
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Tyrant on March 23, 2003, 02:53:02 AM

Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 23, 2003, 02:53:02 AM
the Iraqi military have claimed that they have destroyed  4 american/ british tanks near basra they say that they have killed a number of soldiers in the attack.
also they said that in a northern part of basra, a landing zone had been attacked, the iraqis claim that a number of allied forces soldiers have been killed and captured in that incident.
also they say that they have shot down an unmanned survaillance plane.

they jsut aired this live over here on the news.

[glow=silver]::Please post any news that you want to share with the forums in this thread::[/glow]
Title: The news thread
Post by: Ace on March 23, 2003, 03:59:20 AM
I wouldn\'t believe one word from the Iraqi command. I\'ll wait for confirmation.

Title: The news thread
Post by: ooseven on March 23, 2003, 04:05:10 AM
hmmmm we could see if they are BS or not real soon,they have just gone on TV (BBC that is)

Saying that the Iraqi\'s are going to show pictures of Captured US & UK Troops in about 2 hours time (the anounced this around 11:15 GMT)
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 23, 2003, 04:21:50 AM
wether the reports r true or not is undoubtly under question.  but i was only posting what i was seeing on tv.

and right now their showing a search for a pilot(s) which the iraqi\'s say ejected over baghdad.

their is also a report that a plane has been downed in the city of sha\'ab. Iraqi\'s claim that till now they have shot down 10 planes.
Title: The news thread
Post by: fastson on March 23, 2003, 04:36:39 AM
Is it true that someone (Ive heard either a terrorist or a US marine who snapped) threw a handgrenade into a commandpost killing 2 people? :confused:

Also alot of casualties over the last two days.. :(
Title: The news thread
Post by: videoholic on March 23, 2003, 04:40:11 AM

Yes and it\'s all over the news sources.
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 23, 2003, 04:44:44 AM
vid can we make this thread a sticky or something.
it would be better to post any news here rather than have many threads for individual news.

also a couple of more explosions have been heard over baghdad just now.

also a report of an explosion near centcom in Doha turned out to be false, all it was an accident at a car crushing company.

(thanks for making it a sticky :))
Title: The news thread
Post by: fastson on March 23, 2003, 05:19:20 AM
I think I might have heard that through the BBC Live feed..
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 23, 2003, 09:31:14 AM
the iraqi\'s have claimed that they captured the pilots which they say have ejected over baghdad (but info about this is a bit sketchy, so i really dont think its true).
also i heard something pretty interesting on abu dhabi\'s news channel, they said that saddam has offered  50million dinars to anyone who captures a coalition pilot and 25 million dinars to anyone who captures a soldier. (i\'m sorry i don\'t know the exact exchange rate but i think that it comes out to 20k$ and 10k$ but again i\'m not really sure)
Title: The news thread
Post by: fastson on March 23, 2003, 03:34:46 PM
Originally posted by Tyrant
the iraqi\'s have claimed that they captured the pilots which they say have ejected over baghdad (but info about this is a bit sketchy, so i really dont think its true).
also i heard something pretty interesting on abu dhabi\'s news channel, they said that saddam has offered  50million dinars to anyone who captures a coalition pilot and 25 million dinars to anyone who captures a soldier. (i\'m sorry i don\'t know the exact exchange rate but i think that it comes out to 20k$ and 10k$ but again i\'m not really sure)

Yes, one reporter said he could hear a massive fire fight in the city (along the river I think he said). Right after that he said they announced that they had captured one pĂ­lot, he did not know in what state the pilot was (dead or alive).
This can be a propaganda thing as well though, that they arranged a fire fiight.

Are those in Iraqi Dinars? I get these figures via

50 000 000 IQD = 160 823 416
25 000 000 IQD = 80 411 708 USD

Somehow I doubt those figures :p
Title: The news thread
Post by: Ashford on March 23, 2003, 06:38:10 PM
The rewards are:

Killed Ally Troop = $14,000
Captured = $28,000
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 24, 2003, 02:14:16 AM
the iraqis have been showing an American apache attack helicopter which they say that they have shot down. they also say that they have captured the pilots and that they will show them later.
Title: The news thread
Post by: Black Samurai on March 24, 2003, 06:55:34 AM
Title: The news thread
Post by: Ashford on March 24, 2003, 11:11:31 AM
I don\'t get that pic...
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 24, 2003, 11:42:08 AM
a couple of minutes ago i heard a loud bang, it now turns out that their was an explosion near the 5th fleet Hq near Bahrain\'s capital, info on this is really scarce so i\'ll try and keep u guys posted if anything else is reported.
well according to latest reports it is now said that the explosion was the result of a gas cylinder which was hidden in a dumpster outside the fence surrounding the 5\'th fleet HQ, the report also says thet their have been no casualties, nor any damages caused as a result of the explosion.
Title: The news thread
Post by: Black Samurai on March 24, 2003, 12:25:08 PM
Originally posted by Ashford
I don\'t get that pic...
Not many people will.

Title: The news thread
Post by: Living-In-Clip on March 24, 2003, 02:54:53 PM
<--Get\'s it.

(Has done alittle "shock and awe"..)
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 24, 2003, 08:03:47 PM
this is a full report of what happened last night:


Investigators were at the scene of an explosion near the US naval support facility in Juffair until early today.

A device exploded inside a large refuse bin at around 9.40pm last night, immediately outside a housing compound opposite the Manama Club, about 100 metres from the facility.

The blast was heard across Manama, but caused little damage and no-one was injured.

Witnesses reported seeing a youth running from the scene and jumping into a car, just before the blast, which brought people running out of nearby buildings, said sources.

An Interior Ministry official initially said the blast appeared to have been caused by a gas cylinder placed inside a waste container.

However, investigators at the scene said at around midnight that it may have been some other form of explosive device.

The blast shattered windows in nearby homes and the Manama Club, according to other sources.

It also blew the contents of the waste bin all over the street.

BDF police, Civil Defence and Fire Service and forensics teams were at the scene within minutes of the explosion and were still there hours later.

Part of the area was closed off while investigators combed the scene.
Title: The news thread
Post by: SirMystiq on March 24, 2003, 09:26:20 PM
Does that picture have some kind of sexual reference?!
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 25, 2003, 08:58:16 AM
another friendly fire incident has been reported.
(i guess maybe this was caused due to bad weather)
it appears that an american f-16 has just bombed a patriot missile position, their have been no casualties.
Title: The news thread
Post by: fastson on March 25, 2003, 09:14:51 AM
Originally posted by Tyrant
another friendly fire incident has been reported.
(i guess maybe this was caused due to bad weather)
it appears that an american f-16 has just bombed a patriot missile position, their have been no casualties.

The patriot radar had locked on to the F-16 and was about to fire. The F-16 was just defending itself..

Did Microsoft make the software for the patriot system? ;)
Title: The news thread
Post by: ooseven on March 25, 2003, 09:21:55 AM
Originally posted by fastson

Did Microsoft make the software for the patriot system? ;)

yeah but i have the fealing that if the software did then the....

"warning this programme has carried out a illegal operation and will be shutdown"

would be flamed on TV networks like CNN as they call the OS... a Peacenick Iraqi Apologist  and ask for it to have it mouth physicaly sown up.

;) :p
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 25, 2003, 09:23:35 AM
Fastson,  i just heard that a few mins ago, i was about to post it then i saw yer post.

*its hard to keep up with the news while studying  electromagnetics :(.*

btw, lol @ the microsoft comment.
Title: The news thread
Post by: GigaShadow on March 26, 2003, 09:41:21 AM
Hey Tyrant, do you watch any of the Arab broadcasts?  If so can you please keep us up to date as sometimes they get stuff before the American media does.  I tried checking out the Al Jazeer (sp) website and there is no English version (funny though that the help section is in English).
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 26, 2003, 11:54:04 AM
^^ arab news is where i get most of my info bro, i post what ever that is reported live (if i get a chance to do it offcourse).

i\'ll do my best to try and bring u the latest news from arab sources when ever i can :).
Title: The news thread
Post by: Jumpman on March 26, 2003, 03:46:12 PM
Someone hold my hand and explain to me what that pic is supposed to mean.
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 27, 2003, 10:49:08 AM
some news has been coming in from iraqi sources during a news breifing, the iraqis say that the republican gaurd, fidaein & the madina brigade have engaged coalition forces in some areas of iraq mostly around nasria and najaf leading to "heavy damages and casualties".
They claim that they have killed a number of soldiers, destroyed a number of tanks (6 as i remember) around 8 apc\'s and a number of smaller vehicles.
Title: The news thread
Post by: fastson on March 28, 2003, 01:46:31 PM
Yet another rocket/bomb hit a marketplace?
This time they say 50 civilians dead..

Tsk, tsk.. Smart bombs?
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 29, 2003, 04:12:44 AM
some more news for today,
An iraqi missile was fired towards kuwait city today causing minor damages (i thought the iraqis said that they would not against civillian targets in kuwait ::moral of the story: never trust the iraqi government::)

Another sad bit of news was of a reported suicide bombing near najaf, 5 coalition soldiers were killed when they approched an iraqi waving at them in his car, as the soldiers approched the iraqi set off the explosive device killing the soldiers.

Also 4-5 british soldiers have been reported missing, they have been possibly taken prisoner by iraqi forces.
Title: The news thread
Post by: Living-In-Clip on March 30, 2003, 08:32:46 AM
Shock and Awe - Jumpy.

Two fingers for the "awe\'ing"..One for the "shock". Think female.
Title: The news thread
Post by: CHIZZY on March 30, 2003, 11:31:56 AM
Originally posted by Gohan

heh heh... the shocker!

what\'s next, a little donkey punch for saddam?
Title: The news thread
Post by: videoholic on March 30, 2003, 12:02:51 PM
Originally posted by fastson
Yet another rocket/bomb hit a marketplace?
This time they say 50 civilians dead..

Tsk, tsk.. Smart bombs?

There is no evidence that this was one of our bombs.  This could be one of their own, anti aircraft missles that came back to ground, or even standard bombs.  Don\'t forget that they are trying as hard as they can to get the world to tell the US to stop.

That said it could still be mone of our missles, but don\'t know.

I do know that there are markings on our missles that they were happy to show off in 1991 when they hit civilian targets.  Why aren\'t they showing the US markings on the missles?
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 31, 2003, 07:39:10 AM
iraqis say that they have killed aroud 43 coalition soldiers over the past 2 days.
i wonder if their is any truth to this statement, also i would like to see what the U.S govt would have to say abut this during their news breifing.

also the news have been saying that anywhere from 4000-6000 arabs have gone to iraq to fight for saddam. what a bunch of idiots, atleast if yer gonna die, die for someone or something worth dieing for, not for that butcher saddam.
Title: The news thread
Post by: SirMystiq on March 31, 2003, 06:40:58 PM
They\'re not dying for their leader. Their dying for their country.

Are the Coalition troops dying for Bush?
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on March 31, 2003, 08:00:49 PM
thats not what some of those volunteers were saying (and most of them were not iraqi even), they said that they were there to fight for saddam.

yes they are dying for bush and blair, thats their job right. their soldiers, they do what their told, if they die doing it so be it. (same goes for any soldier from any other country)
Title: The news thread
Post by: luckee on March 31, 2003, 08:01:31 PM
If any did show up to fight from other arab countries, it isnt b/c of Saddam.

They look at it as a dislike of america and pride in their own backround. They see their *brothers* being attacked.

Least thats what my take on their rational is.
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on April 02, 2003, 10:29:10 PM
guys remember the story about the explosion near the 5th fleet comand center in Bahrain this is a follow up on it, (turns out their was an iraqi diplomat behind it)


An Iraqi diplomat was yesterday given 24 hours to leave Bahrain for his part in a terrorist attack.

First Secretary Nadhem Jawad Ali was ordered out on the first available flight.

His expulsion follows a blast in Juffair (this is where the 5th fleet Hq is located) on March 24.

Sources said he was ordered out because of his collaboration and connection with Iraqi Udai Abdul Ameer Hasoon, who has been arrested in Bahrain and accused of terrorism.

The Foreign Ministry yesterday summoned Iraqi Charge D\'Affaires Abdulla Al Jabouri and handed him a memorandum asking for Mr Ali\'s departure, for his connection with Hasoon, who was involved in the explosion, said one source.

Hasoon works for a private company in Bahrain.

-"He (Hasoon) had plans to commit other terrorist acts in Bahrain. The device he planted in Juffair was a real bomb. He and the diplomat were working together,"- other sources told the GDN.

Such activities contradict the nature of Mr Ali\'s diplomatic mission and the immunity he enjoys, said another source.

Iraqi Embassy officials were unavailable to comment. [size=1.5]source-GDN[/size]
Title: The news thread
Post by: Tyrant on April 04, 2003, 11:24:23 AM
some news for today,
a washington post reporter was killed today when the convoy he was travelling with encountered  iraqi troops, also 11 american tanks and 8 apcs were destroyed by the iraqis during the battle to take over iraqs airport.
Title: The news thread
Post by: fastson on April 07, 2003, 01:04:09 PM
Here you can see a video of that friendly fire incident which killed 18 people.

Click on where it says: The BBC\'s John Simpson
"The bomb had landed only 10 yards away from us" VIDEO