Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: (e) on August 17, 2003, 07:41:21 PM
I have a NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 [Display adapter]
NVidia Riva 128/128ZX [Display adapter]
(thats what it says on Belarc Advisor)
I have the latest drivers downloaded- its a .exe and when I choose to extract it - where should I put it?
My OS is 2000 Professional. It worked before in 98, 00 server, and ME.
The problem is that when I open Counter-strike and play it says its not supported- I tried different resolutions but it doesnt help at all.
Now I had a video card on my motherboard- but I disabled it in the bios, well a friend did.
Help, please?
Thanks in advance
download the latest det drivers from , then uninstall all the old gfx card drivers and intall the new dets.
have u tried getting te latest driveres for all your other hardware? (mobo, sound etc...)
also i see u have 2 graphics card installed remove the riva card.
Yep.. The RIVA card should not be there. It\'s probably your onboard card. Uninstall it. Get the latest drivers from HERE (http://
Install them, if you have to extract them frist into a directory, just put them were u can find them. c:/nvidia etc. Install then reset.
Better uninstall both cards and reset. Then, when the system find the new hardware and ask you for drivers, install them. This is better I think.
I have a video card on my motherboard- and i have one I put in...
Also- when i start it up should I put the monitor cord (blue thing with screws) in the video card or the computer?
how do i uninstall drivers?
i have all the latest drivers on everything.
edit: also it has this option where it divides the monitor in two- if you have 2 monitors. how can i disable this PERMANENTLY.
Nevermind- Silent D (aka r4nd0m)\'s groovy dad fixed it up, now its all fixed.
It didnt cry or anything....
thanks anyway
My Turn:
What is a good vid card that i can buy for cheap that will last me a lil while? And where can i get it? (prices?)
I think GeForce 4 is the best one out that I can list off hand- from what I hear its good.
What games/applications are you going to use?
Originally posted by Lord Nicon
My Turn:
What is a good vid card that i can buy for cheap that will last me a lil while? And where can i get it? (prices?)
u got a price range?
u can get a leadtek GF4Ti4200 agp 8x for about 150$, personally i recommend getting something like a radeon 9700/9600 pro it will last u more than a little while.
btw seeing that u live in America go here they got some pretty sweet prices.
Well If possible, Id like to keep my rage a little under 150 (i guess thats what i would top out at). Ive just been out of my pc gaming roots and i plan on doing more, especially since HL2, and Deus EX 2 are coming out. Im not sure i could afford a card good enough for Doom3, *shrugs*. That and i tend to do a lot with video editing and things of that nature.
well for 175$ u can get a "Gainward GeForce4 PowerPack! Ultra/750-8X XP Golden Sample" its a ti4800se basically a ti4400 with agp 8x support, clock speeds are 275mhz core 550mhz ram, the ram is 3.3ns meanining its a pretty good oc\'er, u can easily get this badboy up to 300/620 ie a ti4600.
also another alternative is getting a hercules radeon 9500pro, i heard that their is a software mod which can boost its performance to the standards of a radeon 9700 non pro.
But for what price(the 9500pro)?. I was looking and i came across a GFX Card that i had never heard of. It was and Xtasy with the radeon 9200 SE VPU(200Mhz core) 64megs of DDR, 4 parallel rendering pipelines and a list of other features.
Then on the other hand i saw a Predator MX 440 with 64 megs of DDR as well.
Both are somewhat cheap.
If those arent good then I was thinking I\'d just dish out the 150 for the BFG Asylum GeForce FX 5200 (ultra128mb 8x APG and VGA, DVI and TV Out).
well do yer self a favour and stay away from the g4 mx\'s and the fx5200 theyre crap, well since u mentioned u want to do video editing as well as play games check out the fx5600\'s (non-ultra) check out this page theirs one in particular which looks interesting a prolink/pixel view fx5600 256mb(4ns) VIVO card for 141$
heres a review of almost the same card but with a 3.6ns ram clocked at 550mhz where as the 4ns ram is at 500mhz. its not in english but pictures are clear
heres another review from guru3d again not of the same card but their should not really be a whole leap in performance.
No wonder the prices were so damn cheap. No knowledge on the Xtacy huh? Damn cards and there need to be 150 dollars. Well i gues ill just dish it cause i definately dont want a shitter that will last me 3 mo\'s. or so. Thnx for the links.
oh i said nothing about the xtacy rad 9200, well basically its a card for the masses i.e a mainstream budget card (like the Ti4200 only not as good :p). it comes in a couple of flavours, ie with different clock frequencies the se is clocked at 200mhz while the regular 9200 is at 250mhz, its a good card for a budget gamer, but dont expect to get anything above 10fps in doom 3 ;).
btw keep looking around for the best offers, u live in the states and their are many options available to u. over here its either spend 20$ and get a noname cheapo card or spend a bucket of money and get some high end card. (thats what i did when i got my leadtek ti4200 VIVO card)
Thanx. Damn screw that Xtacy shit. Well then i guess ill be getting a really new card and just dish out the cash. I think its for the best.