
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: square_marker on March 27, 2003, 08:02:53 PM

Title: Canadians.......
Post by: square_marker on March 27, 2003, 08:02:53 PM

Title: Canadians.......
Post by: (e) on March 27, 2003, 08:10:07 PM
For you lazy ****s;

Girl Hurt in Speeding Shopping Cart Crash
Thu March 27, 2003 09:47 AM ET
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - A girl was recovering from injuries on Wednesday after the shopping cart she was riding in crashed while careering down a hill at an estimated 45 miles per hour.
The girl suffered a broken shoulder and "road rash" after she and several other youngsters decided to take the cart for a ride in the Vancouver suburb of Burnaby, but lost control of their gravity-powered vehicle, police said.

"Although the incident appears to be one of thrill-seeking, police remind youths that partaking in activities such as these can result in severe injuries or worse, death," the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a news release.

None of the other youngsters was reported injured.

Mounties deal with stuff like this? I thought they just chased Moose\' and their squirrel companions.....

Damn, little do I know. :laughing:
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: FatalXception on March 27, 2003, 11:50:21 PM
You all suck.  We rock.  It\'s better to do something stupid like rolling down a hill in a shopping cart than it is to do something stupid like shoot up a school.  Where does that happen all the time again?  

Too soon?  Well right now I don\'t care.  Boom.  Welcome to.... naw, that\'s just too anti-american.

You know what song is good?  Audioslave - Like a Stone.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: SwifDi on March 28, 2003, 06:39:57 AM
Haha... FatalXception is such a silly canadian.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: GmanJoe on March 28, 2003, 07:02:53 AM
Canada\'s had school shootings before. Soon after Columbine.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on March 28, 2003, 07:04:57 AM
Rolling your eyes at Canadians for riding in a shopping cart?

What country is Jackass from?
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: FatalXception on March 28, 2003, 07:33:49 AM
OMG, what a headache I have.  :rolleyes:

Yeah, we had the infamous montreal school shooting... however, there have been a lot more incedents/population in the states.

And if I had remembered jackass, I would have mentioned it, cause that show/movie is the dumbest thing ever filmed.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: GmanJoe on March 28, 2003, 07:50:53 AM
Canadians need to stop being so sensitive.

AND IT WAS THE BRITISH WHO BURNED THE WHITEHOUSE! The Frenchies were just their waterboys.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: MPTheory on March 28, 2003, 07:55:28 AM
Well, You can\'t fairly judge the crime rate or anything from Canada to the US because the population is like 10 to 1.  But, hell, I can see lots of kids rolling down a hill in a shopping cart for fun.  

BTW why the HELL is this thread named "Canadians"? (Other then the obvious).. The Canadian jokes are really starting to get old...
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: FatalXception on March 28, 2003, 01:52:16 PM
I don\'t get Canadian jokes very often... but I do enjoy the occasional newfie, or swedish joke.

I don\'t bother making jokes about most Americans, I couldn\'t come up with anything funnier than reality (plus, I wouldn\'t want to get shot).

Originally posted by MPTheory
Well, You can\'t fairly judge the crime rate or anything from Canada to the US because the population is like 10 to 1.  

Actually, you can compare crime statistics.. you just have to do it by population.

Averaged out over 1994-1999, 2 police officers a year die in Canada in the line of duty.  In the US, the average for the same years was 2 police officers per day. Multiply/divide by ten to compare with even populations.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: Kurt Angle on March 28, 2003, 01:53:02 PM

/me hides box of matches and makes his getaway in a shopping cart
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: Coredweller on March 28, 2003, 02:10:59 PM
Canadian jokes NEVER get old.  They age like a fine wine.  :)
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: jp6666 on March 28, 2003, 03:17:22 PM
well the cart thing is not a joke , its just stupid ! and also who here thinks that happens only in Canada , riding in carts and yes we had a very famous shooting in montreal , 13 people  died that day ... but we never had a other one since ! i think ...
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: Coredweller on March 28, 2003, 04:44:22 PM
Yeah, but it makes sense that it happened in Montreal... cause Quebec\'s not really part of Canada after all, right?   :D :p
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: Jumpman on March 29, 2003, 10:55:31 AM
There are no good Canadians jokes not involving hockey, beer, or Newfoundland.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: theomen on March 31, 2003, 12:39:58 AM
first off, riding down a hill in a shopping cart 0wnZ.  If I were still in HS i\'d be shootinng down a hill in a shopping trolley.  Hell, when I was in HS I did many a stupid, yet incredibly thing.  So you really can\'t say it\'s a canadian thing.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: CHIZZY on March 31, 2003, 09:02:00 AM
you canadians with your flappy heads and beady eyes....

Title: Canadians.......
Post by: FatalXception on March 31, 2003, 09:38:13 AM
beady little eyes, flapping heads so full of lies...

If I remember the line correctly.  I love that movie.  The best part is that our military couldn\'t do any of what they gave us credit for...
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: Metal Gear on March 31, 2003, 10:00:22 AM
Judging by his avatar I\'d say FatalXception is a Radiohead fan.That means that I\'m with him.

So no matter what you say,FatalXception is the man!

*Metal gear is glad he got that of his chest*
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: MPTheory on March 31, 2003, 10:05:30 AM
well Im glad that we can all agree that its not a Canada thing.. I was aboot to get upset.  Friggin Hosers ;)
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: square_marker on March 31, 2003, 12:12:10 PM
Jesus, i never said it was to make fun of canadians.  I just needed a thread title and noticed where it was from.  Stop the mounty bashing.
Title: Canadians.......
Post by: GmanJoe on March 31, 2003, 12:21:59 PM
Hey now....South Park does it every month making fun of those beady eyed Canucks! ;) Heck....even Robin Williams sang "Blame Canada" a few years ago at the Academy Awards! :D