
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ooseven on August 21, 2003, 05:13:20 AM

Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: ooseven on August 21, 2003, 05:13:20 AM
Didn\'t we kill him already ? ;)


Coalition troops in Iraq have captured one of Saddam Hussein\'s top generals, Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali", US Central Command has confirmed.

Linkage (try and click on it and say on Target Unlike the Mighty *snigger* USAF) (
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Kurt Angle on August 21, 2003, 07:02:20 AM
I found this particularly funny considering he has supposed to have been killed many weeks ago. It makes me wonder when we can expect to see Saddam\'s two sons alive and well again.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Nolaws on August 21, 2003, 07:07:08 AM
from cnn


In April, coalition officials believed he was killed in a coalition air strike on his house, but they later had to retract that claim. He later was thought to have been in hiding in northern Iraq, possibly in Tikrit, the home of his clan.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: ooseven on August 21, 2003, 08:09:12 AM
Originally posted by Kurt Angle
I found this particularly funny considering he has supposed to have been killed many weeks ago. It makes me wonder when we can expect to see Saddam\'s two sons alive and well again.

like i said red faces all round.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 21, 2003, 11:44:35 AM

Let\'s all think our goverment and their great "intelligence".

Let the spin-doctoring begin...!
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: videoholic on August 21, 2003, 11:49:11 AM
My wife told me this morning they found Chemical Ali and I asked her, "Didn\'t they already kill this guy?"

So many funky names I figured I was mistaken.  

Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Deadly Hamster on August 21, 2003, 12:19:00 PM
Looks like we have some explaining to do :P

Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Halberto on August 21, 2003, 12:26:30 PM
God I hate you LIC
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 21, 2003, 12:38:26 PM
And this relates to thread, how? Ah, it doesn\'t..:)
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Halberto on August 21, 2003, 12:59:49 PM
I still hate you
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 21, 2003, 01:22:40 PM
That\'s nice.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: luckee on August 21, 2003, 01:42:25 PM
vivi is banned. :)

I warned you about this shit.

As for topic, I wonder if they even have him in

Im sure they all took lessons from Saddam in recruiting body doubles. I guess only time will tell.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Halberto on August 21, 2003, 03:37:45 PM
I\'m banned for what? And what did you warn me about?

Ok then, shut the **** up
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: luckee on August 21, 2003, 04:33:46 PM
Ive constantly told you to stay out of these threads unless you had something productive to contribute to the topic. It has been more than obvious that you aren\'t capable of that simple request. SO therefore I want you gone from this board.

I told you 2weeks ago in another thread where you started with other members out of the blue. Ive told you that each and everytime.

Now out of the blue, in a thread that has nothing to do with it, you proclaim your love for LIC.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Halberto on August 21, 2003, 05:09:19 PM
bullshit, we all know its just because you dont like me
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: SwifDi on August 21, 2003, 05:12:14 PM
luckee really doesn\'t like anybody Viviface, but I\'m actually gonna agree with him in the aspect that you\'re comment was totally uncalled for. He\'s runnin this forum so you\'re best to abide by his rules, or dont bother posting in here.

And you said God\'s name in vain, sinner.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Bozco on August 21, 2003, 09:58:44 PM
Masterbation is also a sin.

As for the thread, its the king of spades! :eek:
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 22, 2003, 11:39:20 AM
Vivi, you are an immature young boy who doesn\'t take responsability for anything. You thread-crap this thread and go out of your way to trash me  (which is fine by me) - but be responsible for your actions when you get reaction. Don\'t go and say it\'s because "Lukee doesn\'t like me" - that\'s bullshit.

I agree with Luckee - you need to be banned from this board for good. The board was more peaceful when you was a "sucker" (someone who posts - but no one else can see their posts) for that period of time.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Halberto on August 22, 2003, 12:36:34 PM
Don\'t act like you\'ve never done something like that. I made a normal post and you flamed me a while back
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 22, 2003, 01:17:30 PM

I remember that post and I didn\'t flame you. You was in a discussion - posted something along the lines of "my friend said friend said that" and I said "who cares"? It didn\'t relate to the discussion at hand. Since then , nothing has been said bewteen us. Now, you got out of your way for no reason and start an argument.. It\'s immature.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: SirMystiq on August 23, 2003, 09:41:56 PM
Let\'s bomb him...
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Ace on August 25, 2003, 03:48:07 AM
OK, why do I remember that he was still alive. They bombed his house, they said that they killed him, then they said they were mistaken. If I remember correctly, this all happened pretty quickly after they bombed his house. Grasping for straws folks, grasping for straws.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: ooseven on August 25, 2003, 03:54:27 AM
Originally posted by Ace
Grasping for straws folks, grasping for straws.

No thats the US "strategy" for rebuilding Iraq your talking about ;).
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Ace on August 25, 2003, 03:55:30 AM
How come I knew that would get you out of your hole. ;)
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: ooseven on August 25, 2003, 04:01:54 AM
me scratch head... you got me there :shy:

it must be the slightest opportunity to take a pot shot at the both the Blair and bush administrations that I cant resist.


Ace your Hero Tony Blair is getting Crucified over here during the Hutton Enquiry  ….its most entertaining stufff.

I only hope that the pressure gets too much for the bastard and he has a full blown emotional breakdown…. Ah now that would be BLISS

ah i supose thats what he gets for being such a big liar.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 25, 2003, 09:25:00 AM
I don\'t ever recall them saying he was alive - after the boming. They\'ve maintained that they killed him and had evidence of his death - yet they lied to everyone and now it\'s came out.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Ace on August 25, 2003, 11:14:19 AM
I think you are wrong. I am pretty sure they did DNA tests after the house bombing and they concluded that he was not there. Let me see if I can dig it up.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Deadly Hamster on August 25, 2003, 12:44:27 PM
Well if they did say he wasnt dead, they did a pretty good job of NOT reporting it :P
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 25, 2003, 02:22:31 PM
Dig it up, Ace.
I seem to recall them saying they had DNA evidence saying it was his body they recovered... Not that it wasn\'t his body...

Not sayin\' you are wrong - just that I don\'t recall that. If you can provide a link , please do.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Ace on August 25, 2003, 02:23:43 PM
I will tonight. I could be wrong.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: luckee on August 26, 2003, 06:56:22 AM
I also remember after bombing what they believed to be his home that they found DNA evidence saying it was chemical as well.

Im just waiting for qusay and uday to turn back up.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: ooseven on August 26, 2003, 07:09:13 AM
yeah at this rate i can see qusay and uday being alive and well and found comming out of a Starbucks in Amsterdam.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: Ace on August 26, 2003, 07:15:52 AM
From FOX News

American forces thought they had killed Ali during the first weeks of the war when they bombed his house in Basra, but it became clear within several days that he had escaped.

A body believed to be his was found by British troops at the site, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, "We believe that the reign of terror of Chemical Ali has come to an end."

But Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters in June that interrogations of Iraqi prisoners indicated that he might still be alive.

So maybe it took a little time but it does not look like there was some sort of evil plan to misguide the public.
Title: Chemical Ali Found...Alive *que red faces all round*
Post by: ooseven on August 26, 2003, 07:31:19 AM
Originally posted by Ace
So maybe it took a little time but it does not look like there was some sort of evil plan to misguide the public.

No that was both the Blair and Bush admin\'s "PR stunts" to justify the war thats evil. ;)