Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: DarkchimP on March 30, 2003, 10:57:40 PM
So when you guys get together with a group of friends what are some of the drinking games that you guys play. I\'ll start off by explaining one that my friends and I play.
Ok everyone brings in some beer to be put in the pot later. Now take some of everyones beer and put it in a big 4 litre container or something like that and the fun is about ready to begin. Everyone get in a circle and attempt to take the biggest chug you can and then pass the container on to the next man in the circle. Now he repeats this process and passes it on until the the container is eventually finished by someone. When this occurs the person who was right before the guy who finished the beer must take beer from his own stash and fill the container for the next round. If he has now run out of beer he is eliminated. And the next guy in line starts the chuggin again. The winner is decided by the last guy who still has beer left in his stash.
So what are some of the games you guys play.
Bullshit and Quarters
Pattycake. :D
Bullshit, Quarters, and Anchorman. Although I think Anchorman is what did me in during my frat days. That thing game will kill you.
mexican and pink elephant
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (stop animation film) - Whenever his nose turns red - everyone drink a few gulps of beer (or a shot of hard liquor).
The century club.
You take 1 shot of beer every minute, for 100 minutes straight. It sounds easy, but that\'s about 9-13 beers (remember, 5% up here), depending on your shot size. I\'ve tried it 6 times, only finished it once. I\'ve never made it past 60 without puking.
Quarters, and bullshit of course.
THere is also Scarface. Drink every time someone says \'F**K\'...
Janitor - the first person to puke has to clean everyone elses vomit up with their shirt... OK so I made that up.
Bullshit is always fun.
I Dont know the name of it, but theres one where when you out at a club or a bar, the first person that goes to take a piss has to buy a round for everyone else when he gets back. Repeat until broke.
in the Netherlands, we have a game that\'s actually called:"The Beer Game (only in Dutch, ofcourse :eek: )". It\'s basically a board game with different tasks. For instance, you have to stand on one leg, \'til your next turn is. If you manage to hold on, you get a certain amount of beer. It\'s quite funny
"The dentist chair"
Originally posted by MPTheory
I Dont know the name of it, but theres one where when you out at a club or a bar, the first person that goes to take a piss has to buy a round for everyone else when he gets back. Repeat until broke.
When I was in college they outlawed blatter busting. They use to have bars that you pay your way in and you drink free until someone takes a piss. You can\'t leave and can\'t piss. People were peeing on the floors. Also big ass guys would stand next to the bathroom and not let you go take a piss.
Oh those were the good ole days.
Time to buy a pack of depends
I am unfamiliar with some of these games. Anyone care to explain bullshit or the famous anchorman?
I use to play a game where I\'d read the forums, and everytime I\'d see the word, gay or penis I\'d do a shot, several trips to the hospital later I decided to retire that game.
Anchorman is when you have two teams and you try and get the quarter into the pitcher. When you get the quarter in the pitcher the other team drinks the pitcher.
You have to finish the whole pitcher without having a second turn. THe reason it is called anchorman is because the last guy has to finish it. You can hose him and make him drink a lot or you can be cool and make him drink regular.
I forget what the penalty was for not finishing the pitcher. Probably another pitcher.
The Dance of the Flamming @rsehole
What you need
2 players
a roll of toilet paper
2 pints of Beer
2 lighters (Zip-o\'s for extra class)
each play stands on a table with their backs to each other making sure that there is plent of room between them, if you can get a large enough table then use two sepraete ones.
each play stands on a table with their backs to each other making sure that there is plenty of room between them, if you can get a large enough table then use two separate ones.
Now each player should drop their pants and underwear and each place a equal length of toilet paper into their bung hole it should look like a tail and at least drop to the table top.
Then the players should hold their pints while a 3rd person would light both lengths of toilet paper
Aim of the Game
Each player should race to finish their pint and then and only THEN, they are allowed to pull the toilet paper out (but not before)
If you are a slow drinker you will have your bottom burned !
Who’s the winner
the person who finishes their pint first and removes the flaming toilet paper first
the Total Loser is the person who gets burned on their rear end
I have a feeling you play that game after Christmas dinner with grandma. ;)
well not quite
i have a few British Army Squadies firends and they play it... its kind of a Army Drinking game.
And who said they don\'t allow gays in the military.
trust me buddy I have a few drinking games and even moral boosters from the British army which would make your noise bleed ;)
For example
one involves the use of a pair of the squadies wifes/girlfriends underware to releve tention and to "boost" Moral ! ;)