Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on April 01, 2003, 10:26:18 AM
Anything you post with the letters "th" will be seperated by one letter.
Example :
the = teh
they = tehy
them = tehm
heheheh....simple, sorta funny. :) Last St. Patrick\'s day, all the smilies were green. :laughing:
Tehose Subaru guys are funny folk.
What teh hell!
This is sad.
you can\'t even be a dork correctly.
tehis is sad......
Wow.....Im laughing histerically....tehm subaru people r so funny.
I saw that in the neon forums last night. Not sure who did it first. It also changed a few others words around as well.
....tehy are teh ghey
^^ You did it wrong. :p
....tehy are teh gehy
naw, he got it right... th only.
Heh, how come we don\'t have any funny things going on for practical jokes around here? Damn nothing to do it to. That is.. um... teh unlucky.