Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Titan on August 18, 2003, 05:25:10 PM
I was really bored so I took an online IQ test at this link:
I have the IQ of 118 which says I\'m above average. I know it probably isn\'t 118 but a cool little test either way. BTW, I know these IQ tests have been posted before, I\'m not stupid (no pun intended :D)
Your general IQ score is 118.
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 111-128 is considered to be "above average intelligence".
It just pops up and tells me my IQ is 19.
I think its saying something oman :p
EDIT: Fixed
you mean you fixed it to spell his name wrong?
wow, you are smart!
No, I had another paragraph. It was bullshit and deleted it. I always said oman anyway :)
I guessed on them all and got 120. I\'m talking about blind mouse is smart!
I got a 122
got 151
go me...I got a 151 I haven\'t done one of these in a few years, I forgot they even had them online.
the online ones arnt correct anyway...
yeah I know, but it might give some people a boost in self-esteem or something :) I want to take a real IQ test.
the real ones are really long, like 3 hours.
yay !!!!
Your general IQ score is 145
I still think your dumb
Ill take it later
Thats right Stap, reprezent Vegas with some authority. We are smart.
Your general IQ score is 160.
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".
That can\'t be right.
Titan : "And you guys thought I was dumb"
Rest of Forum " but you are " ;)
what is uproot? :(
Thats when you pull out a plant or something.
so what\'s the opposite?
love that word :D
I prefere plant, it fits in better with this thread.
*counts the cabbages*
107... me dumb now ?
The funny thing is, Titan, that these online IQ tests always greatly exagerrate your score, so as to entice you into buying the complete personality test (or whatever other product they are trying to get rid of).
So really, you\'re score of 118, means you\'re a fucking dumbass.
Also titan how do we know you didn\'t cheat during the test ehhhhhhh ?
you could of (\'ed a few questions
Your general IQ score is 142.
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 129-143 is considered to be "highly intelligent". :eek:
Your general IQ score is 155.
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".
This thing is dumb... i\'m way stupider than that :D
Lol... those online IQ tests are useless. :)
No they\'re not! They are very accurate!
I scored a 114 and never read a single question.
My mouse rocks too.
I knew this test was BS when I took it but it was a cool little test anyway.