
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Tyrant on April 09, 2003, 08:20:52 AM

Title: Isn\'t it kinda weird
Post by: Tyrant on April 09, 2003, 08:20:52 AM
That baghdad fell so soon (well kinda, its not completely under coalition control yet) i dont wanna say that it was easy but, well it did fall faster than basra.
one thing that creeps me out is that this is all some sort of tactic on the part of iraqis, like to ambush the troops with chemical WOMD\'s. after all ,what do they have to loose.

Another way to go with this (and i think this will be favoured by most members here as well as myself) is the fact that the air raids and other form of operations were so effective in taking out most of iraqs defences and army, such that they were rendered power less.

one other thing sky news have said the number of iraqi soldiers killed (as released by american sources) is 2300, i doubt that this is the case coz if it was there would\'ve been a hell of alot more resistance seeing that even sadams fidaien\'s numbered like 20,000+. my guess would be that the # is more like 30,000+.
what do u guys think.
Title: Isn\'t it kinda weird
Post by: luckee on April 09, 2003, 10:16:32 AM
Remember, alot of them were taken prisoner or just fled.

As for this being some sort of trap..That is what I thought all along b4 the war even started.

I mean think about it, saddam got his ass kicked 12 years ago and he was MUCH stronger in terms of military force then. So I figured being the person he is, that he had something major up his sleeves for the coalition forces.

Thankfully, nothing yet, lets hope it continues that way.
Title: Isn\'t it kinda weird
Post by: Titan on April 09, 2003, 01:23:59 PM
But if he did have a plan and didn\'t tell anyone, it won\'t be used now. Unless he did, in that case, it might happen.