Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on April 02, 2003, 12:30:20 PM
Any of you have the Olympus C-5050 or the E-20N?
They are both 5 megapixel cameras, but I am torn between spending the extra money and going for the better camera or should I just go with the cheaper camera and wish I bought the more expensive one with all the pretty buttons.
you tell me Mr. Moneybags.
Didn\'t you just get like a $187,000 car?
yeah.... guy.
I think my co-worker just got the olympus.. I\'ll axe him tomorrow what he thinks of it....
Ask him. I\'m curious about the write time on a High Quality picture. We have a 3 megapixel camera at work and it takes 31 seconds to write an image. That\'s 9 megs. This one takes pics at 15 megs.
I typically wouldn\'t shoot pics that large, but that\'s one of me questions.
Find out which one he has. THe 5050 is more of a consumer model while the E-20 is an SLR which has a much nicer lens.
I have the c-3030 that I dished almost a grand for a year and 1/2 ago
Get the C-5050 although the menu takes some getting used to. is an excellent unbiased site with comparisons.
If you want a really good SLR digital camera, get the Canon EOS 1D
I already have a Nikon F100 which is a kick ass film camera, so this is just something to use with the film camera. I just like to take pictures so I need something pretty good.
I just need something to take pictures of my boy....
Those are scans of film. Problem is you have to deal with hair and dust and shit. Gets annoying. Plus you have to deal with Eckerds jacking up the exposure making some highlights totally over exposed.