Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on April 01, 2003, 05:18:31 AM
Halle Berry was already nude in Monster\'s Ball. :fro:
And then she got banged.
Yeah, I was shocked as hell when I saw that sex scene. I was certainly pleased, but shocked. She\'s creamy. And she has that edge about her too. That edge that likes to take her car out and hit people in a drunken stooper.. You gotta love that.
I wouldn\'t kick her out of bed.
I wouldn\'t kick him out of bed.
i wouldn\'t kick any of you lot out of bed.
Not that i would ever have a choice in the matter :( :crying:
How did this thread turn into "ooseven NOT kicking kurt angle out of bed" from Halle Barry\'s covered nude pic? :)
its the GOLDEN RULE of PSX2Central .. buddy
[the Rule]
All good threads turn Gehy after the 5th reply, why because its the LAW ;)
Due to the typo in the thread-title, I didn\'t fall for it.
She has been naked in lots of movies and mags.
I believe playboy, Swordfish and some others.
I fancy big fat women with thighs the size of hippos\'....
red dwarf rules.
whew, you really fooled me. Damn though, I was really looking foward to some nude action, it looks like I will have to do it on my own. This thread was so enticing though... :yawn:
heh... hey vid that pic is so pixelated that the skin on my face looks like Keith Richards\'.... :laughing:
She was SO HOT in Swordfish. Too bad that film sucked ass.
come on swordfish was kewl man but her tits were horrilbe looking in that film if she would have stayed clothed then I would have agreed that she was hot in that film
Oh man John Travolta is becoming my least favorite actor. Swordfish should have been titled "Battlefield Earth 2."
Me and her were both born in Toledo, Ohio.
Don\'t you feel special