Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Eiksirf on March 29, 2003, 08:45:42 PM
I know there\'s some wrestling fans in here, so let\'s have a look at the card for the PPV. I\'ll offer my picks, too.
RVD & Kane vs Storm (c) & Morley (c) - World Tag Team Titles
This could go either way, but on Heat I\'d imagine RVD and Kane picking up the win to get some fan excitement heading into the big pay per view.
Rey Mysterio vs Matt Hardy (c) - Cruiserweight Title
This could go either way, too. Rey definitely deserves it, but I don\'t know if he\'ll get the win at Wrestlemania. I\'ll say Matt Hardy retains and the cruiserweight division continues to heat up on Smackdown with guys like Kendrick and Moore in the mix.
Big Show & A-Train vs Undertaker & Nathan Jones
If Taker wasn\'t in this match, I would shoot myself. Here\'s to Taker making it 11-0 at Wrestlemania, and hoping Nathan Jones doesn\'t end up sucking too much.
Trish Stratus vs Jazz vs Victoria (c) - WWE Women\'s Title
I\'ll give this one to Jazz. Victoria\'s had a good run, and Trish would be too repetitive. Also, I look for Jeff Hardy to help Trish when Steven Richards gets involved.
Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels
I see Jericho winning here in what should be one hell of a match. Actually, aside from Taker\'s tag match and maybe the women\'s match, Wrestlemania is going to be loaded with awesome matches.
Los Guerreros vs Benoit & Rhyno vs Team Angle (c) - WWE Tag Team Titles
I see Team Angle retaining here. Rhyno and Benoit are needed in the singles division, and I don\'t see the Guerreros beating Team Angle this time.
Rock vs Steve Austin
A lot of people think Rock will win since he\'s lost consistently to Austin over the years. But not me. I think Austin is in position for another win, however undeserved it might be.
Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle (c) - WWE Title
Brock has been in line for the title for months. It only makes sense to see him crowned champion, but when has that stopped WWE before? In some screwy manner, I see Angle hanging on to the title, even if he is prepped for neck surgery any day.
Booker T vs Triple H (c) - World Title
I\'m praying for a Booker T win. Anything but Triple H. Fingers are crossed.
Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon
Hulkster all the way. :D It should be an entertaining fight, even if they refuse to play Hogan\'s Real American theme music. He\'s getting his last big Wrestlemania win tonight, in my opinion. Andre, Macho Man, Sgt. Slaughter, Yokozuna, and now Vince McMahon.
I think that\'s all of it. Throw in a couple of performances by Limp Bizkit, a performance of America the Beautiful, maybe the Star Spangled Banner by Lilian Garcia, and if they can scrounge up another rapper, the John Cena bathroom break, and you\'ve got one loaded Wrestlemania. Should be a lot of fun, if not horrifically lengthy.
Brock wins title for sure.
HHH retains until he dies/divorces Stephanie.
Taker and Jones will win
Hardy will win.
I\'m going with Trish for the woman\'s title, though Jazz is the fav.
Team Angle
Austin(The Rock is leaving for another movie anyway)
RVD & Kane vs Storm (c) & Morley (c) - World Tag Team Titles
RVD and Kane to pick up the titles. Morely and Storm really aren\'t that good. It\'s a shame to see Storm stuck doing things like this. He should be with the likes of Benoit on Smackdown.
Rey Mysterio vs Matt Hardy (c) - Cruiserweight Title
Matt Hardy. He\'s been going well with his new gimmick, and is absolutely miles ahead of Jeff. It\'s a shame that both of these guys are stuck down in the Cruiserweight division. Matt deserved a big push and had some definate heat, and Rey was well over with the big boys.
Big Show & A-Train vs Undertaker & Nathan Jones
Don\'t care. I think Taker and Jones will go down to set up a feud with eachother, though.
Trish Stratus vs Jazz vs Victoria (c) - WWE Women\'s Title
Victoria retains.
Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels
Jericho to win, hopefully. If Michaels does the right thing in putting him over. I\'d like to see Jericho up at the top again, he\'s really earned it.
Los Guerreros vs Benoit & Rhyno vs Team Angle (c) - WWE Tag Team Titles
Match of the year candidate. Team Angle to retain. These guys are going to be major stars in the future, IMO. And they\'ve been great thus far.
Rock vs Steve Austin
Austin - Rock is already over, Austin is struggling and really needs it.
Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle (c) - WWE Title
Angle will lose the title when someone interfers. Or he dies.
Booker T vs Triple H (c) - World Title
Tripple H. No way Booker is gonna win.
Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon
-I see Taker and jones losing and taker blaming his first WM loss on jones and a HUGE feud starts between those two.
-for some odd reson I see victoria holding on to the belt
- Brock just due to Angle and his neck
-OH PLEASE dont let HHH keep the belt! I am pulling for Booker T, maybe Goldberg gets involved and costs HHH the belt and HHH and goldberg have a feud.
-I guess ashanti is doing the start spangled banner from what I have read on a couple of sites.
-I see rey winning and since Ultimo dragon signed "atleast verbally" he might help rey since matt has his buddy.....
-I see Jericho winning (he should have beat Howard stern\'s band.....Viacom should have fired that MTV guy who voted against them) just to keep the feud going
-I see benoit and rhyno winning (I think rhyno is in line for a push)
-it would be nice if RVD and Kane won the belts on Heat just to kick the show off with a BANG but most people arent in their seats yet.
-I see austin winning enuff said.....
- I see hogan winning due to I believe he just signed a 1 year contract
Is Brian Kendrick officially wrestling on Smackdown now? Last time I saw him he was fighting Kurt in that 5 minute match.
Don\'t think this WM is anything too special. I just hope Booker T takes it.
Anyone hear about a Goldberg appearance?
Goldberg has definitely signed a WWE contract, it is all suposed to be hush hush though. It would be good if he make an appearance to interfere in a match. Maybe he will attack Kurt and "injure" his neck so he can have his surgery.
Brock will win because Kurt will be out for a year after
Booker T will win (maybe with the help of Goldberg?)
Taker and Jones will win
Rey will win
RVD and Kane
Ryhno Benoit
As of last week Kendrick is a Smackdown wrestler now. goldberg will be on RAW not smackdown, so him attacking angle woudnt make sense....... I wouldnt be surprised if team angle turned on angle to give a reason for him being gone for about 8-12 months
Team Angle sux. IT\'S TRUE
The white one is sexy though.... :nerd:
here are the results so far: scroll over to read
Mysterio VS Hardy- Winner=Hardy retains the Lightheavyweight belt
Undertaker VS A-Train and Big Show (oh heat Nathan jones got attacked) winner=Undertaker with help from Jones Undertaker is 11-0 at Wrestlemanias!
Trish VS Jazz VS Victoria Winner=Trish wins the Womens belt!
Team Angle VS Gurerros VS Rhyno and Benoit Winner=Team Angle
GOldberg promo saying that he will be wrestling at the next PPV Backlash
Miler Lite girls torrie wilson and Stacey Keibler in a catfight on a bed loser/Winner :) =John Coachman (the coach) all 4 girls attacked the coach.
Booker T VS HHH Winner=HHH (who didnt see that coming)
WM 20 at Madison Square GARDEN!!!!!
Hogan VS Vince McMahon Winner=Hoagn (Roddy piper interfered!)
More to come later
God I haven\'t watched wrestling in months...
hell, I just tuned in, looks like [sp]Hogan[/sp] won!
yep and Rock VS Austin next!
Yep, 5am and still kicking.
ROck VS Austin [sp] Rock wins! [/sp] a 3 star match (I will rate the rest later...maybe.....I have to work tomorrow).
ANgle VS Brock Next!
[size=0]Rock wins[/size]
nice spoiler there captain
Brock VS Angle [sp] Brock wins the Championship! [/sp] Brock does a Shooting Star press!
Overall WM19 rating 4 stars! threr wasnt one boring match! well. the underaker match was a bit slow......
Brock ****ed the shooting star press up so bad, he landed on his head, I\'m sure he was meant to win the match with it but they covered it up, shame, I\'ve seen him do that move perfectly as well
IMO he does the Shooting star press better than just about anyone in the WWE (besides that guy who won tough enough...he\'s un-f*cking believable), it\'s a shame that he messed up on it.
I knew they were saving the Shooting Star press for WM. Pity he ****ed it up.
Sounds like a good show :)
He would have nailed it, but he went up the wrong turnbuckle. He had to soar to reach Angle. Angle was way far away. I give him credit. He got way more height and distance than Billy Kidman\'s ever done, and they improvised pretty smoothly with the new ending.
Angle is a champ though. If you listened, he coached Lesnar through the whole match, even calling out headlock and headscissor spots to keep Lesnar going. And how about that German into the turnbuckle?
That was a fun ppv, imo. It\'s just a shame the loaded undercard had so little time for their matches. And hell, don\'t even talk to me about Hunter Hearst McMahon, heh...
LOL, it\'s nothing special.
The video thats on KaZaA is something special.
Yep, but at WM he nearly killed himself doing it. After all that wait he ****ed it, I couldn\'t belive it.
I taped it and have only just seen up to the catfight, so far so good IMO.
The Undertaker looked great, in the best shape he\'s been in a long time. He looked so much faster and sharper than in previous years. Great tombstone piledriver on A- Train also.
This just in! Sable might be returning at the Smackdown taping tonight ! I guess there have been talks. Since we already had a wreslting thread why waste it.......
once I read the spoilers tomorrow i\'ll know more!
here is a spoiler if someone hasnt watched RAW yet [sp] Goldberg spears the rock, and Kane and RVD win the Tag belts [/sp]
[sp]Goldbergs spear was pretty weak, looked like he missed the spot pretty badly. Speeking of missing spots, Mavens match with Jamal or Rosie, was a missed spot fest[/sp]
tonight is the encore, I get to catch some things I missed.
Someone clue me in on this idea (or what is up with it)
Let\'s make a big 30-day deal about bringing back Stone Cold then get rid of him after 2 PPVs.
Hell they might as well call RAW , Nitro. And for God\'s sake get rid of Bischoff.
Originally posted by EmperorRob
Someone clue me in on this idea (or what is up with it)
Let\'s make a big 30-day deal about bringing back Stone Cold then get rid of him after 2 PPVs.
They will bring him back some way just all part of the show, I hope sable returns, oh and isnt kevin nash "big daddy cool" again?
Sable sucks.
Nash is ok. Scott Hall should have kept himself clean. The Outsiders ruled.
that they did.
it is CONFIRMED! Sable and Piper are now employed by the WWE
[sp] sable comes out and congratulates torrie about her playboy thing and pipers pit returns next week![/sp]
Only thing I can see for SCSA is going to Smackdown.
Originally posted by EmperorRob
Only thing I can see for SCSA is going to Smackdown.
Oh that is a good point, that will probably happen, atleast i think so.