Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on March 31, 2003, 06:08:00 AM
Well.....though he looks like Jim...he\'s not. :p
Sounds like a load of crap.
yeah.. I hate when characters get swaped like that.. i dont know if Id even give this one the time of day... Maybe after I see the previews or somthing
What sucks for the dude is that he will be compared to a great comedic character actor. He is actually replacing someone who is more than likely a billion times better than he is and even if he is good or even better than Jim, he won\'t get the credit.
What am I saying. Who cares? This is going to be a piece of crap anyway.
I saw the preview of this before Two is a Prequel...........BAH!
I was against this one from the beginning. That\'s not the type of movie you make a second one of, and if you do, you HAVE to get the same actors.
To me it would be the biggest movie the summer for me, but now that Jim isn\'t in it. NO WAY
I call horse shit on this movie, it will be nothing but Horse Shit! When I saw the preview for it, before LOTRTT, I thought it was Jim Carey in it, now that I know they replaced both actors I\'m extremely pissed! And this knew guy has the weak jaw line of a frenchman!
Thats gay...
Jim Carrey rules.
Originally posted by GmanJoe
I always thought Jim had brown eyes...
Funny, I saw LOTRTT twice and I didn\'t see this preview. I saw the poster for it today though while passing by the theaters. Guess I didn\'t catch Jim Carrey not being it. My friend and I were so excited too, since Dumb and Dumber is one of our favorite comedy movies. :shrugs:
even though the actors are new I will probably still see the movie.
Originally Trey Parker and Matt Stone were going to do this movie... that would have been pretty great.
Yeah, I saw the poster in the movie theater for this, and that guy looks like him so I figured Carrey was in it.
This is gonna seriously be lame.
Yeah, without Jim Carrey in it, this movie is gonna suck.
Dumb & Dumber is one of the greatest situational comedies ever. When I first heard about a sequel, I was intrigued and filled with enthusiasm - what a wonderful day that was!
It all ended when I found out that the sequel was in fact a prequel, and the actors had been replaced + director changed. Why are these facts ill omens? First of all, Carrey and Daniels might\'ve been too expensive for the film - which means that the film didn\'t have a big budget to start with. Secondly, they both turned the script down if they were offered the roles - a very bad sign.
I believe that the whole film will suck major ass. End of story.
Well, I just read some of your posts and thought.
Now what if this movie totally kicks arse? Has anyone seen these guys act before? I havent, but I hope they are good.
Maybe we will swallow our words. But Im skeptical, still probably watch it, because the first one rocked!
For those of us who actually thought Dumb and Dumber was a funny movie, we will probably go see the prequel. Eventhough we know it will probably suck. Eh o well.
I dunno...maybe they couldnt pay Jim what he wanted? Or he was busy with some other movie?
I was going to see it but now knowing Jim wont be in it those plans have been properly disposed of.