
Non Gaming Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: videoholic on August 24, 2003, 04:30:19 PM

Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: videoholic on August 24, 2003, 04:30:19 PM
Damn, I grew up with some of these bands..  How can Oingo Boingo be on the list.  Damn, this blows....

This is from Blender Magazine.

The full list:

1. Insane Clown Posse

2. Emerson, Lake and Palmer

3. Michael Bolton

4. Kenny G

5. Starship

6. Kansas

7. Asia

8. Vanilla Ice

9. Lee Greenwood

10. Air Supply

11. Latoya Jackson

12. Tin Machine

13. Mick Jagger

14. Yngwie Malmsteen

15. Yanni

16. Oingo Boingo

17. Benzino

18. Pat Boone

19. Dan Fogelberg

20. Howard Jones

21. The Alan Parsons Project

22. Primus

23. Creed

24. Bad English

25. Jamiroquai

26. Celine Dion

27. Colour Me Bad

28. Crash Test Dummies

29. Skinny Puppy

30. Richard Marx

31. Arrested Development

32. The Hooters

33. Japan

34. Live

35. Paul Oakenfold

36. 98 Degrees

37. The Doors

38. Nelson

39. Bob Geldof

40. Blind Melon

41. Whitesnake

42. Rick Wakeman

43. Mike and the Mechanics

44. Manowar

45. Gipsy Kings

46. The Spin Doctors

47. Goo Goo Dolls

48. Master P

49. Toad the Wet Sprocket

50. Iron Butterfly
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 24, 2003, 04:37:03 PM
The Doors?

Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Phil on August 24, 2003, 04:44:17 PM

what he said
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bozco on August 24, 2003, 04:44:29 PM
I saw that like a month ago at my friends house, Goo Goo Dolls was my only double take.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 24, 2003, 04:48:38 PM

Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bozco on August 24, 2003, 04:49:49 PM
Bastard, I didn\'t hail them, I just don\'t think they are a bottom 50 band.  A pansy would like those hot 98 degree boys.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Coredweller on August 24, 2003, 04:56:56 PM
What do you all expect?  It\'s "Blender."  Ignorant idiots.

Rick Wakeman, The Doors, Primus, Alan Parson Project, Kansas, and EL&P should not be anywhere near the bottom 50.  There are lots of other acts on this list that are just ordinary BAD, not "bottom 50 bad."  I can think of much crappier bands that were omitted.  Why in the hell isn\'t Duran Duran on this list?  That\'s what I want to know.  seriously.

I do strongly agree that Insane Clown Posse should be castrated, cremated, and shot into space.  :)
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Halberto on August 24, 2003, 04:59:25 PM
Where\'s D12 and Blink 182
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: videoholic on August 24, 2003, 05:11:27 PM
ELP, Kansas, Oingo Boingo, Alan Parsons Project, Howard Jones(I was all about the HJ in high school), Jamiroquai, and the Doors would never be on my list of bad bands.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: theomen on August 24, 2003, 05:27:25 PM
I would put The Doors in the top 50, but then again I\'m not retarded.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Lord Nicon on August 24, 2003, 05:27:59 PM
Originally posted by videoholic
ELP, Kansas, Oingo Boingo, Alan Parsons Project, Howard Jones(I was all about the HJ in high school), Jamiroquai, and the Doors would never be on my list of bad bands.

Man you rock. Esp. for Jamiroquai (one of my favorite groups of all time):D. Not only that but you a a B-mer guy as well. Gotta luv\'em (the cars that is:p). Kenny G, Paul Okenfold, Skinny Puppy and Arrested Development on that list too? These guys are F*ing retarded.  

And im sorry Core but I like ICP and the entired Psychopathic family. *shrugs* Thats just me.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: videoholic on August 24, 2003, 06:06:49 PM
I think the doors is one that I am really baffled by.  I mean they are freaking legends.  Their music practically defines that era.  Very bizarre.

I bet someone put the doors on there just to get people talking about the list.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Lord Nicon on August 24, 2003, 06:14:47 PM
Originally posted by videoholic
I think the doors is one that I am really baffled by.  I mean they are freaking legends.  Their music practically defines that era.  Very bizarre.

I bet someone put the doors on there just to get people talking about the list.

*puts Rastafari hat on* accent:Rasclots!!!
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Titan on August 24, 2003, 06:26:46 PM
There were a lot of bands on that list that shouldn\'t be on there. Most do like Celene Dion *shudders*
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bozco on August 24, 2003, 06:44:28 PM
You guys are missing the bright side, creed did make it onto the list.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: ##RaCeR## on August 24, 2003, 06:49:47 PM

Hehehe, exactly what I was thinking. I hate them so bad.

Err, Paul Oakenfold is pretty damn coool. And Celine Dion? Sure, her songs kinda suck, but she is a damn impressive singer with TALENT.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: (e) on August 24, 2003, 07:15:53 PM
Read it along time ago..

Blender rules
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 24, 2003, 07:34:33 PM
Top 50 and bottom 50 lists are pointless. It\'s all opinion.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: SwifDi on August 24, 2003, 08:16:17 PM
Same with Bozco... Goo Goo Dolls are quality.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: markc111 on August 24, 2003, 09:45:08 PM
theres no way Yngwie Malmsteen should be on that list, along with the Doors, Arrested Development, and a few others. But if you want to hear an incredible guitarist, check out Yngwie
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: ##RaCeR## on August 24, 2003, 09:58:24 PM
These kinda lists are only the editors opinion.

Look at SALES if you want top and bottom lists, because sales prove popularity.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: (e) on August 24, 2003, 10:12:35 PM
But if you want to hear an incredible guitarist, check out Yngwie

If you enjoy guitar blasting through your face with too many effects for 10 minutes- yeah check him out.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 25, 2003, 12:14:12 AM
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
These kinda lists are only the editors opinion.

Look at SALES if you want top and bottom lists, because sales prove popularity.

But popularity doesn\'t prove quality.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: SER on August 25, 2003, 01:19:04 AM
I like some of Creed\'s songs. :(
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Seed_Of_Evil on August 25, 2003, 03:03:27 AM
I can see now from where comes the gay reputation.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: videoholic on August 25, 2003, 03:10:39 AM
How can sales tell you the bottom 50?  There are probably a million bands who don\'t sell very many records..

And obviously this is the opinion of the editors.  THat\'s some great wisdom there.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: ##RaCeR## on August 25, 2003, 04:54:50 AM

Of course many bands/singers don\'t sell many records, but you have to ask Bottom 50 what? Are they talking about sales, popularity, general airplay, fan base?

Its purely some guys opinion, and knowing Blender, he is probably 40 trying to be 20.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: videoholic on August 25, 2003, 05:20:30 AM
Well you would have to assume they are taking the bottom 50 of perceived successful bands.

Heck, I could form a band with my wife and Logan, but I doubt if I\'d make the list.  I mean after all, where\'s Chizzy and Luke on the list????

Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: CHIZZY on August 25, 2003, 12:13:12 PM
The Goo Goo Dolls are playing here soon, I think...

with Sugar Ray...

\'nuff said.  ;)
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Deadly Hamster on August 25, 2003, 12:23:38 PM
Although Goo Goo Dolls arnt that great, they are surley not bad enough to be on the bottom 50.

That list = crap.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: SwifDi on August 25, 2003, 01:02:13 PM
Wait... Creed is up there at 23? Ok that list is just pure garbage, and doesn\'t even deserve to be posted.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: nO-One on August 25, 2003, 03:53:50 PM
They put Manowar on that list, Jebus Cripes man they Rule, Return of the Warlord is one of my alltime favorites.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: ##RaCeR## on August 25, 2003, 03:59:31 PM
Sorry Swifdi but Creed are crap.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: unfocused on August 25, 2003, 08:16:26 PM
Um...wheres Limp Bizkit on that list?
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 25, 2003, 08:44:13 PM
Where\'s Limp Bizkit? Where\'s Korn? Staind? 98 Degrees? NSync? Mandy Moore? The list goes on and on..

Yet, they put a legendary band , that was groundbreaking for it\'s time..Yes, I\'m talking about \'The Doors\'..

What a load of bullshit.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: SwifDi on August 25, 2003, 08:49:47 PM
Creed, Korn, and Staind all rock. How is Creed crap? Don\'t tell me you can listen to "My Sacrifice" , "Is this the end",  and "Inside us all" and then say what you just heard was crap. We all have opinions, but to straight up call something garbage or crap means it really has to sound bad.

And oh my goodness Staind rocks, the latest album (13 shades of grey) was awesome and every tracked rocked. Especially Zoe Jane, So Far Away, and Yesterday.

Oh well, you guys can eat it, I don\'t care.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: ##RaCeR## on August 25, 2003, 08:54:35 PM
I want to know where Zwan is. They had that crappy Star of the sea song or something and then everything else sucked worse. The album sold heaps but it blew.  

Smashing Pumkins were good, but Zwan suck.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Living-In-Clip on August 25, 2003, 09:08:12 PM
Swidfi - they sucked... Creed, Korn and yes Staind all sucked very bad. As in, when they are on the radio, I switch it or I turn it off...Vomit, inducing crap...It sucks...

Agree\'d, Racer, Zwan was crap also. I loved early Smashing Pumpkins, but Zwan was a ...uhm..mainstream pop-rock band that was extremely boring... Only thing it had goin\' for it, was Paz and she left , just like she left A Perfect Circle (me, thinks she has commitment problems).
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Viper_Fujax on August 25, 2003, 09:21:22 PM
what about Milli Vanilli?

Korns first album is far from crap. possibly one of the best albums. Life is peachy was alright but i didnt get into it that much, Follow the Leader sucked, Issues was good, and Untouchables sucked big time.

and i dont like creed. gunna go back to my hole...
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: shockwaves on August 25, 2003, 09:32:24 PM
Man this list really pisses me off too.  There are several badns in there that I like: Oingo Boingo, Jamiroquai, Live, The Doors, Manowar, Goo Goo Dolls...That\'s just an awful list.  There are definitely people much more deserving of being on there.  How you can put The Doors in that list especially I don\'t know.  It\'s all just based on opinions, which makes it crap.  There should be more of a basis if you\'re gonna put out a list like this...there are so many people who were really popular in their time, and who are still really popular today.  It doesn\'t make sense.
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: (e) on August 25, 2003, 09:36:28 PM
Vomit, inducing crap...It sucks...

Yeah, Im sure it made you want to vomit :rolleyes:

Its his preference hate him for it- but let him do it if he wants, like I hate gays, so what?
Title: Music\'s Bottom 50
Post by: Bobs_Hardware on August 25, 2003, 10:16:43 PM
Agree\'d, Racer, Zwan was crap also. I loved early Smashing Pumpkins, but Zwan was a ...uhm..mainstream pop-rock band that was extremely boring... Only thing it had goin\' for it, was Paz and she left , just like she left A Perfect Circle (me, thinks she has commitment problems). [/B]


Hmmmmmmmmm... (