do, in the name of their \'God\'.
It\'s just plain ignorant.
Originally posted by Paul
Well, I won\'t tolerate your close minded ignorance either.
Perhaps you would trust ur life to a Muslim partner in a foxhole in Iraq there but certainly not me and I believe most people as well.
ain\'t taking no chances with potential fruitynut.
First off, your really are ignorant. luckee is a mod. He owns you in this forum so shut up before you say something you regret. I have friends that are muslim so I take offense to everything you say. OMG, they are muslims, ban them, take away thier rights. Give me a break. They have just as many rights as you or me. To say to ban them from the military and repeat history is just plain ignorant. I\'d trust my life with a muslim. Hell, I\'d fight along side of one. And the muslims that are fanatical make up like .0001% of the muslim population. Yes, this guy may have been a terrorist, we don\'t know but to say ban all muslims from the military is really stupid. We don\'t want a repeat of segregation.
Originally posted by Titan
First off, your really are ignorant. luckee is a mod. He owns you in this forum so shut up before you say something you regret. I have friends that are muslim so I take offense to everything you say. OMG, they are muslims, ban them, take away thier rights. Give me a break. They have just as many rights as you or me. To say to ban them from the military and repeat history is just plain ignorant. I\'d trust my life with a muslim. Hell, I\'d fight along side of one. And the muslims that are fanatical make up like .0001% of the muslim population. Yes, this guy may have been a terrorist, we don\'t know but to say ban all muslims from the military is really stupid. We don\'t want a repeat of segregation.
Owns him? No I don\'t think so. He is a mod and he knows exactly what he can and can\'t do. All he is here to do is keep order and I didn\'t find Paul\'s post offensive - a bit too critical yes, but offensive no. Considering the current situation in Iraq, views such as his should be expected and understood. The US is at war and for all intensive purposes the Muslim world has declared us as the enemy. How many so called clerics have called for a jihad against the US and its allies? How many groups have called for suicide bombings against US troops and citizens?
He is entitled to his view and I don\'t consider it ignorant to distrust a certain group of individuals for their repeated actions. This is probably the most difficult forum to moderate due to the passionate opinions of almost everyone on the subject. Short of directly insulting someone or being a total ass - people should be allowed to say what they want in here. I am worried that censorship will take over this forum to an extreme due to this war as I am certain there will be events that cause some of our blood to boil.
Originally posted by Paul
Well, I won\'t tolerate your close minded ignorance either.
Perhaps you would trust ur life to a Muslim partner in a foxhole in Iraq there but certainly not me and I believe most people as well.
ain\'t taking no chances with potential fruitynut.
PAUL your Aleady on your LAST warning over in OFF topic for posting Raceist Bulls&it!
Don\'t push your luck !
My question is... why is Unicorn allowed to get away with it? Paul hasn\'t been nearly as insulting as Unicorn.
Because newbs are always treated different apparently.
And Unicorn is "respected" :rolleyes:
You point out in here where unicorn has shown racial ignorance since I have apparently missed it and I will deal with it accordingly.
But play pauls little game of ignorance. Should all christian white males not be trusted due to groups the the kkk, various militias, and the likes of timothy mcveigh???
Id be blasted to hell and back along with several other members. So dont try to play as if it is ok just b/c the iraqi\'s and *SOME* muslims happen to our enemies at the moment.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Owns him? No I don\'t think so. He is a mod and he knows exactly what he can and can\'t do. All he is here to do is keep order and I didn\'t find Paul\'s post offensive - a bit too critical yes, but offensive no. Considering the current situation in Iraq, views such as his should be expected and understood. The US is at war and for all intensive purposes the Muslim world has declared us as the enemy. How many so called clerics have called for a jihad against the US and its allies? How many groups have called for suicide bombings against US troops and citizens?
He is entitled to his view and I don\'t consider it ignorant to distrust a certain group of individuals for their repeated actions. This is probably the most difficult forum to moderate due to the passionate opinions of almost everyone on the subject. Short of directly insulting someone or being a total ass - people should be allowed to say what they want in here. I am worried that censorship will take over this forum to an extreme due to this war as I am certain there will be events that cause some of our blood to boil.
I understand that he is entitled to his opinion but his post was more like racism than an opinion. According to his post, we should treat muslims like second class people.
Just to play Devil\'s advocate here... Pauls views reflect the views of many Americans who have fought in various wars in the region since WWII. In the book that Band of Brothers was based on many GI\'s made observations of the various people and cultures they encountered throughout the war. In it, they rate Arabs the most "untrustworthy" and that they only cooperate as long as they receive a direct personal benefit from the action they are doing. The second worst were the French and surprisingly the people that they could most identify with and respect were the Germans. Granted this is almost 60 years ago, but not a whole hell of a lot has changed.
Pauls beliefs are quite common among US military personel from both the present and the past. Having served in the armed forces myself I tend to agree that this is a defacto belief.
As far as Unicorns comments... they may not be "racist", but they certainly are inflammatory. Hell, look at the title of his thread! There is a very fine line between what Paul is doing and what Unicorn is posting and personally if Unicorn can post that nonsense and basically offend *almost* every American on this board, Pauls comments about not wanting to fight along side a Muslim are no less valid. Considering the wacko who threw the grenades in the tents of some of the 101st Airborne a few nights ago, what do you expect?
I know this is difficult forum to participate in (let alone moderate) as there have been times where I have typed a response and after rereading it, decided not to post it. War (especially this one, which involves different cultures and religions) blurs that line between racism and patriotism - I doubt anyone can dispute that. You have to expect peoples emotions to run high at a time such as this and short of someone advocating genocide and personally attacking someone it must be remembered some of us do feel very passionately about this war. Americans (especially the younger generations) for the most part have never seen a war like this and to see bodies of our troops being propped up on Iraq TV with a smiling/laughing Iraqi standing over them brings out the anger in most. Most who have served in the military have seen images like the ones shown on TV, but this war is the most televised event to date (which has it positives and negatives) and we all have to expect some emotion in these posts.
I am not trying to tell any of the mods how to do their job, just have an understanding that some here may have ties to the military or friends and family serving in this war. Some news will cause knee jerk reactions in some. This goes for both sides of the argument as we have many nationalities here and even though I disagree with everything Unicorn says, I didn\'t feel it should have been edited. The same goes for Paul - as I felt he did go a bit overboard, I don\'t think scolding him publically was appropriate either.
In closing, I love having a political forum here as it is a place to vent and on rare occasions a place to learn from each other.
Giga For Mod...
what did i miss?
his post was too long for me to read
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Paul, I\'m sorry but throwing all muslims in a category is just plain ignorant. You can not blame a whole religion for what some people do, in the name of their \'God\'.
It\'s just plain ignorant.
What a bunch of ignorant fools...throw me out for all you like but THIS IS MY STANCE.
I can\'t and won\'t blame any other religion..except Islam.....if you people actually take some time to study it, you\'ll understand...I\'ve also spent quite some time in Muslim countries and see how fruity they\'re are, their biased politics, their violence and rage.
Thanks to Giga for supporting my view. At least, there\'s still one
who is not as naive here.
In it, they rate Arabs the most "untrustworthy" and that they only cooperate as long as they receive a direct personal benefit from the action they are doing.
Exactly!!! Muslims are a bunch of greedy jackass who will stab you in the back the moment they get a chance even if you\'ve been good to them. Thereis no friends with INFIDELS. That is my experience...
To them DIRECT BENEFIT is everything...
(I acknowledge my statement DOES NOT APPLY to each and every muslim in this world, but it applies to a good enough portion of it.)
Originally posted by Titan
First off, your really are ignorant. luckee is a mod. He owns you in this forum so shut up before you say something you regret. I have friends that are muslim so I take offense to everything you say. OMG, they are muslims, ban them, take away thier rights. Give me a break. They have just as many rights as you or me. To say to ban them from the military and repeat history is just plain ignorant. I\'d trust my life with a muslim. Hell, I\'d fight along side of one. And the muslims that are fanatical make up like .0001% of the muslim population. Yes, this guy may have been a terrorist, we don\'t know but to say ban all muslims from the military is really stupid. We don\'t want a repeat of segregation.
I\'m not gonna argue with you about owning the forum and crap like that.
I understand you\'ve muslim friends...and in the US?? Of course, they\'ll not do anything to offend you, this is NOT theier country!!!
The correction to your statement is that llike maybe 5% of the muslim population is NON-FANATICAL. You haven\'t been to many Muslim countries haven\'t you??
Do not judge on what little knowledge and small perception you have.
Originally posted by Paul
I\'m not gonna argue with you about owning the forum and crap like that.
I understand you\'ve muslim friends...and in the US?? Of course, they\'ll not do anything to offend you, this is NOT theier country!!!
The correction to your statement is that llike maybe 5% of the muslim population is NON-FANATICAL. You haven\'t been to many Muslim countries haven\'t you??
Do not judge on what little knowledge and small perception you have.
I have too much of a headache right now to argue with you but will make some quick statements. The muslims that are here is their country. If they filed for citizenship and got it granted to them, so therefore, according to the US Constitution, they have just as many rights, like to vote, bear arms, hold government office (unless they immigrate, then its harder. They can really only get on a town commitee or something around those lines), enter the military, ect. And I haven\'t been to a muslim country. Hell, I don\'t like to leave my house. And as for little knowledge, screw you. I\'m not going around saying we should take away Muslims rights. Islam is (last I heard, like 30 or something percent followed by Christianity as a whole) the religion most of the world choses. Now, according to your 5% statistic, that means, like a billion people(rough estimate....very rough. Probably more like 5-6 hundred thousand people) (muslims) are fanatical. If that were true, there would be so many more Osama Bin Laden type people out there trying to destroy America and the western world or anyone that speaks out against them. And since we are correcting eachothers posts, you have capitalization errors in Muslim (although I do too but I\'m too lazy to hit the shift key right now), screwed up like, its not "llike" and their has only one "e".
I\'m not gonna argue with you about owning the forum and crap like that.
When I said luckee owns you, it was a joke :rolleyes: Don\'t that that stuff too seriously.
Paul may i ask what Muslim country u\'ve been too.
u have yer views and opinions about this and i respect that, but i would like to know what has happened to you in that Muslim country to drastically change yer views about us. if u feel uncomfortable posting it here then PM me the reason.
paul, have you ever come to the realization that you might be a bigot?
Originally posted by Paul
In it, they rate Arabs the most "untrustworthy" and that they only cooperate as long as they receive a direct personal benefit from the action they are doing.
Exactly!!! Muslims are a bunch of greedy jackass who will stab you in the back the moment they get a chance even if you\'ve been good to them. Thereis no friends with INFIDELS. That is my experience...
To them DIRECT BENEFIT is everything...
(I acknowledge my statement DOES NOT APPLY to each and every muslim in this world, but it applies to a good enough portion of it.)
lol, you could substitute the words "black people" in that statement and he would sound like the KKK...
Good god, let the man have his opinion. One word of advice Paul, it is fine to state your opinion, you must show some restraint in expressing it though. Generalizations on this board will get you nowhere and that has been proven by posts long before yours. I understand your emotional responses and can sympathize, but for the sake of keeping things civil and adding validity to your point of view, please refrain for lumping every muslim in with the likes of Saddam, Osama and every other fanatic running around out there.
Take a good look at Unicorns posts as they are a fine example of someone who is letting his emotions overrule his logic and ability to post intelligently.
Once again I totally understand your point of view Paul, but for your own good and the flow of the forum, please try and self edit your posts before posting. ;)
bah, yer no better than him if you can "sympathize" and "understand" someone for saying an entire religion of people are untrustworthy and "bunch of greedy jackasses"
Originally posted by mm
bah, yer no better than him if you can "sympathize" and "understand" someone for saying an entire religion of people are untrustworthy and "bunch of greedy jackasses"
I can understand his view, and I will not change my opinion. He may be a bit outspoken on the matter, but I would guess a lot of people in the US feel the exact same way he does. Islam puts its religion in front of nationality, go ahead and try to deny it. As far as my quoting the WWII era generation for thier observations, they clearly stated Arabs and not Muslims. I could, if I had the time list many examples of Arab "untrustworthy" behavior in modern times, but what is the point? All one has to do is look at Saudi Arabia to see what I am referring to.
Go ahead and call me a bigot, as I said before there is a fine line between racism and patriotism and if you can\'t understand that, so be it. I would much rather be labeled that, than a sympathizer to the enemies of our country.
it\'s no wonder i hate the news media
they make us profile (stereotype) people, and races
i hope noone falls into thier trap (unless you already did)
Originally posted by Paul
In it, they rate Arabs the most "untrustworthy" and that they only cooperate as long as they receive a direct personal benefit from the action they are doing.
Exactly!!! Muslims are a bunch of greedy jackass who will stab you in the back the moment they get a chance even if you\'ve been good to them. Thereis no friends with INFIDELS. That is my experience...
To them DIRECT BENEFIT is everything...
(I acknowledge my statement DOES NOT APPLY to each and every muslim in this world, but it applies to a good enough portion of it.)
Bear in mind we royally screwed them over in GW1. We were beating the shit out of the Iraqi army. And Bush Sr. openly encouraged the Iraqi people to rise up against Saddam. Many of them did, too. Then we abruptly pulled up the tent stakes and went home, leaving the civilians to be slaughtered by Saddam\'s troops. 60,000 civilians died in Basra when the insurrection was put down.
Its not surprising they don\'t trust our stick-to-it-tiveness this time around. The ones that did trust us are all dead.
Sounds like you need to get out more.
When does damn near anyone do something without direct personal gain? Bad comparison.........
Originally posted by mm
it\'s no wonder i hate the news media
they make us profile (stereotype) people, and races
i hope noone falls into thier trap (unless you already did)
I agree with you mm. Racial profiling should be done away with. Especially in the media. I\'ve noticed on a couple channels by me that they always show black people getting arrested whereas white people get some praise. I hate racists, I really do and this racial stuff that Paul is saying I take personally, especially where I live where all the races are integrated and we learn to trust eachother.
Well, we can all just hope that paul will never EVER reproduce.
Being a realist you can\'t do away with racial profiling. Not trying to start an argument over racism, but when it comes to Arab terrorists who do you think they are going to be profiling?
Something else I have noticed.
Seems to be the only ppl who want to profile or think it is fine and dandy are the ones who dont have to deal with profiling.
I \'m just joining in the fun on this one and haven\'t read all the posts.
Giga is right, though. Lets take an armed robbery. Lets say the man was white. Do the police look for a black guy. I don\'t think so.