
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 06:35:44 PM

Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 06:35:44 PM
Alright - this is a serious thread. Basically, if you spam or start flamin\', I\'ll delete your post....Now that I\'ve got that out of the way...

What do you think you\'ll die from? And why?

I figure I\'ll go from either one or two things.

(1) The most likely is cancer. Both my parent\'s have cancer. My grandmother has it. I just had a great-uncle die Tuesday from it. His brother died from it. His father died from it and I do believe my  great-grandmother did also. All of that is just on my mother\'s side of the family.  

(2) Wagners-grandala-tois. I think I spelled it right. If not - oh well. My father has that. It\'s almost like cancer, but not quite. He has one lung from it, due to the fact it eats away at your organs. His grandfather died from it (which was diagnosed as cancer at the time, but later decided it was not).

Both shitty ways to go. Or I could end up with both, as both are largely genetic. Tho\', it seems the "wagners" often skips a generation.

How do you think you\'ll go?
Remember, serious conversation only.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: videoholic on August 06, 2003, 06:51:35 PM
Well, how I have felt lately it would be a wasp sting.

I am still very nervous about wasps which is highly frustrating living in Florida because there is no dormant season for them.  I would much rather be allergic to cats.  I can\'t die from cats....

But my other thought/fear is cancer.  Watching my wifes mom pass away nearly 6 years ago was awful and certainly a life changing experience.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: mjps21983 on August 06, 2003, 06:56:44 PM
Some sort of cancer or heart disease. My grandmother died from skin cancer(melanoma) and my grandfather died of congenative heart failure.  But really as I\'ve thought alot about this lately, I also am not ruling out the factor of a freak accident.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: theomen on August 06, 2003, 07:02:53 PM
Probably old age or suicide.  In my family you either live to 100 or commit suicide.  I have multiple relatives who\'ve lived past 100, and just as many that commit suicide.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 07:03:21 PM
While I did not watch my great uncle die from it (my mother and other uncle did that). I did see him less than a month ago and he seemed fine. It was so messed up how someone can go from "fine" to dead within a month...

Not to mention I\'ve seen both my parents deal with cancer.

It certainly is not the way I want to go out, but I have a distinct feeling that it will be. Which certainly is disturbing, as it is such a terrible, terrible way to go.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: videoholic on August 06, 2003, 07:05:10 PM
My wife and I married end of September. Her mother immediately moved in with us when she was diagnosed a week after we were married.  She lived with us for 2 months.  Really only about a month of it was she really there.  The last month she was highly medicated.

Nothing I want to go through, but at least she didn\'t feel anything.

If we were married just one week later she probably would not have been able to come.  There are a lot of strange happenings in mine and Lona\'s relationship that make me wonder why I don\'t believe in God.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Ryu on August 06, 2003, 07:53:20 PM
I\'ll more than likely die from some type of disease, probably heart disease or skin cancer when i\'m in my 60\'s.  I don\'t plan on sticking around until I\'m 80 years old and can barely lift a cookie jar let alone do the fun things I did in my youth.  I don\'t want to live to see myself fall apart at the seems from living life too hard and being helpless all at the same time.  Rya and I will live together happily, have our kids, raise them well and hopefully prepare them enough for a world where anything is possible.  If I can do that, and I will try my hardest to do just that, then I\'ll have lived and died without any regrets.

I\'d like to be remembered for doing something for people that they would always remember me by, namely directing or writing something that a vast majority greatly enjoys, but that\'s just my dream and goal for myself.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: The Stapler on August 06, 2003, 08:14:02 PM
Most likely cancer. Quite a few members of my family have been diagnosed (and sadly died) from it. I\'m trying to take care of myself to hopefully stay clean.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SER on August 06, 2003, 08:27:41 PM
I remember posting a thread like this quite a while ago... :)

Anyway, I hope I\'ll die of old age, or something I don\'t feel.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: cloud345 on August 06, 2003, 09:21:04 PM
I dunno, I have much of life to live before then I hope, but, I don\'t want to die slowly.

edit: errr... this post by deadly hamster

been a while since ive posted under my brothers name by accident...
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Kenshin on August 06, 2003, 09:44:40 PM
at the rate im going ... it\'ll either be

1. Lung Cancer

2. Throat Cancer

3. Heart attack

why you ask? because I smoke too much and I eat too much fast food. nuff said :surprised
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SwifDi on August 06, 2003, 10:22:44 PM
Whatever happens to be in God\'s will.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 10:29:11 PM
You are tryin\' to tell me that it\'s God\'s will for people to die slow miserable deaths? For grown men - to suffer so much they cry for their mother\'s, even though their mother\'s have long died from the same thing?

I fail to see how anyone can believe in God in light of such things and how anyone can say it\'s God\'s will for people to suffer slow painful deaths.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SwifDi on August 06, 2003, 10:43:07 PM
Those "slow, painful deaths" came for a reason in God\'s plan. Did Christ not die a slow and painful death for you?

Listen, I don\'t wanna turn this into a heated religious debate, you asked a question, I gave you my answer. I\'m sorry you disagree with it, or don\'t understand it.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Bozco on August 06, 2003, 10:59:17 PM
None of my family has cancer so I\'m ruling that out for the most part.  I think I\'ll either be killed in a car crash or die of old age.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 11:10:04 PM
Those "slow, painful deaths" came for a reason in God\'s plan. Did Christ not die a slow and painful death for you?
 Listen, I don\'t wanna turn this into a heated religious debate, you asked a question, I gave you my answer. I\'m sorry you disagree with it, or don\'t understand it.


I wasn\'t upset. I see nothing wrong with a healthy debate, as long as no one starts flaming. :) Besides - those threads are often the best threads in this forum.

I have to disagree though. If it\'s "God\'s Plan" for peope to die miserable deaths, than if there is a God - I have to say, I want nothing to do with him. Isn\'t \'God\' suppose to be like a father? A loving father? What loving father would want their child to die painfully?

My point? I don\'t think it\'s "part of God\'s plan". I don\'t think there is a plan. I think in the end, we all die. Some of us just have a better death than the others. And sayin\' someone\'s death is part of "God\'s plan" is just to try and ease the pain and pass the blame off on something / someone. Instead of facing reality and facing the fact - that there is no plan and sense in death, other than the fact it\'s natrual...Sadly, natrual.

Note: You\'ll note I am not arguing if there is a God or not. I don\'t know if there is and I am in no position to say there is or isn\'t. I just fail to see the logic in saying "it\'s God\'s plan" for people to die slow painful deaths.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SwifDi on August 06, 2003, 11:13:05 PM
Hah.. dude, you make it so much more complex then it really is. He has a plan for each and every one of us. He knows what we\'re gonna do, what we\'re gonna think, what we\'re gonna say. If the person dies a slow death, it was for a reason, his reason. Death isn\'t such a horrible thing if you know where exactly you\'re going after it.

The average person lives maybe 75 years, thats just a drop in the ocean in comparison to whats after that.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 11:22:31 PM
Hah.. dude, you make it so much more complex then it really is. He has a plan for each and every one of us. He knows what we\'re gonna do, what we\'re gonna think, what we\'re gonna say

If something knows what you are goin\' to say and do, than that means your life is planned out before you. You really have no indepence or self awareness.

That\'s almost like the theory that everything you do is already planned - due to the fact it is related to your childhood and way of being raised. Your train of thought and choices are already picked out in every given situation. How can that be comforting?

And are you saying that if you have a child and he dies from say , cancer at age 10 - it was part of God\'s plan and you can accept that? Or your mother? Could you watch your mother slowly die a painful death and easily say, it was part of "God\'s plan"? What reason could that be? For the family to suffer watching the given person die?

I fail to see how my logic is more complicated than yours..


There is no plan. We all die. Some of us die painful deaths. The so called "plan" is simply a way for people to  deal with and pass the blame on..

There is a grand scheme and reason for everything. Slow painful death\'s are part of an un-noticed "plan" by a force we can\'t see.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Ryu on August 06, 2003, 11:23:53 PM
What if his plan is for all of us to just die eventually?  That\'s a pretty sh*tty plan in my opinion.  Then again, maybe it\'s not.  Maybe his ultimate plan is for us all to play in a giant ball pit for all eternity.  What if, and this is just for the sake of a more hilarious argument, we have it all mixed up and doing good deeds is actually the way into Hell and doing bad deeds is the way into Heaven?  Boy, color my face shocked if we find out that his ultimate plan was just to fool mankind!
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 11:32:15 PM
Sometime\'s I love your weird sense of sarcasm..

Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Ryu on August 06, 2003, 11:34:20 PM
Some people would say it\'s more eccentric then it is weird.  ;)
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SwifDi on August 06, 2003, 11:38:25 PM
The difference between our plans is that mine has faith, and yours doesn\'t.

You were basically right on the money in my belief. You don\'t like it, because thats natural. You don\'t like the idea of having no control or no stand in what happens in your life. Thats the problem with mankind, they live along the premise of "it\'s all about me". But cuz you lack faith, which is basically believing in what you don\'t see, you\'re views and outlooks on life are gonna be different from mine. I\'ve come to reason that I have no problem with knowing that my life is in the hands of something higher than all.

Listen, I\'m not trying to preach and sound like a radical Christian, I\'m telling you what I believe.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 06, 2003, 11:42:20 PM
Faith grows old and tired as you experience more life.

Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SwifDi on August 06, 2003, 11:45:37 PM
Thats only because you never had faith to begin with.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Samwise on August 07, 2003, 12:22:31 AM
Hmm, don\'t know what I\'ll die from. Hopefully old age or suicide.

I have a fear though, that I\'ll go senile when I get old. My grandfather was deeply senile... it\'s just like the worst thing ever. Imagine a good mind destroyed and living in a shell of yourself, not being able to think, eat or shit properly.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Seed_Of_Evil on August 07, 2003, 12:35:48 AM
There\'s big chances to die from a cancer.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Kurt Angle on August 07, 2003, 12:52:42 AM
Sometimes live is very depressing so if would probably be suicide.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: ooseven on August 07, 2003, 01:01:46 AM
Serious = Alcohol , House Hold accident or industrial accident.

What i want it to be = SEX.

i want to go out Doing it.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: fastson on August 07, 2003, 02:54:52 AM
Ill die from a heart attack while watching a porno movie.

The awful truth :(
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: ##RaCeR## on August 07, 2003, 04:40:14 AM
Samwise, why would you hope to die of suicide? I have had a few members in my family kill themselves and it is hell on the people that are left behind. So many unanswered questions, guilt, and sadness. I would never wish it upon anyway.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Samwise on August 07, 2003, 06:53:01 AM
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Samwise, why would you hope to die of suicide? I have had a few members in my family kill themselves and it is hell on the people that are left behind. So many unanswered questions, guilt, and sadness. I would never wish it upon anyway.

I\'m not \'hoping\' to die, neither from suicide or anyhting else. But at least with suicide you can control how/when\'s it\'s going to happen. Say you\'ve got some horrible disease that\'s gonna be very very painful. I\'d rather end my life in an instant than waiting to die a slow, painful death.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 07, 2003, 09:24:59 AM
I don\'t know if that is true, Sammy. My great uncle who just passed away had planned to overdose on insulin - but he never did. I think, once you get so sick, you may want to hold on for whatever you can. Or maybe you don\'t. It probably depends on the person.

Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: GmanJoe on August 07, 2003, 09:33:35 AM
If I die, I hope I die painlessly.

So far, I have no grief with anyone significant in my life. All of them are happy with me and I\'m happy with them. My only regret is the pain of mourning they\'ll have to go through after I die. I want a closed casket so they only remember me when I was alive and not in a box.

I don\'t want to think about how I\'ll die. Sorry.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Samwise on August 07, 2003, 09:40:32 AM
Ok, another question - casket or cremation? I wanna get cremated I think (is that even spelled right?).
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: GmanJoe on August 07, 2003, 09:50:10 AM
Cremation. But I want my dust in a large hour glass so I can be used in games and stuff. Seriously.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: bradleyscott on August 07, 2003, 11:22:44 AM
First of all, I won\'t die.  Second of all, If there was something that suspended my life for a few years, then why not Cryogenics.  This way if I must die eventually I can hopefully one day just see what the future would be like.  I am all about the future and seeing where we will be going before I ever go for good.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Knotter8 on August 07, 2003, 11:48:04 AM
Maybe it\'s better for each of us to define for ourself what
"DYING" means to us. Which of these ? ;

1. - ripped away from your happy joy joy human existance
2. - transcending into an \'unknown-afterlife\' or \'phase 2\'
3. - being freed from a learning proces called \'human life\'

No. 1 pretty much sums up the way alot of ppl see it. The
way society sees it. No. 2 is more in line with ppl who have
so called \'alternative\' opinions on the subject. No. 3 is a mix
of ppl in No. 2 and ppl who\'ve (in their opinion) led a miserable
For me it would be 2 or 3. Ever watched the anime Akira ?
Director Otomo\'s message is that all living creatures are
materialised forms of energy/spirits. Imo, we will, like the boy
Tetsuo, \'transcend\' / \'cosmic rebirth\' into the \'cosmos\' as
"Free Energy beings" to which no human word applies nor
description is possible. This is something mankind can not
understand or explain. But that is not a big deal imo. If I look at my life, my own body as well ( the "happy with your own body" thread is related 2 this also ) I see both possibilities and restrictions/ limitations. It is never a status quo. Life has proven
to me it\'s a learning proces, a purpose. I am glad as I am typing this being alive ( how could I else ;)  ), but I think once I pass
that point which humans call "death" I think I will be glad too. Just as Tetsuo (with the \'help\' of Akira ) did his cosmic rebirth.
Btw, the scene where Kandeda \'says goodbye\' to his buddy Tetsuo when he is a small energy ball is beautiful, still a tearjerker. All this story is of course rooted in Japanese mytholgy and Buddhism ; which is no religion in the way of having a \'God\'.

:eek:  oh yeah.... the cause by which i think i will \'transcend\' ;
as life is an evolving learning proces i can\'t pinpoint predict but age is probably gonna be it.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Titan on August 07, 2003, 01:40:35 PM
I\'m probably gonna get killed in a war. I\'ll be flying a mission and I\'ll a) get shot down and die in a fire ball or b) eject, land and get shot or die trying to fight my way out.

LIC, I just wanted to say, your opinions on religion are pretty much what I believe. Very well said IMO.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Coredweller on August 07, 2003, 02:13:29 PM
What if we humans make up one gigantic brain?  We six billion are the receptors in the brain, which is constantly growing and maturing.  The communications we share with each other are the neurons traveling between receptors.  God is the being who\'s brain we are.  He doesn\'t know what we\'re going to do or think any more than he knows what he himself is going to do or think.  He probably doesn\'t know we exist.  God is a baby, and for him to become an adult, we have to advance to a higher state ourselves.

Well, it\'s one theory, anyway.  :)
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Blade on August 07, 2003, 04:27:38 PM
No clue.

Really, the only way one can tell is if.. like LiC and others.. certain medical problems run in your family.. such as cancer. Or, if you have a high-risk job.. or take drugs.. or smoke. That\'s really the only way you can predict how you\'ll die. Me, I don\'t know of any inheritant diseases or medical issues that run in my family.

My grandparents and great grandparents died at all different ages (44, 64, 95, 98, 83, 86 from what I can recall) so that doesn\'t help me calculate anything..
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Ryu on August 07, 2003, 06:28:52 PM
All of you will live through the remainder of the day.  Someone, quick, prove me wrong!
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Titan on August 08, 2003, 07:27:45 AM
*loads clip into pistol. cocks the gun. puts gun to head, pulls trigger* :)

I just remembered too that I have a chance on getting colon cancer. One of my grandfathers had it and I have a 50% chance too of getting it. But its the kind thats easily treatable but I don\'t want a camera shoved up my ass :(
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Rya on August 09, 2003, 11:24:11 AM
I think I\'m going to die from either:
-a heart attack (due to my rising stress levels)
-in my sleep (since I do that so much anyways)
-a broken heart (if Ryu dies before me)
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Luke on August 09, 2003, 02:19:49 PM
I smoke alot so I\'m sure that\'ll do it.

Mybe I\'ll decide to quit before then though.

In that case I will die LIKE A WARRIOR!!!!!!!
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Nolaws on August 09, 2003, 03:18:22 PM
it\'s something i never really wanted to think about, been usually positive..

evolution of the world as a whole make me belive cancer cure will be discover soon, probably in 20-30 years.. as medicinal grow better and better, virus become more powerfull on their side aswell (look at the SARS!)

IMO, when humans can overcome cancer and AIDS, there will be new virus that will raise/born or whatever and will kill people by millions..

that\'s from what i\'ll prolly die.


from a nuclear or biological war.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on August 10, 2003, 07:37:06 AM
i\'ll die from..

heart attack.
stomic cancer
car accident that\'s not my fault.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Woolley on August 11, 2003, 03:57:35 AM
Cancer is probably the main one or heart attack.

But war or desease is also a possibility. In a way we are too technologically advanced for ourselfs. The is a proper theory which i read somwhhere that a species will find a wa to kill itself off unitencially. I cant see how a nuke will not be used in my lifetime (as long as i live quite a while0 and i personally believe as soon as one is used thats it. Everyone will use them.

Small Pox is also a massive threat. If it got out in the public it would kill millions or even billions. Could wipe us out.
Depakote Lawyer (
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: ooseven on August 11, 2003, 04:14:06 AM
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
car accident that\'s not my fault.

you missed out.

"being eaten alive by Clyde".
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: SirMystiq on August 11, 2003, 06:37:25 PM
Accident...murder....but hopefully b/c of age.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: jinxx on August 16, 2003, 12:24:19 PM
I will proably die trying to follow all these theorys. All jokes aside though I will proably die from old age. I have a healthy gene pool.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: PS2_-'_'-_PS2 on August 16, 2003, 03:28:44 PM
I dont understand why anyone would actually use a nuclear bomb in this day, it would be the most stupid thing to do people would retaliate because they are also stupid and thats it for earth basically

In relation to the thread: probably cancer, isnt ther some statistic that 1 in 3 people will get some form of it?

Man im certainly Mr happy today
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: PSX_J on August 16, 2003, 10:32:40 PM
First of all, I won\'t die.

Your kidding right? Everyone dies, everyone will die...just push the denial away, accept it and live life to the fullest.

as for me...Im really paranoid that I have some serious illness or cancer that no one yet knows about but if not that then the likelyhood of me being killed at war once I join the marines is very good. Especially if we have to go to North Korea.

Oh and I also seem to be having alot of heart problems these days, almost like really minor heart attacks...atleast they feel like that. I know it\'s not heart burn because I\'ve had that in the past. I dont know what it is but I used to take alot of ephedra before workouts so that coulda really crapped out my heart.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Viper_Fujax on August 16, 2003, 10:39:02 PM
i think i know what ur talking about. I used to have (when i was about 12) a pinching feeling in my heart that hurt like hell and always scared the crap outta me. they still happen but not as frequently, which is why i think ill die from a heart attack or get hit in the chest weird and get a seizure or something.

or ill die in a car accident.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Titan on August 17, 2003, 01:29:57 PM
I\'ve had heart pains before. Never scared me. Happens like once a month or something to me.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: (e) on August 17, 2003, 07:13:20 PM
Im going to die from suffocation..

I sleep with my head in the pillow sometimes, and drool because of gravity- I\'ve awoken several times gasping and screaming for breath.

Its scary, but if I die- I die.
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Phil on August 17, 2003, 07:46:19 PM
Cancer or Heart attack

Both are pretty common in my family.  When I do die I want to be cremated, and  I\'ll have my ashes spread in the ocean.  No point in me taking up space in some cemetary.  Besides that way nobody can come and dance on my grave ;)
Title: Serious thread: What do you think you\'ll die from?
Post by: Titan on August 18, 2003, 11:44:45 AM
I want to get put in a mauseleum (sp). Something about being underground scares me.