Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on August 19, 2003, 07:47:46 AM
Yeah....start bidding.
Who the hell is Goatse?????
DON\'T ASK! It\'s nasty. But if you have a strong stomach, Google it.
You\'ll be sorry.
i still have nightmares from seeing that image years ago
*mm shudders
Ahh I see what you mean!
Well, I thought I had a strong stomach.... That just ain\'t right. :puke:
Goatse is my god, I do think Goatse is actually Richard Reed of the Fantastic Four because only he (or plastic man) could stretch like that.
Now you all know why the internet can be a dangerous world.
This art should make up for it. :)
I was waiting for that pic to be animated and spin round into goatse position. :D
mm would ban me. :)
Goatse put me into depression.
not only would i ban the person for posting that image here, i would report them to thier ISP\'s and whatever other local authorities
He\'s talking about the girly pic. Not goatse. :)
LOL, nice idea. I\'d buy it. :p
Goatse- jesus ****ing disgusting.
not only would i ban the person for posting that image here, i would report them to thier ISP\'s and whatever other local authorities
And they would do what?
:laughing: its not illegal- but it is the grossest thing ive seen
Distributing pornography to minors?
That site is the most disgusting thing I think I have ever seen. Saw it once a few years ago. Never again...
Lol... what\'s wrong with a little goatse... :p
keep laughing like you know something, spudz
yer ISP would be extra quick to act, if they sniffed a lawsuit. check thier rules, regulations, and fair use policies sometime.
posting pornography on public forums for minors to see is VERY illegal in the US. don\'t think yer cute and say "well...this forum isn\'t hosted in the US". it makes no difference when the person doing the post resides within the states.
well... this forum isn\'t hosted in the US
But wouldnt the moderaters more likely get in trouble? for not screening the users, and what they post better?
Let\'s not put it to the test, Spudz. We\'d all appreciate it. :)
posting the real Goatse pic = automatic banishment
no, the mods and admins have no responsibility for what the morons do here. we lost that responsibility when you clicked "i agree"
but they are the police in a sorts correct?
and if a police officer does not do his job properly - he can get in trouble.
I know what you mean though- its a split responsibility, for us to follow the rules, and you to enforce.
I didnt think that it was classified as pornography. I thought it was some perverted artform.
Originally posted by Spudz
I didnt think that it was classified as pornography. I thought it was some perverted artform.
Are you talking about the impressionist art or the photograph called Goatse? The photograph is by no means "art". Holy mackerel, no!
well does this look like art?
Yeah Its classified as it- but it doesnt look like it. BTW: what the **** is it? its suppose to be seaglass.
Originally posted by mm
not only would i ban the person for posting that image here, i would report them to thier ISP\'s and whatever other local authorities
Oh, come on. You only gave EmperorRob a 30 day ban..
honestly that is disgusting
what emprob posted and that goat pic are worlds apart
I decided to check out this goatse thing, well.... while the image was loading, i got half way down he\'s back. Let\'s just say, thank god for 56k. With that so called art pic, what no-one said and the slow loading of my 56k. I put 2 and 2 together before the image finished loading. Thank you 56k... :\')
Originally posted by mm
what emprob posted and that goat pic are worlds apart
I was sure that he posted the goatse pic. Twice, even? Or perhaps it was just a link to it.
Either way. (Sorry Emp ;))
I never saw Goatse. A friend of mine gave me the link and I closed it fast thinking it was porn but never saw it.
I promise you you\'ll have a boner for a month... God damn its good
*laughs inside, eheheh*