Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: PSX_J on August 17, 2003, 07:07:01 AM
I have recently picked up they\'re latest album "Is this infected" and it is off the hizzy. Great songs are 1:The Hell Song, 2: Over my head(or something), 4:Still Waiting, 6 and 9 Anybody else like Sum 41?
I\'ve also picked up the 2003 Vans tour cd, Eve 6, and Socialburn.
I tend to draw towards newer bands making they\'re marks with the exception of Sum 41
Meh, not a bad CD really.... but i never listen to it anymore so i guess it isnt that good :P
The free DVD was pretty funny.
I thought the video for "fat lip" was pretty funny, especially the "pain for pleasure" bit right at the end.
Is the Eve6 album any good? I heard the first single and wasn\'t too impressed. I did enjoy their otherthree cds though.
Yea, I believe the eve 6 album has some great songs but the flow doesnt continue throughout the cd. Alot of newer bands tend to have that one good hit or two and the rest just suck. "Think Twice" imo is a good song. I wouldnt pick up the cd unless your just in dire need of some new music like I was, it\'s a good buy but there is better.
I know I\'m gonna come off sounding like an old man here, but if you
wanna hear some real (non-commercial) punk, pick up the following:
The Clash (The Clash)
Dead Kennedys (In God We Trust, Inc.)
Misfits (Walk Among Us)
Exploited (Let\'s Start A War)
Or for that \'80\'s SoCal punk sound:
The Vandals
Agent Orange
I\'m not gonna rib on any of the bands you mentioned, Just offering up some old school suggestions. :)
Sum 41 = :ghey:
thats alsmost as bad as saying i love Coldplay,
Coldplay are OK, if you have tits. My GF is in love with that tosser.
So at least their music makes her horny. ;)
I know someone did not say "off the hizzy"....What exactly is a "hizzy"? I know what a "Chizzy" is (a member on this board) but what is a "hizzy"?
Like Chizzy just\'s basically the dorky slang way of saying something is off the hook.
Its groovy.
Its Faboulous.
Its radical.
Its tubular.
Its gnarly.
Its cool.
Its awesome.
you get the point...