
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on March 31, 2003, 11:23:06 AM

Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: videoholic on March 31, 2003, 11:23:06 AM
What a loser.  Apparently he gave out location and direction information for the 101st airborne.  

NBC is saying he was kicked out and scorted to the border.

Geraldo is saying he is marching to Baghdad with the troops.

I wonder if he is going to fake where he is like what he did in the Afghan war.
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: GigaShadow on March 31, 2003, 11:37:06 AM
Hahaha... he says he hasn\'t been kicked out, yet Central Command asked him to leave... I guess I will have to wait to get home to find out.
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: mm on March 31, 2003, 12:06:41 PM
remember when that moron roughed him self up in a public restroom and painted a swastika  on his forehead (backwords cause he did it in the mirror) and then said some skinheads did it?
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: Kurt Angle on March 31, 2003, 12:12:33 PM
All I remember about him is his Jerry Springer style talk show.
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: Simchoy on March 31, 2003, 01:25:19 PM
Currently, Geraldo is saying that this is a haox created by NBC since their \'traitorious\' reporter was kicked out. So Geraldo\'s status is still up in the air at the moment.

Now, if he did expose troop position, he should\'ve been kicked out. Lets see if this news turns up anything.
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: videoholic on March 31, 2003, 01:48:44 PM
How is it a hoax created by NBC if the Pentagon is confirming it?

Well it is NBC saying the Pentagon is confirming it though.  Although that would be pretty crappy for NBC to say that he was kicked out and give miss-information from the Pentagon to confirm it.

With the little guy\'s track record I have a feeling the little mother screwed up.
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: fastson on April 01, 2003, 02:39:49 AM
Wait, Geraldo Rivera?

lol.. Too good! :D


I hope the Iraqis get him instead of the soldiers. ;)
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: ooseven on April 01, 2003, 02:51:56 AM
Originally posted by fastson

I hope the Iraqis get him instead of the soldiers. ;)

yeah ;)

but i have the strange fealing that if he was captured Geraldo would do his best to try and get a interview or two out of it ;).

i can see it Now

The 2 hour "special" Geraldo gets captured and then has the S£$% beaten out of him.
Title: Now Geraldo is making the news.
Post by: videoholic on April 08, 2003, 12:17:24 PM
Damn I am finding out more and more of my friends are over there in Iraq covering the war.  Here is a story from Dean Staley who says that numerous soldiers before shaking hands with Geraldo put their hands down their pants.  That is so sweet.  God Geraldo is a putz....

"We later found out a few who shook his hand had put those hands in unmentionable places prior. Army justice?"