Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Sara on August 12, 2003, 07:37:19 PM
This whole post is a spoiler, so I\'m not using the special little spoiler tag.
What the hell? Yes I think they showed part of the show over again on purpose, to add to the viewer\'s confusion. I admit, I was quite disturbed by the footage of Jack and the dog. I\'m glad it was a joke, but boy was it a sick joke. I can\'t decide if I\'m amused or not.
An no, I don\'t think the entire 2 seasons were scripted.
What do you all think?
Kept me glued to the set but made me feel cheated at the end. Is it reality show or Candid Camera? Not worth a 2nd viewing when you realize all the reactions/feelings/words were fake.
Fill me in... was it revealed that it was fake?
And what did Jack do to the dog? :)
Yeah, come on tell us what happened!!!!:D
Jack "pretended" to have a sleep walking problem where he awoke and got violent and didn\'t remember any of it so... there is a stationary camera in his room and it shows the dog next to his bed and he sort of sits up and grabs the dog and you hear it growling then nothing - the camera then switches to morning and Jack wakes up and and looks next to him and mutters "ohhhh..." then it shows the family looking for the dog and him putting the dog (or what looks like the dog wrapped in a towel) in a duffel bag and then he bolts out of the house.
He then calls his dad and confesses and then Ozzy goes and tells Sharon and she gets so upset she leaves the house to "get away for a while."
In the end its Ozzy sitting in front of his TV alone, which is stuck on the Weather Channel. Then the director yells CUT and everyone is there included the supposedly dead dog! So it turns out the whole episode was scripted. Pretty funny IMO...
Ummm..Cool, I guess? I\'ve stopped watching the show a while ago..
The whole show was scripted...
How could you guys not get that :laughing:
Notice how there were director cuts at the end where ozzy had to say stuff over and over? And it was from an old episode.
^^^Are you saying that every episode was scripted or just the last show?
Every show, they showed the part where Ozzy\'s sitting there and he\'s like "You\'ve got to understand where I\'m coming from. I love you all, but you\'re all ****ing mad."
It was one of the first episodes of season one, and they showed how that take had to be done like five times before he got it right.
Yep, IareEthan explained it. I had a feeling they were doing that when Mandy Moore came to visit Jack. Same thing with Christina Aguellerra.
I really think most of the show was scripted...
like when jack shoots the neighbors with the paintball gun at the tennis court- how did they get away with that when they had it on film, and they filmed the cop asking the neighbor questions?
Still its a decent show
So it was his brother all along?
That part where he\'s talking about them all being mad...I think it\'s just a ploy. Wasn\'t he sitting at a table with other people when he originally said that?
I guess Jack\'s drug problem was scripted too :rolleyes:
Yes, I would say some parts of the show are scripted, but to say the show is entirely scripted is a stretch.
Another comment about the Osbourne family- usually when america sees someone in the family as an icon (ozzy being the icon of metal/rock n roll) the whole family wants a piece right?
I think its pathetic how Jack and Ozzy\'s daughter, whatever her name is are "in" the music business. Well the daughter (on the show) seems to be sucking it dry, and where is Jack\'s music?
BTW: The daughter that stayed off the shows was the smart one.
^^^^How is it pathetic? Its not like they are singing backup for their father. I think the son is A&R for some label and the daughter has her pop singing career.
I don\'t see any difference from when a father is in politics(Kennedy, Bush, etc.) and the kids get into it. Its about using the same connections that are already there for you. If you were raised by a pro baseball player and lived your whole life watching him play are going to games, it is highly likely that you will develop an interest or ability to play the game. If thats the case why do a 180 and sell car insurance?
Never got into the Osbourns. I watched a few episodes and realized that it was scripted.
Well, I watched a few episodes and realized that is was crap.