Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Living-In-Clip on August 14, 2003, 09:01:02 AM
Alright - tommorw is August the 15th, which means a ten year wait will finally be over. New Line will release \'Freddy vs Jason\' to a lot of eager horror fans. So, who is goin\' to see it? And who do you think will win? Or better yet - is this even a good idea to mix the two characters?
Personally, I will go see it tommorw, as I\'m a fan of both the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th series (more so with Elm Street). New Line has been extremely hush-hush on the ending, down to editing the last bit of the film for screeners, so that it can\'t be leaked who wins / doesn\'t win / etc. My opinion is neither of them will win. New Line can\'t exactly make a winner out of a child molestor / murderer (Freddy) and Jason\'s character is simply to brutal . The only way they could make Jason the winner is by making him a more sympathetic character and doin\' so would really hurt the franchise, so I doubt that happens also. Then there is also rumors of another guest star appearing (New Line does own the rights to Leatherface / Chucky). I doubt that happens also.
Oh and the offical web-site is.
They have some pretty decent wallpapers and the trailer for download.
Sorry man, I can\'t agree. To put it tactfully, I\'m not planning to see it, and I\'m not looking forward to it. Even I, a fan of horror cinema, draw the line at these two woeful franchises because they have been lousy for such a very, very long time.
The whole idea behind the Nightmare on Elm Street pictures was idiotic from the start. I remember enjoying the first film because of a certain style it had, but Robert Englund\'s dopey over-the-top acting soured that series very quickly. The last one was made 9 years ago, right? Well at least they had the sense to retire that character for a while. Unfortunately we\'ve been cursed with an unending flow of Friday the 13th pictures. The first 2 or 3 of these are enjoyable in a campy way, but seriously, enough is enough.
Compare these two awful series with another one that DIDN\'T go bad. Remember Halloween H20? A 1998 installment of an ancient horror series that was ACTUALLY GOOD. Not just passable, but GOOD. If you like this genre, then please please seen some newer original movies like Wrong Turn or House of 1000 Corpses. I\'m even looking forward to Jeepers Creepers 2 much more than any Freddy or Jason picture.
THey should have done this 15 years ago. I wouldn\'t watch this crap if you paid me. If it\'s any good feel free to tell us, but I can\'t imagine it being.
I know you did not list House of 1,000 Corpses as a decent horror flick. It was a over-extended , poorly done music video - in my opinion.
As for Nightmare on Elm Street. The first one was great, the third was good and \'New Nightmare\' was damn impressive in every way.
Friday the 13th has suffered from day one . It\'s a mindless slasher flick - tho Jason X did good with what they had.
P.S - My favorite horror series is Halloween. I remember H20 , see\'ing it twice at the cinema...Too bad Resurrection was complete crap.
Can\'t say I\'m looking forward to this one. But if it ever gets over here I\'ll watch it. :)
But I\'m looking forward to Undead... here\'s hoping that I\'ll get a chance to watch it.
\'Undead\' looks very stylish in an Evil Dead / Versus / cheese-ball way.
L-I-C: Did you see Wrong Turn? If not, you missed the BEST Hillbilly Cannibal film of the last several years. Very worthwhile.
I have not seen \'Wrong Turn\', though I hear it is great.
I did not care for \'House of 1,000 Corpses\' though. I thought Zombie tried to hard to make it a 70\'ish flick and in the end failed. Not to mention it also seemed like a long music video, with the constant out of place music, flashes and negative images. To his credit though, the DVD has to have the most incredible menu system. They actually went , got the actors back together and recorded new scene\'s..etc. Pretty cool.
While we are on the subject, am I the only one disgusted with all the hype that \'The Ring\' got and all the praise? It was a terrible film. Now on the other hand, \'Ringu\' was terrific.
I got ten dollahs on Freddy to win. :)
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
While we are on the subject, am I the only one disgusted with all the hype that \'The Ring\' got and all the praise? It was a terrible film. Now on the other hand, \'Ringu\' was terrific.
Yup, I was a bit disappointed with The Ring, after having seen the original.
Im gonna see it for sure- not opening day though. But my ears will be closed to who wins and who doesnt- SO PUT THE ****ING SPOILERS ON THERE!
can\'t exactly make a winner out of a child molestor / murderer (Freddy) and Jason\'s character is simply to brutal .
well they were both heros in a way in all of their movies...
BTW: Jason will own freddy- ****ing own him
I saw \'The Ring\' before I ever saw \'Ringu\' and ya\' know what? I hated \'The Ring\' when I first saw it. I thought it was borin\'. Then I got on the internet and read about how much was changed, so I decided to check out \'Ringu\'..I picked it up, along with \'Ring0\', \'Ring2\' and \'Rasen\'... \'Ringu\' was great, \'Ring2\' was okay and I\'ve yet to watch the other two.
Well, I don\'t think either one wins as there are already talks about a sequel. Rumor even has it that Ash from Evil Dead would appear in the next movie.
I do plan on seeing this movie, but none of my friends do so I might not see it until video release:(
My thoughts are that neither one can win...Jason is pure evil and has come back from the dead several times. How do you kill pure evil?
Freddy exist only in the imagination...I\'m guessing in Jason\'s imagination since they fight, so how would they kill him off?
BTW: House of a 1000 corpses is awful. My favorite horror series has to be Halloween, even though it did get a little too ridiculous as the series went on. H20 was bad ass, they should have stopped there...
Freddy can be killed. But only in reality. In nightmare movies, he gets killed in the dream, besides freddys dead. Jason just doesn\'t seem to die full stop. So it\'s kinda a stalemate really. I\'ll see it purely for a pop corn flick with some mates. :)
I think I will wait for Freddy vs Jason vs Michael Myers. ;)
Both The Ring and Ringu were weak in different ways. Structurally, Ringu had some problems that were corrected in The Ring. On the other hand, the casting in The Ring was terrible, and left me with no interest in what happened to those characters.
Basically I\'m going to forget both of them in the near future.
Ill see it just for the hell of seeing it.... Not any good movies out latley. :\\
By the way, the best horror film of the past few years was
"The Mothman Prophecies." Discuss. :)
Originally posted by Coredweller
By the way, the best horror film of the past few years was
"The Mothman Prophecies." Discuss. :)
Yeah, I loved the scene where John Klein get\'s a gerbil stuck in his ass. ;)
Originally posted by Samwise
Yeah, I loved the scene where John Klein get\'s a gerbil stuck in his ass. ;)
OMG do you know how old that story is? :p
I remember back in 1990 a girl telling me how much she liked "Pretty Woman." A friend of mine started telling her the gerbil story, and she freaked WAY OUT. I think she was scarred for life. :D
tell me the story
it looks quite cool but it might not be probably just a monrey spinner =]
Jason is waaaayyyy cooler than Freddy and everybody knows that.
I am looking forward to this movie just because I want a pure gore fest and preferably some bare breasted young females.
However everybody knows that Pinhead is THE coolest horror character ever. Just something cool about eternally tortured creature that relishes physical pain.
Yeah, why don\'t they make "Pinhead vs. Michael Meyers in The Cube"
I can see it now
Michael: *silent as usual*
Pinhead: No more deals michael no more tricks, it\'s your flesh I want to experiance.
Michael: *silent and moves his head a little*
Pinhead: hmmm, trick me again michael and your suffering will be legendary...even in hell.
(shamelessly ripped from Hellraiser 2 : Hellbound)
I can\'t wait for this! I\'ve been waiting ever since I heard about it..(Which was like, 10 years ago). I\'ve always liked Freddy. I know Jason doesnt seem like he can be killed. or maybe they will drop them into a pool and fill it with cement!!! yeah, yeah, cement!
Mothman Prophecies.. I fell asleep on that one, honestly I did. :)
SPOILER I GUESS?________________________>>>>>>
Anyway, I read in some preview that Freddy is bored in hell or something and he uses Jason\'s mom or something to wake him up. Jason goes to Elm Street and just hacks every teenager (yay a teen slasher flick :rolleyes: ) and umm Freddy wants to come back or something and with Jason getting into the scheme of things, doesn\'t want to leave, thus setting up Jason vs. Freddy in which no one will die and probably I dunno, forget it, I\'m tired of typing :)
SPOILER END___________________>>>>>>>>>
I know all these flix seem really dumb but they are funny as hell. When i saw jason x i laughed my ass off during the "pre-marital sex" part.:D. Anyway, i have the money so ill see this movie. Personally, I want Jason to kick freddy\'s ass. Or even better yet put them both in "The Cube" with a whole bunch of people and see who makes it out;). He doesnt really talk, he walks slow and he has a hockey mask to boot. What is there not to like about him?
imo, they\'re all the same.. Either 1 liners or no liners.
and what\'s wrong with that?
one and no liners make a movie great, watch the evil dead series and tell me the one liners aren\'t fawking great.
I will see this tonight or tomorrow night!
I have always thought they should pit recent horror movie monsters against each other. Reminds me of the old movies. I am going today to see it. I fear that it will suck like most Hollywood movies. I like small independent movies best.
I was planning on picking up Rob Zombies movie this weekend. Should I?
Originally posted by nO-One
and what\'s wrong with that?
one and no liners make a movie great, watch the evil dead series and tell me the one liners aren\'t fawking great.
Nothing wrong with that the first time.. but after that, it gets boring. .Tell me after nightmare 3 it was good. Only thing that had anything good about freddys dead was it had somewhat more background into freddys past etc.. I personally didn\'t like new nightmare. Found it repetitive like the others.
PS, evil dead 2 and 3 owned 1. :)
Lol... a part of the review @ CHUD (no spoilers)
I couldn\'t hate this movie more and will NEVER see it again. Like Jason Goes to Hell, it shows that the filmmakers know nothing about either franchise, could care less if their monsters are worth a damn and just desperately want to make a buck. It\'s sad that that\'s what they\'ve gone and done when this opportunity could\'ve been used to revitalize the entire franchise. But, these people wanted to make a buck and - like the makers of Men In Black II - knew they could get an opening weekend no matter WHAT the movie was they made as long as the title was Freddy Vs. Jason and they spent a couple of bucks on a TV ad buy. [/b]
I\'m pulling for Jason. I like em both but Jason always got down to business. Like that time he stuffed that girl in her sleeping bag and beat her against a tree. lol I love that scene. I think it might be part 7.
That review at Chud was way off.
First off , the movie was no masterpiece, but the film-makers had Jason at his finest. This film nailed Jason to a tee, added backstory and made me want a new Friday 13th film.
As for Freddy - it was more of a Nightmare on Elm Street 3 style Freddy. Wise cracking and annoying...
I enjoyed it, especially Jason\'s dream sequences but I didn\'t like the final showdown...
I hate scary movies dont like scary games just plain dont like to be scared so Im a puss so what but for the fun of it who won?
So.....Who won? :)
THis is the reason why mm always whines about today\'s hollywood.
Why should they come out with a couple masterpieces a year when they can flood the market with pieces of mindless crap and still make tons of money from opening weekend.
In a perfect world they would reduce ticket costs and in order for a movie to make money it would have to do well for a freaking month.
The way it is now you get a good opening weekend in the US and Europe and the movie is practically paid for.
In a perfect world they would reduce ticket costs and in order for a movie to make money it would have to do well for a freaking month.
it\'s not like they force you to buy a thicket. imo, it\'s the people fault rather then the industry. if people wouldnt go see those suck movie, the industry would adjust.
The movie wasnt that bad, Jason was shown very well in the movie. The plot was a crappy in my opinion but oh well.
True Nolaws.
And that is one reason why my home theater is worth its weight in gold.
I forget how awesome it is to watch a movie at home until I go to a theater and there are babies crying, people talking, kicking the back of my seat, etc.
Then paying 15 bucks for the movie and 10 bucks for a coke and popcorn and I am down 25 bucks. Blow me.
I can buy the freaking movie for less than 8 bucks and heck, if I don\'t like it I can trade it in for 3-5 bucks and it\'s barely a rental.
I would never chuck any cash at people who make dopey flicks like this.
That said, Legally Blonde II was awesome... j/k
The moviegoing experience CAN be great, or it can suck. It doesn\'t always suck; you just have to use caution about what theaters you select and which showings. For example, I am very hesitant to see any film rated lower than PG13 anymore because I can\'t stand all the kidlets running around asking mommy questions, screaming, etc.
Remember that at it\'s best, 35mm projection is still much much better than 480p, and audio reproduction is usually much better than my home theater setup. Oh for the days when some films were still released in 70mm. Do any of you remember that at all? The studios used to release genuine wide market productions on 70mm, instead of just the wildlife films and space films you see now in IMAX theaters.
The corporations have torn down or redeveloped almost all the traditional theaters that had the capability of projecting 70mm, so it\'s almost entirely a thing of the past.
Well 35mm is better than 480p when the film is taken care of. Some theaters are horrible about keeping the film clean and by the second week of the run it has hair and dirt specs all over it.
I remember going and seeing Star Wars Ep 1 in the theater and it was horrible. The dirt was extremely distracting.
heh. the best part about watching a movie at home, is the pause button. you\'re outta coke? you need to evacute your coke? press pause!
Who won? Hello? :)
Seems like I\'m the only one who likes freddy. I guess it\'s because he\'s the only one I\'ve seen, and only once.
Originally posted by EmperorRob
I\'m pulling for Jason. I like em both but Jason always got down to business. Like that time he stuffed that girl in her sleeping bag and beat her against a tree. lol I love that scene. I think it might be part 7.
Best scene evar!:D
]Originally posted by Ashford
I enjoyed it, especially Jason\'s dream sequences but I didn\'t like the final showdown...
Man is it me or have you been gone for a while ashford? Anyway, im glad to hear somebody enjoyed the movie. Im sure i will aswell.
How about the Battle Royal of Horror / Slasher films.
Michal Myers
the Candyman
the Creeper
The Critters
The Killer from Road Kill
the Scream Killer(s)
The hook man from I know what you did last summer
Did i miss anyone out ?
Film tag line
"there is no such thing as over the top."
The film goin\' experience can be great. Take for example the rare time\'s you are in the cinema with a bunch of people who are fans of the series - there is an atmosphere that cannot be matched.
Then there are times where you go in and there is cell phones ringing and and babies crying...It all depends on the time and place.
Personally, here\'s my review of Freddy Vs Jason :
- Freddy\'s character was abit to chatty for me. I was hoping for a more dark and sinster Freddy ala \'New Nightmare\', but it seems they took the character backwards instead.
- Jason\'s character was at his finest. I\'m not sure if it was the new actor, the director or a combination of both, but they put some life into an otherwise lifeless character and made him interesting and intimadating. Very great protrayal of Jason.
- The teen actors was sucky -but what do you expect? The worse had to be Kelly Rowland though. I remember Ronny Yu and others bragging how she was such a good actress and what not, well guess what? She was terrible and every scene she was even was annoying.
- Some classic moments in the film. Freddy realizing he is in the real world with Jason. Jason\'s back story and the "man, that goalie was pissed." line was great.
- The story was passable. It wasn\'t anything breakthrough - but it served its purpose and that was to make you wait for the big battle, which more than lived up to my expectations.
- If there is one thing this film done, it\'s make me want a new and improved \'Friday the 13th\' movie. I loved \'Jason X\', but it was more a paradoy of the series. I want an actual new installment, with the new and improved Jason.
- Am I the only one who loved the mix of the \'Nightmare on Elm Street\' and \'Friday the 13th\' theme\'s at the New Line logo, before the movie opened? It was brilliant!
To add to the list above
Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw.
The ships core from event horizon.
I don\'t believe \'Event Horizon\' , \'Critters\', \'Halloween\' and many other\'s you listed are owned by New Line Cinema - which puts a lot of complications in your proposal, ooSeven.
However, New Line does own the rights to LeatherFace and a few others.
What made this an enjoyable movie were the gruesome deaths:
The Mattress Death
The Head Spin Death
The 2 villains battling each other and ending up with the other\'s trademark weapon
how bout, chucky vs leprechaun. There\'s a midget battle for you. ;)
How about Mariah from Glitter versus J-lo from Gigli?