
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on March 31, 2003, 06:08:00 AM

Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: GmanJoe on March 31, 2003, 06:08:00 AM

Well.....though he looks like Jim...he\'s not. :p
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: Kurt Angle on March 31, 2003, 07:01:41 AM
Sounds like a load of crap.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: MPTheory on March 31, 2003, 07:22:14 AM
yeah.. I hate when characters get swaped like that.. i dont know if Id even give this one the time of day... Maybe after I see the previews or somthing
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: GmanJoe on March 31, 2003, 07:27:08 AM
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: videoholic on March 31, 2003, 07:39:40 AM
What sucks for the dude is that he will be compared to a great comedic character actor.  He is actually replacing someone who is more than likely a billion times better than he is and even if he is good or even better than Jim, he won\'t get the credit.

What am I saying.  Who cares?  This is going to be a piece of crap anyway.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: KillaX on March 31, 2003, 10:29:10 AM
I saw the preview of this before Two is a Prequel...........BAH!

Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: shockwaves on March 31, 2003, 01:41:55 PM
I was against this one from the beginning.  That\'s not the type of movie you make a second one of, and if you do, you HAVE to get the same actors.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: Halberto on March 31, 2003, 02:05:05 PM
To me it would be the biggest movie the summer for me, but now that Jim isn\'t in it. NO WAY
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: theomen on March 31, 2003, 02:05:11 PM
I call horse shit on this movie, it will  be nothing but Horse Shit!  When I saw the preview for it, before LOTRTT, I thought it was Jim Carey in it, now that I know they replaced both actors I\'m extremely pissed!  And this knew guy has the weak jaw line of a frenchman!
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: (e) on March 31, 2003, 04:22:55 PM

Thats gay...

Jim Carrey rules.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: The Stapler on March 31, 2003, 06:28:31 PM
Originally posted by GmanJoe

I always thought Jim had brown eyes...
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: SER on March 31, 2003, 09:10:14 PM
Funny, I saw LOTRTT twice and I didn\'t see this preview. I saw the poster for it today though while passing by the theaters. Guess I didn\'t catch Jim Carrey not being it. My friend and I were so excited too, since Dumb and Dumber is one of our favorite comedy movies. :shrugs:
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: Mr. Kennedy on April 01, 2003, 04:21:36 AM
even though the actors are new I will probably still see the movie.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: Luke on April 01, 2003, 08:02:23 AM
Originally Trey Parker and Matt Stone were going to do this movie... that would have been pretty great.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: Silent D on April 01, 2003, 08:44:41 AM
Yeah, I saw the poster in the movie theater for this, and that guy looks like him so I figured Carrey was in it.

This is gonna seriously be lame.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: angelo1978 on April 01, 2003, 08:58:10 AM
Yeah, without Jim Carrey in it, this movie is gonna suck.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: Darth Joyda on April 01, 2003, 11:26:14 AM
Dumb & Dumber is one of the greatest situational comedies ever. When I first heard about a sequel, I was intrigued and filled with enthusiasm - what a wonderful day that was!

It all ended when I found out that the sequel was in fact a prequel, and the actors had been replaced + director changed. Why are these facts ill omens? First of all, Carrey and Daniels might\'ve been too expensive for the film - which means that the film didn\'t have a big budget to start with. Secondly, they both turned the script down if they were offered the roles - a very bad sign.

I believe that the whole film will suck major ass. End of story.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: (e) on April 01, 2003, 04:33:05 PM
Well, I just read some of your posts and thought.

Now what if this movie totally kicks arse? Has anyone seen these guys act before? I havent, but I hope they are good.

Maybe we will swallow our words. But Im skeptical, still probably watch it, because the first one rocked!
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: square_marker on April 01, 2003, 08:03:18 PM
For those of us who actually thought Dumb and Dumber was a funny movie, we will probably go see the prequel.  Eventhough we know it will probably suck.  Eh  o well.
Title: Dumb and Dumberer
Post by: clowd on April 01, 2003, 08:14:53 PM
I dunno...maybe they couldnt pay Jim what he wanted?  Or he was busy with some other movie?

I was going to see it but now knowing Jim wont be in it those plans have been properly disposed of.