Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on August 14, 2003, 03:29:03 PM
I know this is like 4 hours late but damn. It\'s a mess out there. People stuck in elevators, roller coasters, subways....
EDIT : If you don\'t have power....please reply now. :p
Its been on the news for a while now. Its kinda funny, but not at the same time. The freeways are all gridlocked, people just trying to get home.
Its pretty hot there today too isn\'t it?
It\'s been a relatively hot day. Power has been off and on where I am all day, but we were one of the few lucky areas that didn\'t lose power entirely for all that time. Many areas still have nothing, and everything here is fine now.
Yeah, it\'s about a 100 degrees here. No biggie....if you have AC running. But if we didn\'t, man....we\'d suffer badly.
Oh shoot! No one\'s supposed to know where I live! :)
AHA the secrets out...Gman lives in America
I don\'t know if my power is out. Is there a website I can go to that can tell me?
Whew! But where! :D
I just don\'t want anyone to look for me and shoot me coz of a little thread. :p
I\'ve had lights on all over my house tonight. I\'m just turning them on in rooms I never go in just for the hell of it.
One of the lights in my kitchen is out. Could that be part of the blackout? Seriously guys, help me. I\'m scared.
Power still out? It will be getting dark pretty soon.
The power went out for a hour in my block a few weeks ago. Damn it was dark without the streetlights. Looking out the window was like looking into a black wall.
Good think I had a zippo lighter and some candles. :p
Hey! Neat candle holder! All I have are votive candles. -_-
Well, I told my mom about the blackout and she immediately called my aunt. So far what we know:
-we lost my aunt (don\'t know where she went)
-my grandmother\'s home alone and she\'s not picking up the phone and we\'re worried she might trip somewhere in the house (and yes they do have a corded phone)
-my great uncle isn\'t picking up the phone either so we can\'t send him to check on my grandmother.
-my mom\'s childhood friend is in some subway system underneath the waters.
it\'s aliens I tell you, this is what they do!
It had to be scary to be in an airplane when it happened.
my work didnt have power but EVERYTHING else around us did! It was a fun evening at work.........
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Its been on the news for a while now. Its kinda funny, but not at the same time. The freeways are all gridlocked, people just trying to get home.
Its pretty hot there today too isn\'t it?
please explain to me how this is at all funny, you asshole.
Stupid Canadians are to blame, as always. :p
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I´m so happy to live in Germany ! We NEVER have Backouts here in ou.....BZZZZZZZZ *click*
Crazy how they mentioned several roller coasters stopped dead in their tracks going uphill, most notably the ones in Cedar Point Ohio. I just got back from a day o\' fun at Busch Gardens, glad VA wasn\'t affected.
Originally posted by CHIZZY
please explain to me how this is at all funny, you asshole.
Oh man... that made me laugh.
USA depends on Canada about power supply or what?
Has power been restored yet?
It\'s starting to come back in NYC... It\'s odd, I was never without power, and I am in Buffalo, 20 minutes from the Niagara Power Project (in fact I drove right past it 2 days ago...) which is where the whole thing started, if you wanna listen to Canada... which I know you don\'t.
Originally posted by Adan
USA depends on Canada about power supply or what?
No, Miguel... most of New York\'s power is generated first at Niagara Falls. That power helps NYC generate secondary power.
This whole situation tells us one thing. Canada still blows.
And NYC doesn\'t rely on Canada for power. They share power. When Canada shut theirs down, NYC\'s grid was overloaded so they had to shut theirs down for precaution and right on down the line till 50 million people were effected.
Hehe, I knew Canada and the US were developing countries. ;)
The rebels destroyed the power plant ;)
I say dont\' restore power. Let those damn yanks live without power for awhile and see just how they hold on. \'Round here, in this here country, we lose power and every storm, but ya\' just don\'t see\'us cryin\' now do ya\'z? Nope. Damn Yanks..
yay! i got power back :)
Lost it till 4 AM *Shakes fist*
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I say dont\' restore power. Let those damn yanks live without power for awhile and see just how they hold on. \'Round here, in this here country, we lose power and every storm, but ya\' just don\'t see\'us cryin\' now do ya\'z? Nope. Damn Yanks..
I agree, well except for the fact that I don\'t live on the 30th floor of an apartment building.
It looks like the problem may have started in Ohio. OK Canadians, you\'re off the hook ... FOR NOW. but don\'t get any funny ideas... :D
I never got my power back until 7AM, and I live on Long Island, NY. It was terrible. Bloody effin hot. I was supposed to fly to California today, but that flight got cancelled and rescheduled until tomorrow. Even though a lot of states criticize New York for so many things, at times like these, we are able to work together and have our heads screwed on. I\'d be damned if something like this happened to California and expect anywhere near the level of cooperation we have in times like these.
Where I was, I was just informed that the power on the block in town was out, but soon after hearing the radio, I heard many states were without power, and of course thought terrorist attacks, but thankfully it wasn\'t.
One thing that is a somewhat good thing, you never saw so many stars in the sky without all the surrounding lights. It was amazing to see all the stars out last night, but it was a bitch sleeping with the heat.
Gosh your avatar rocks, spam plz.
Originally posted by jm
I\'d be damned if something like this happened to California and expect anywhere near the level of cooperation we have in times like these.
Please explain to me what you think you know about California. Thanks.
Dumb New Yorkers. :mad:
California... knows how to party...
California = full of teh ghey. :p
God it makes me laugh- as soon as it came out Bush being the genious he is says "its not terrorists" :rolleyes:
California? L.A.?
How about the Rodney King "party" ;)
Looks like both countries are pointing the blame.
My vote is Canada.
it\'s probably neither one.
My vote goes to.. Newfoundland. only a newfie could have done that.
My guess is that Quebec has something to do with it. :D
Knowing Ohio and it\'s people, it wouldn\'t surprise me at all if it was us. We have to be the dumbest bunch of people ever squeezed into a single state.
(Yes I am in a pissy mood, and yes it\'s because I can\'t stand Ohio drivers)
I was born in Toledo, Ohio.
well, someone at work was reading over my shoulder, and he brillantly discovred that a huge cloud over Quebec produced a uberly long lightning that went all the way hit something in Ohio that had a huge impact wich equall to the biggest black-out ever known in north america.
so it\'s neither canada\'s or US\'s fault,
Blame Mom nature
well that storm you\'re talking about appears to be making it\'s way over my
As for swiftdi, thanks for confirming my little rant.
People criticize New Yorkers for being ruthless SOB\'s when it comes to everything. We lack patience, driving skills, manners, you name it we probably don\'t meet the "normal standards" of people around the nation. Yet when something like this happens, we do know how to act. You can probably contribute a lot of the cooperation to what happened after 9/11, but even like this, all of us handled it right.
Being California, you guys are used to rolling black outs, but I don\'t recall you guys having the experience of the travesty of this. Even though some areas recieved power earlier/later than others, most of us didn\'t get power until a good 8-10hours after this happened.
Did anybody catch that MSNBC report that in fact it wasn\'t a lightening strike? More like a serious structeral flaw. Ah well, the only thing that will suffer is stock....
Stupid power. Well, the juice is loose here in Sterling Heights finally after about 26 hours. Yippie. Now I can pretend I wasn\'t living like an amish folk.
Originally posted by jm
Being California, you guys are used to rolling black outs, but I don\'t recall you guys having the experience of the travesty of this.
You\'re right. Instead we have things like the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes, brush fires every season, severe droughts, and crazy recall elections.
The point is don\'t call attention to your good points by saying how much better you are than some other state. :o
you forgot fake boobs.
Power just came on about 3 hours ago here in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
About 30 hours or something like that.
I work at a big ass grocery-Type store. I was at work when the power first went out and it was frickin\' crazy.
People running around yelling at each other and fighting over bottled water and D-Batteries.
Originally posted by Coredweller
and crazy recall elections.
Legal recall elections, they make laws for a reason.
It can\'t be legal AND crazy? I disagree.
BTW people ! it was Ihio and yes USA depends on Canada for some energy because Hydro Quebec exports lots of it to the US and i am insulted by the canada/Quebec remarks :rolleyes:
Is this a secret island?
Hmm Wonder if NEO made it through the door ok ?
Originally posted by jp6666
BTW people ! it was Ihio and yes USA depends on Canada for some energy because Hydro Quebec exports lots of it to the US and i am insulted by the canada/Quebec remarks :rolleyes:
mission accomplished!
People in Montreal aren\'t well liked by the rest of Canada, it seems. I just got back from a trip to Barrie, Ontario. They hate the "Quebecois".
Quebec= France Jr.
France Jr.= the only thing more cowardly and detestable than France itself. :D
And if the US is buying power from you guys, it\'s probably because
we can smack you around on the price of it! :D
well, the french part of Quebec all together aint really respected by the "most" of the rest of canada, not only ontario.
ack please.. France Jr ? if only we could understand a word in their trou\'d\'cul poule of language, we could probably have a ressemblance with them. If you want to compare the people in quebec with another kind of people, you\'d be more right saying we\'re like irish people.
So they drink a lot?
.....and play with leprecauns!!
Do they wear funny hats?
They play with their lucky charms?
Hey, they\'re magically delicious.
*slowly backs out of thread*
Originally I wondered why in the hell this is in OT and not current events.
But now I see we have all brought this thread to the depths that we all know and love.
The OT.
What can i say ... we lost the war and the english tried to assimilate us ! mais nous avons survécu !! muahahah ! vous aller jamais nous détruire ! Oh no Quebec\'s got the bomb !
... yeah
I say let Canada go without electric. We shouldn\'t share electric with those...."things"...
God dman you all.. dman you all to hell and back i make the effort and do a Matrix Reloaded Reference and NO-one picked up on it
We picked it up...we just didn\'t care..
in before anyone else says it
me =(
Originally posted by jp6666
What can i say ... we lost the war and the english tried to assimilate us !
They should have done the smart thing and annihilate instead... ;)
now go wash up.
:( that was mean , and discriminatory
I apologize. I am only poking fun for a few laughs...
total racism even. but comming from someone named "cheesy" ~ :rolleyes:
Apology accepted i guess :p
It\'s so easy to pick on the French.
It\'s so easy to pick on Canadians.
God help the French Canadians.
thats because we are WAYYYYY the minority :(
Sad but true