Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Seed_Of_Evil on June 13, 2003, 03:11:36 AM
... of Maya. Yes. As you read.
Months ago, a friend of mine gave me the program Maya. I have being always using 3D Max, and, the few times I checked Maya, I didn\'t like because it seemed very simple. The program remained there, in a small corner of my HDD... with no use. (Apart from 3D Max, I was also busy with University).
2 weeks ago, classes finished, and, although I have to study to sit my exams, I have more spare time to play, surf the net and check those utilities you have in the HDD.
Like I said, I opened for first time Maya 2 weeks ago (I mean seriously, to make a project). At the beginning it was very plain, very few features, easy to use... I dunno... like if I weren\'t able to do more than a ball and a table.
I surfed the net and found some plugins, textures... in some forums I read questions and answers of people... interesting... maya was more powerful than it seemed. Of course, many people prefers it over 3D max so it may works fine...
I was practicing for a couple of days with some of its tools, rendering small scenes and learning to use some of the new features, like the cinematic perspective.
Now, after 15 days, I repeat the same: I\'m in love with Maya. The results are much more realistic, elements are combined properly and there is not that amount of logical errors of 3D Max. I also like the light effects, the camera angles/postions and the options of the environmental scene you\'re working on.
I\'m not a master. I\'m just a newbie in modelling, both in 3D max and Maya (in maya i\'m a baby :D) but i\'m really proud of my results with this program. I think that, with a bit of practice, I can achieve nice scenes.
For the moment, here you have my first serious scene. A street next to my home. Textures are very plain and 2nd background is very awful but all I need is practice. Tell me if you like it. I\'d like to receive critics to improve the worst points.
wow! that looks really nice.
i\'ve been planning to start using maya for some time but uni. has been keeping me very busy. maybe now since the summer vacation is one day and one exam away i can start fiddling with it hehehe....
Nice pic, looks almost real.
Did you model all of those meshes yourself or are they presets?
I\'m pretty harsh when judging this kinda thing, but it looks pretty good, I dont like the leave-less tree on the kerb though. Looks outta place.
nice work though.
I like the tree, but not with the bush next to it. Kind of hard to tell whether it\'s winter or summer.
Looks awesome. I need to take a look at Maya. I have a chance to mess with the new version 5. I need to do that.
I modelled all, except the streetlamp. I don\'t like the tree... you\'re right, I should have erased it before rendering... bah, it was a training indeed.
Do u like the textures racer? There is a big change if it\'s compared with 3Dmax.
Hey, that\'s awesome Adan! Never really got into Maya, but perhaps I should give it another try... :)
Can a beginner with zero experience use Maya?
Originally posted by GmanJoe
Can a beginner with zero experience use Maya?
Yeah, your sexual status has got nothing to do with this. ;)
It\'s really hard Gman, but practice is all in this kinda programs.
I\'m currently working on something (practicing) that Racer will probably like.
Originally posted by Samwise
Yeah, your sexual status has got nothing to do with this. ;)
Hush! Or I\'ll have Gimli beat up Frodo! :p
Originally posted by GmanJoe
Can a beginner with zero experience use Maya?
That really depends on how computer savy you are. Im taking a 3D modeling class right now. Its very intense and time consuming. I\'m working on a Hyper-nurbs head right now. Ive spent aprx. 4 hours on it, and Im still not done. Thats working with Polygons. I think doing the same thing in nurbs would be even more time consuming.
Originally posted by Adan
It\'s really hard Gman, but practice is all in this kinda programs.
I\'m currently working on something (practicing) that Racer will probably like.
you\'re not gonna render a shower are you? :eek:
j/k :laughing:
Maybe Mariah Carey in the shower! :eek: ;)
adan that looks really good- have you tried creating models/maps for video games before? I think you could go far.
Originally posted by Adan
I\'m currently working on something (practicing) that Racer will probably like.
Hehehe, ok, its either;
1) Mariah Carey
2) A shower
3) Mariah Carey in a shower
4) Mariah Carey in a shower with ##RaCeR##
5) Mariah Carey in a shower with ##RaCeR## and two other boys wrestling...
6) render of a Lamborghini Diablo
I choose #\'s 5 and 6.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
6) render of a Lamborghini Diablo
Close dude... :)
Nope, never tried with maps...
Adan, I thought that was a real picture first. Only with a longer, closer inspection did I find out that it wasn\'t. So, in other words, great work, my friend ;)
ah so we are going to see a shower scene between racer and two other boys. Oh yeah, with Mariah watching.
damn, that is really impressive!!!! great, esp as you have not been using it long
Well, here it is. As you can see Racer, it is not Mariah, or a hot girl in the shower, but I think it\'s as sexi as one of those... The model is totally invented, it does not exists, even though I\'ve been watching many inet pictures to copy some parts.
I modelled the car without scenery (my cpu cannot render many polygons), so the ground and sky and such have been added later in photoshop, so don\'t expect a great result. I hope you like it:
And it is another composition, mixing the 2 renderings ;)
Man, that\'s nice. What rendering engine are you using? Also, I would love to see a wireframe of either of the two scenes.
what\'s a wireframe chizzy?
Originally posted by Adan
what\'s a wireframe chizzy?
Render a pic showing splines... like this...
Ah, no prob. Hold on a minute.
*EDIT: What the! the camera fields appears in black when I capture the screen... totally in black, like if I was capturing a windos media screen or whatever... any wrong option chizzy? I could do it in 3D max, I believe... may it be because of the old graphic card?
I have no idea what is happening there. Could you maybe force wireframe during render?
Originally posted by CHIZZY
I have no idea what is happening there. Could you maybe force wireframe during render?
:D You joking? My comp would freeze instantaneously. I have a PII dude. I\'ll try with any of those capture programs...
ah...... I can\'t believe you are using maya successfully on a PII..
Rendering must take forever. My AMD 1800 xp + 1 gig ram is a turtle when I\'m rendering lots of lights, like when I fake global illumination....
Originally posted by CHIZZY
ah...... I can\'t believe you are using maya successfully on a PII..
Rendering must take forever.
You don\'t know well....
It doesn\'t works properly, it has several unpredictible errors, slow as hell, many tools freezes etc... (also in 3d max). But this is my working machine. I\'ll buy a new pc next year or so :)
Nice car Adan!
Maybe you should submit it to Audi as a concept ;)
You could call it the Adan 1000 the 1000 being the hp.:D
It\'s called "Dark Angel" Kurt! :laughing:
I\'m still stuck on paper and pencil. :)
thats a really nice model Adan, i can only wish that i could do something like that, i cant do crap in
Originally posted by CHIZZY
ah...... I can\'t believe you are using maya successfully on a PII..
Rendering must take forever. My AMD 1800 xp + 1 gig ram is a turtle when I\'m rendering lots of lights, like when I fake global illumination....
Why are you faking global illumination? What version of Max are you using? Me no remember.
Also, do you have any plugins?
Originally posted by videoholic
Why are you faking global illumination? What version of Max are you using? Me no remember.
Also, do you have any plugins?
I\'m using 4.0... No GI built in there... Some plugs.. some don\'t work... what\'re ye lookin fer?
damn Adan, that is so cool, I\'d love to learn how to do this, but I don\'t even know where to start! I have a copy of Maya 4 Pro Series, but its so complicated.
How did you learn to do that?
How long did it take you to model that car Adan? Looks like you spent some major time there. Looks great!
Racer, you only need a couple of good books with tutorials and practice, lot of practice.
I spent almost 4 days modelling the car MP, I think about 15 hours or so... dunno exactly.
ohh, i just tried some stuff, it hurts my head really bad.
damn... 15 hours. Did you model the seats and interior also?
Ok, I am reviving this thread. Why ? Well becuz I kind of suspect that you, Adan/ S O E are not the person who made these 3D CG
works. :confused: Becuz I do 3D myself I visit the CGtalk forums on a weekly basis and here is what I found :
1. The spanish street scene is made by a spanish person named
Juan Siquier in 2003 using 3D MAX + Brazil r/s + Onix Tree Pro + Photoshop , NOT in Maya.
The original URL to the pic is here ( note J.Siquier\'s sig in the rightlow corner of the pic, NOT Adan.
Original J.Siquier pic (
His website can be found here Juan Siquier website (
2. Then I found the original pic of the made up car you claimed to have made. My suspicion became bigger becuz this car was modeled by ANOTHER person, not J. Siquier ! This car was done by a CGTalk member named Spirit2029 who is a Canadian living in Vancouver, Canada, NOT a spanish dude in Spain.
Also, he made it in XSi , not Maya and it was done in 2002.
URL is here :
Original car by Spirit 2029 (
So, here we have the fact that the car and the street scene have been made by 2 different CGtalk forum members, one being spanish and the other canadian. So it couldn\'t be just you, Adan...
Also, there\'s the 3D software mismatch becuz both pics were factually NOT made using Maya, but 3D Max for the spanish street scene and XSi for the car. This may also explain the fact why you didn\'t post a wireframe render of these 3D works..... becuz you simply didn\'t make the models.....???
Why am I making such a fuss about this ? Well, if it is true that you didn\'t make these pics then you\'re taking credit away from both J.Siquier and Spirit 2029 who both deserve it. I do 3D myself, Maya and Cinema4D and I know how tough it can be, so if anyone rips off my work, in which I put alot of practice and effort then that\'s really not nice imo.
So... Seed of Evil... what do you have to say about this ?
He composed his own copy? I do that with other people\'s art work (I\'ve got talent in sketching). Particularly DaVinci. When I show my work to people, I say "Yes, I drew this."
It\'s an artist thang.
I was very suspect of that long ago. You just don\'t whip out a street scene and tell people you are working on something interesting and come back a couple days later with a freaking car.
ESPECIALLY AS A BEGINNER. I didn\'t say anything back then because I wasn\'t about to say you didn\'t do it without proof, but it certainly was great work for someone who never used the program before.
I think I just heard a toilet flush.................................
Sorry buddy, but I had to edit you on that pic. That was just way too wrong. Did you create it in Maya?
Originally posted by GmanJoe
He composed his own copy? I do that with other people\'s art work (I\'ve got talent in sketching). Particularly DaVinci. When I show my work to people, I say "Yes, I drew this."
It\'s an artist thang.
yes but, yours are not exactly the same as the originol.
Minus 100 points bad form!
Originally posted by videoholic
Well... Adan did mention he knew 3D Max very well before doing Maya... since they\'re both high end 3D software I ... yeah i believed it. But I know 3D, i know how much practice and work such quality models take. Only the best over at CGTalk forums can whip up a carmodel like that one on such short notice. And since I am a graduated student artsacademy who happens to do Maya and Cinema4D I am aware of all the creative effort that goes into such work, therefor i find ripping off such nice work a very low blow. :o
If ppl wanna see my 3D stuff and proof that I actually made it myself ; i can whip up wireframes and shots from different angles.
Just for the ppl who are curious ; i am not yet as good as J.Siquier nor as Spirit2029, but my work looks nice nonetheless.
I surrender.
I envied those models and desired sometime I could make something like that.
I\'m owned. Excuse me.
EDIT: all previous nature scenes are completely original made by me.
I\'ve never taken a class in computer graphics but I\'ll go out on a limb and say : maybe he was given a template where he had to do the rest of the work? Sorta like a coloring book....but he has to do the coloring and killing.
GmanJoe.....wannabe defense lawyer. :p
gmanjoe not much of an attorney if you client allready plead gulity!
BWAHAHAHA! Shut up! :)
I\'m feeling like an idiot... a complet dumbass.
I\'m leaving these forums.
NOOOO! Wait. PARA! Stay!
Come on Adan, you should stay. What you did was stupid, but hell... it\'s just a forum anyway. ;)
Please stay Adan, your not the first who has done this and you won\'t be the last. Just forget about it.
I forgot that adan did do some nice nature renderings. But nature scenes aren\'t even a spec in the dificulty of creating a car.
And he could have been forced to say he didn\'t make them by a gun weilding madman. I\'d use that as a defense.
Originally posted by videoholic
I forgot that adan did do some nice nature renderings. But nature scenes aren\'t even a spec in the dificulty of creating a car.
And he could have been forced to say he didn\'t make them by a gun weilding madman. I\'d use that as a defense.
He did it only coz you forced him to or else you\'d sodomize him. :p
Case closed.