Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on April 01, 2003, 04:53:16 PM
Anyone think it\'s the dude they\'ve had for 10+ years. Isn\'t his name Spiker or something like that?
I just think it\'s odd that they have rescued 1 POW. Seems like how they captured the numerous POWs that they have that they would have rescued more than one at a time. Unless of course some were killed.
Im guessing for some reason it may have been a lost soldier who was found by the iraqis first. The captured him....and the US just got him back.
I dunno, I just dont really see any other reason for only one to have been recovered.
Well that also makes centce... We have several MIA so who knows.
Well that or the rest were found dead and that info were just not released.
Well it was a 19 year old chick. Not much of a story yet other than her name.
She was MIA for a week or so, she has broken arms and legs and gunshot wounds also. Her injuries are not thought to be life threatening. Good to see she has been rescued and taken to safety.
Yeah, I saw in the centcom briefing someone asking how she was doing. They just said that she was in coalition care. Nothing saying she was just fine.
How do you get arms and legs broken?
I can understand a gunshot wound, but how do you get broken arms and legs?
Being beaten.
You don\'t say?
You asked ;) anyway, turns out the hospital was a military command center also. In unrelated news some Iraqi\'s have holed up in a historical mosque and are firing on US troops. The US troops have not returned fire as of yet.
Did any of yous hear about this girl\'s fight? Apparently she got hit, but kept shooting until she ran out of ammo. She didn\'t want to get captured. The paper today said that even wounded, she took out "several" Iraqi soldiers. I hope it\'s true, and not the US Gov. trying to turn her into the next "Audie Murphy"....
/me waits for the barrage of "who the hell is audie murphy?" questions...
I thought you mispelled Eddie Murphy but that doesn\'t make sense...
Who is Audie Murphy?
This brave soldier also reports that she was tortured...
audie murphy was a ww2 war hero (i beleive).
btw now theyre saying that atleast nine of the 11 bodies which were recovered during the rescue operation appear to be those of U.S soldiers
Originally posted by Tyrant
audie murphy was a ww2 war hero (i beleive).
ding ding ding!
first prize! :D
audie murphy was a 5\'4" american soldier who jumped onto a burning sherman tank to hold off a whole company of germans with the .50 cal machine gun, despite being shot.
This POW is indeed brave. I haven\'t seen Fox News or looked at the enws at all. Can someone link me up please?
They are all brave..POW or not. You make it seem like b/c she was a POW that she was brave b/c of that.
Hell, theres no telling what she may have told the iraqis, so dont be so quick to call her brave for that reasoning.
That\'s not what I said at all. If her story was true about being wounded and still fought and got a few Iraqi soldiers that she is brave for doing that. I agree with you that all the soldiers are brave there for being in such a controversial war where they aren\'t appreciated for going over there and risk their lives.