Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Luke on August 18, 2003, 02:59:46 PM
Anybody have it?
Is it any good?
I need it to get the NFL package and get the bears games here.
I have it. In our area it is much better, and cheaper than cable. If you have a television capable of high definition, I would recommend that you request the 3-LNB elliptical dish when ordering the equipment from DirecTV. Before you can receive HiDef, you will also need to buy your own high definition satellite receiver to replace the cheapo model they give you. That can be expensive depending on which model you select. The good thing is then you have a spare receiver, so you can install DirecTV on a different television in your house for standard definition only. I think it costs $5 more per month to hook up a second tv that way.
However, there\'s nothing wrong with installing the 3-LNB dish from the beginning, even if you\'re not ready to run HiDef from day one. At least you\'ll have the capability ready for later.
I have had Dish and DirecTv. The picture quality is better on DISH because of compression methods. So if Dish offers the NFL ticket I would give it a try, or at the very least look into it.
I have cable. But does the picture get knocked out of the dish when it storms or rains?
Nope. In my experience, weather has far less effect on satellite reception than it does on Cable.
I\'d like to get DirectTV. I think its right now the same price as cable where I live.
I just got it yesterday, but waiting for people to install it.
You can\'t do it yourself?
In the deal we got installation for free, I think. Besides most likely me and my dad would **** it up :laughing:
Man I used to have it... Grrr... Had Sunday Ticket last year too, it rocked... It\'s even better this year with new features... But since my dad is goin off to Korea and doesn\'t want a lot of bills we went back to ghetto-fabulous cable... *sigh*
I have Dish and prefer Dish..
I have Direct TV. Have had it for 6 years. The compression in the early years was great. Then it began to suck ass. Now it is starting to get better again with the addition of new satellites.
Definitely get an eliptical dish with two horns. I don\'t even know if they sell the old style any more, but they are worthless in the future if you do ever decide to get an HD set. You don\'t need the third horn until you get a set so that\'s no big whoop, but the two horn systems are nice.
It is extremely easy to install yourself. As long as your wiring isn\'t hellacious. A lot of times the installers won\'t go in your attic anyway, so they are really useless. If you can\'t find the satellite you don\'t deserve the right to procreate. It\'s that easy.
I used to have it and it sucked. Anytime a heavy cloud went over, I lost signal. But I live in the city, so that may be why. I have didital cable and it\'s pretty sweet. I get a package through where I work... $39.95 / month includes cable modem & 5 HBO\'s (not that I watch them...)
I have it and just bought a Tivo receiver which is pretty cool. I get NHL Center Ice every year, but I did have the Football one the first year I signed up because it was free.
I have the stupid round dish, which sucks as I know my picture quality could probably be better (HD TV), but I don\'t have a receiver for it anyway.
Speaking of the attic, the bastards charged me $40 to go up there to drop another line down so I could have 2 jacks behind my TV set.
All in all I like DirecTV because its cheaper than cable, more reliable - though it does go out for a couple of minutes if a really bad storm comes through, and best of all I don\'t get the sucky local channels here - I get the NY feeds of all the major networks.
Those small 18" dishes have issues with heavy rain or snow. Water dropping from the sky diffuses the signal (snow is worse). And a strong wind can knock your dish out of alignment, other than that dish is the way to go.
It all depends on the quality of the install. Our installer clamped the dish support to a water pipe on the roof, and it has been very stable. We\'ve had some monsterous winds here, and no interruption in signal.
A strong wind could also pull shingles up too....
I have had mine up for 6 years now and haven\'t made a single adjustment. You don\'t lose signal when weather is bad at your house. You lose signal when weather is bad about 10 miles or further from your house because of the angle the dish is at.
It\'s actually kind of cool because I can forecast if it\'s going to rain or not if the dish goes out.
Although it really doesn\'t go out much. They have really done a good job at increasing the power. When I first put it up I was only getting 89-92s. I haven\'t done anything to the dish and I checked it the other day when I added my Sat C kit and I am at 98 now. Pretty darn good.
Heck, I figure if my signal strength is higher than Freestylah\'s IQ, then I am happy.
Should i get it?
If you want the NFL ticket you have no choice.
But it\'s a great service for your tv needs anyway....
I have DTV and I love it. I hate the cable companies and I decided to take my money elsewhere.
Vid, I have an HDTV and want to switch to a new dish so I can receive the signal. Can I just swap out the old dish for the new elliptical dish?
Ace you need a HD receiver as well and they are pretty expensive for the 6 or so HD channels you can actually get with the elliptical dish.
I....have digital cable. :)
Yeah, I need the receiver. I was thinking of that Sony HD unit with Tivo built in. Looks nice but it\'s pricey.
Will the other receivers that are in different rooms that won\'t need the HD still work with the newer dish?
Yes, but you won\'t get the HD TV quality for like 6 channels. Personally, though I have an HD TV it isn\'t worth the cost of a new receiver for just 6 channels.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Yes, but you won\'t get the HD TV quality for like 6 channels. Personally, though I have an HD TV it isn\'t worth the cost of a new receiver for just 6 channels.
Sometimes, a channel that normally doesn\'t broadcast in HD will for certain events like a big sports game or a movie.
FOX will sometimes broadcast their shows in HD, I think.
There are no HD TiVos yet. They are in litigation still. THey have actually been produced, but they can\'t sell them yet.
Yes, you need an eliptical dish. You will find them in stores with two horns. You can call Direct TV and request a Sat C kit. They are giving them away. You need Sat C to get ESPN, Discovery, Showtime, and HDNet movies. I think eventually you will need Sat C for HDNet and HBO as well. I\'m talking about the HD versions of all of the channels here of course.
FOX broadcasts NOTHING in HD. THey are a 480P network. They are going to change over to HD starting next year, but who knows how long it will take to get implemented.
An HD receiver for Direct TV will cost you anywhere from 300-800 bucks depending on what you want. Budget yourself 400 and you\'ll be fine.
If you go the cable route you can get HD for cheaper startup costs, but they have a very low capacity for future channels. Cable companies are raking in the bucks with Cable Modems and they would rather use the bandwidth for that rather than more HD channels.
Satellite on the other hand has a pretty good capacity. Heck, when Super Dish comes out Dish network may have the upper hand. MPEG 2 is pretty old school now. I would have to imagine that direct tv doesn\'t have many more years before needing to upgrade the codec schemes.
And as far as some one mentioned only 6 channels. Here in Tampa I get ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX (Sort of, it\'s widescreen anyway), WB, UPN, PBS, HBO, Discovery, HDNet, HDNet Movies, and ESPN. Showtime is also offered and there is a PPV and a special events channel. so you have available between 13-15 channels.
I only get 6, but I don\'t live in a metro area so I can\'t justify the $400 for an HD TV receiver. Then again prices will fall and more HD TV channels will become available so I will wait.