
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: GmanJoe on August 20, 2003, 04:33:19 AM

Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: GmanJoe on August 20, 2003, 04:33:19 AM

He\'s writing up another one for Pitch Black 2.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 05:00:19 AM
pitch black 2!!!!

Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: GmanJoe on August 20, 2003, 05:09:26 AM
Originally posted by mm
pitch black 2!!!!


YESSS! I\'m sending over a bunch of thugs to have you chained to the seat and tape your eyes open when this movie hits the screens. Followed by The Omega Code (not to be confused with the other "Omega" title).
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: PS2_-'_'-_PS2 on August 20, 2003, 09:03:29 AM
i actualy agree with mm in this one !!!!!
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: GmanJoe on August 20, 2003, 09:27:26 AM
Yeah...but maybe David Hayter can actually make it better than the first. You guys are hayters. :p
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 09:51:34 AM
perhaps you misunderstood me

Pitch Black was a great, great science fiction film.  one of my favorite moden sci-fi titles.  even if vin deisel returned somehow for pitch black 2, it will suck regardless.

another great sci-fi film (even tho its a paul anderson title) that will never get a sequel (as well it shouldn\'t)
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on August 20, 2003, 12:06:10 PM
You liked event horizon. Sorry man any credibility you had as a so called movie critic went right out the door.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: (e) on August 20, 2003, 12:09:20 PM
Event Horizon ruled.

Pitch Black was pretty good- but I hate Vin Diesel.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 12:10:15 PM
soully, the last good film that walked out of your country was road warrior, please excuse yourself
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on August 20, 2003, 12:11:36 PM
good comeback mm. :rolleyes:

the product that comes out of australia has nothing to do with the shitty crap that comes out of other countries.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 20, 2003, 12:32:21 PM
Ugh. I do not understand why people actually consider \'Event Horizon\' a good film. Personaly, I thought it was some of the worst crap I\'ve watched in recent time (and I like Paul Anderson)... Then again, I thought \'Pitch Black\' was also a steaming pile  of crap.

Ah hell, all sci-fi is crap.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: (e) on August 20, 2003, 01:56:11 PM

Remembers swamp thing
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 20, 2003, 03:07:58 PM
Event Horizon was good..

Pitch Black..... not so good.

soully, the last good film that walked out of your country was road warrior, please excuse yourself

I know you\'re just trying to take a cheap shot at Sooly, but that is way off.  :)
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 03:45:38 PM
i see you can\'t contest it
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 20, 2003, 03:53:16 PM
A few off the top of my head:

Rabbit Proof Fence, Lantana, The Dish, Chopper, Shine, Romper Stomper.

Hell, if I weren\'t running late for work, I could probably make quite a sizable list.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 20, 2003, 04:34:42 PM
It seems also \'Undead\' is creating quite a buzz around the "horror" community.

Personally - I don\'t see why it matters where a film comes from. It doesn\'t say anything about the country...-shrugs-
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: SwifDi on August 20, 2003, 04:57:59 PM
Event Horizon rocked... Pretty spooky too

EDIT: Dang doesnt sound like Solid Snake... Sounds like a dweeb.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 05:01:07 PM
i can\'t believe you said "romper stomper" and "the dish"

Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: §ôµÏG®ïñD on August 20, 2003, 05:12:02 PM
You didn\'t like the dish?

damn......  "shakes head"
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Blade on August 20, 2003, 05:19:50 PM
All sci-fi is crap? Star Wars? :)
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 20, 2003, 05:37:12 PM
Yes, \'Star Wars\'. The only \'Star Wars\' worth watching was really \'Empire Strikes Back\' and if you take Han Solo out of that, you have even less of a movie.


Wait - I take that back...\'Space Balls\' and \'Spaced Invaders\' was both great sci-fi films!!

Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 06:23:21 PM
star wars was crap

every single one of them
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: GmanJoe on August 20, 2003, 06:31:42 PM
Star Wars was great....except Ep. 1 and 2. :)

And mm\'s opinion is ~wrong~! :p
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 20, 2003, 06:40:25 PM
two words

"hidden fortress"
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: SwifDi on August 20, 2003, 06:40:47 PM
Not kissin butt here, but Im\' with eminem. Star Wars has always been so lame.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 20, 2003, 09:06:43 PM
Originally posted by mm
i can\'t believe you said "romper stomper" and "the dish"


I get a rolleyes for liking a movie (The Dish) which as far as I\'ve seen, critically, is universally acclaimed?

Fair enough.

Romper Stomper isn\'t for everyone, though.. ;)  It\'s still the high point for Russel Crowes career.
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: Samwise on August 21, 2003, 12:41:12 AM
I always get a kick out of Russell Crowe as a little nazi... ;)
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: ooseven on August 21, 2003, 01:15:36 AM
Originally posted by mm
.  even if vin deisel returned somehow for pitch black 2, it will suck regardless.

Oh God please no... he Ruined the first film for me.

Vin “I Can Act to save myself” Deisel.

In fact he almost ruined saving private ryan for me, well that was until he got shot in the neck by that nazi sniper.

/me realises that mm is a Vin Deisel fan and loses all film type respect for him.


and you have a go at the MTV FILM generation :rolleyes: ;)
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: mm on August 21, 2003, 02:22:34 AM
im not a vin deisel fan in the least, he just fit the role for pitch black
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: ooseven on August 21, 2003, 03:30:37 AM
LOL don\'t worry buddy me only joking.

Anway onto Vin D in Pitch Black...

A Sack of spudds (Brit speak for potatoes) could have been cast as the lead role and done just as good (if not better ;)

Pitch Blacks Greatest asset was its story and consept.

it didn\'t need a over payed poorly acting ponce (mind you i do admit this for once VD didn\'t ruin the film with his "acting").
Title: Listen to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, screenwriter for Xmen2)
Post by: GmanJoe on August 21, 2003, 04:07:35 AM
Originally posted by mm
im not a vin deisel fan in the least, he just fit the role for pitch black

Yes, indeed. Though he also fit the role of the big dumb soldier in Saving Private Ryan. [sp] I knew he would be the first one to go.[/sp]